Dem State Rep Threatens Trump! He’s a ‘One-Termer if I Ever Get Within 10 Feet of That P*ssy'

Do you know why you feel the need to call out violent rhetoric from democrats? Because it's out of the norm.

Do you know why every time a conservative does something violent it's not posted immediately here? Because it's the standard for them.
Do you know why you feel the need to call out violent rhetoric from democrats? Because it's out of the norm.

Do you know why every time a conservative does something violent it's not posted immediately here? Because it's the standard for them.

So true.

Every democratic politician is constantly receiving threats now.

Every democratic worker in the field comes back with new stories of threats and attacks.

Even on this board, I've gotten multiple death threats.

Violence by conservatives is so common, nobody even bothers to mention it. Saying "conservatives are stalinist thugs" is like saying the sun rose in the morning.
LOL someone posted his home and office phone numbers and his email in the comments. Hopefully a seat the GOP can pick up once this crazy moron is forced to resign. He obviously has emotional issues and can't handle them very well.
Do you know why you feel the need to call out violent rhetoric from democrats? Because it's out of the norm.

Do you know why every time a conservative does something violent it's not posted immediately here? Because it's the standard for them.

Nice try.

Well, you might be right...after all it was conservatives who rioted in Berkely...ow wait.
Another Democrat becomes unhinged. Looks like this guy needs to prepare himself for a visit by the Secret Service.

WOW! Dem State Rep Threatens President Trump! He’s a ‘One-Termer if I Ever Get Within 10 Feet of That P*ssy’

Maine is such a great state..........You right wing racists have the perfect paragon of virtue in that state's governor who stated the following to a Dem.

I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist. You cocksucker, I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and, you little son of a bitch socialist cocksucker, I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you.”

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