Dem to IRS victims: ‘I get the feeling many of you…believe you should be free from an


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well so much about that oath they take to PROTECT and SERVE the people of this county..but remember..they like to say how the Democrat party is the party FOR THE PEOPLE...
..this is the kind of people in that wonderful Party looking our for us..maybe someday people will wake up, but I think it's already TOO LATE...


Written by David Freddoso. Posted in 2014 Campaigns, Elections, Issue Watch, Yep, This Happened

Published on June 04, 2013

A few sparks have flown in today’s IRS targeting hearing, in which the victims of the agency’s inappropriate and perhaps illegal activities are testifying.

Not all the members of the House Ways and Means Committee seem terribly sympathetic — in fact, based on Rep. Marcy Kaptur’s factually challenged statements in yesterday’s IRS hearing, it seems some Democrats believe a more vigorous defense of the IRS is necessary.

Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., went on a bit of a rant earlier against the victims of IRS targeting who are testifying in today’s hearing. He was not the only Democrat to defend the IRS’s behavior.

VIDEO and the rest at..

Dem to IRS victims: ?I get the feeling many of you?believe you should be free from any scrutiny at all? | Conservative Intelligence Briefing
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it was shameful what a couple of the Dems did in the hearing. I am glad they were called on part of it, even by one of their own, to a small degree. Wish I had caught their name.
And the lies that were expounded by a few was even more shameful.

This should not be a right or left argument, it needs to be what is and is not appropriate for any of our government to do at any time, under any administration.
Democrats are not looking good in these hearings. They look almost like they are at war with half the American people.

They are but that's a different topic.
it was shameful what a couple of the Dems did in the hearing. I am glad they were called on part of it, even by one of their own, to a small degree. Wish I had caught their name.
And the lies that were expounded by a few was even more shameful.

This should not be a right or left argument, it needs to be what is and is not appropriate for any of our government to do at any time, under any administration.

Yep....Treating politics like a football game. This "My side has to win" mentality has to go.
We need to start doing whats right for the country even if it's an unpopular decision.
No more political correctness,no more welfare state.
The list goes on.....
A sad and disrespectful example of what the politics of the democratic party has become. The abuse of power coupled with the outright intent to silence opposing viewpoints should be of concern to all Americans regardless of party affiliation. This era of Chicago style political manipulation is inexcusable and unacceptable. As for Senator McDemott's comments the man should be removed from office, but then again he is from western Washington and has become nothing more than the lap dog of the president.
Most Democrats were smart enough to talk about getting to the bottom of the issue at hand and seeing that this practice does not go on. Kaptur and McDermott will surely see that their comments will bring them more ire than positive press and their own constituents will not see the usefulness in such barbs when the problems of this administration lately just keep mounting.
What this Democrat son of a bitch said was so jaw dropping out of line I couldn't believe it when I read it.

“If you didn’t come in and ask for this tax break, you would have never had a question asked of you,” McDermott said.

“You are immersed in some of the most controversial political issues in the country, and you are asking the American people to pay for that activity.”

Really glad Paul Ryan nailed him with this...

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) shot back that it was unfair to make that critique of conservatives given the fact there is “no evidence” liberal groups were subjected to a similar level of IRS scrutiny.

“You’re to blame, I guess is the message here,” he said, prompting cheers from some in the audience.

Conservative groups targeted by IRS testify that agency demanded they curtail activities - The Washington Post

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