Dem Senators refuse ObamaCare for themselves, force it on us


Dec 6, 2009
Sen. Chuck Grassley tried to have an amendment added to the health care bill that would require members of Congress and their staff to buy into the health insurance they are forcing all of us to buy into.

He was denied.

These people are unbelievable.
Why is it so hard to believe after our representatives have screwed us for decades ?
What kind of wake up call do we need ?
If there is enough public outcry over requiring every American to purchase healthcare, then it will be removed. Or, there will offer a really cheap public option that poor people can buy.

This bill isn't perfect, but the Dems needed a victory before the New Year.

The GOP will score a victory if healthcare reform is squashed. Something is better than nothing, politically speaking.

And what is it that you don't like about the bill? Let's make those changes next. That's what amendments are for.

Lieberman has too much power.

The minority party has too much power.

Obama will get er done!!!
Buy into what?

There is no public option so they have no choice but to buy private health insurance. Haven't you been paying attention?

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