Dem Senator Demands Probe Of $433 Mill No-Bid Contract For Top Dem-Donor...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
So it’s not just solar-energy boondoggles when it comes to the Obama White House rewarding top Obama donors.

And now, even a top Democrat is asking some serious questions.

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) has officially called on the Department of Health and Human Services’ inspector general to investigate a suspicious $433 million no-bid contract for a dubious smallpox vaccine.

Frankly, just about everything connected with this one smells.

The contract was awarded to Siga Technologies, a New York-based company whose principal investor is megabillionaire — and key Democratic moneyman — Ron Perelman

Its board includes another key Democratic figure: Andy Stern, former head of the powerful SEIU union — who, it’s been reported, was given stock options that would dramatically increase in value if Siga won the contract.

Siga has been hired to provide 1.7 million doses of its smallpox vaccine for the Strategic National Stockpile.

But its vaccine is considerably more expensive — $255 a dose — than the one now in use and has a significantly shorter shelf life: 38 months, although the contract requires a 60-month span.

According to internal e-mails recently revealed by The Los Angeles Times, HHS’ chief medical officer called Siga’s 180 percent markup on the vaccine “outrageous.”

Read more: Democratic senator demands probe of $443m no-bid contract for top Dem donor — EDITORIAL -
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And we already have enough innoculations for the the nations people. Good for McCaskill! That really blows my mind!
Look at who's on their Board. It's amazing how most of the MSM can ignore so much corrupt cronyism going on on this White House.
Is she up for re-election in 2012? That would explain it.

Yep. She's one of 23 dimocrat Senators desperately trying to distance themselves from Barry, but as far as they can get is only down ticket. Hee-hee-hee....
As the Fast and Furious and Congressional Insider Trading scandals gain momentum, I'm hoping we see more Congress Critters from both sides of the aisle turning on each other.
And we already have enough innoculations for the the nations people. Good for McCaskill! That really blows my mind!

Yea this is just a big kick-back to this President's cronies. It's such blatant corrupt cronyism. It's pretty appalling.

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