Demand US House Members Introduce Bill to Tie Congressional Pay to Shutdown Antics

"I demand Congress tie their own pay to any shutdown of government."

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Dec 1, 2008
Demand US House Members Introduce Bill to Tie Congressional Pay to Shutdown Antics

With all the bloviating and bluster going on, why not show the Congress what true bipartisanship looks like, by joining together on an issue of principle that would work in the favor of "we the people" rather than work in favor of any individual party or faction of a party? Why not start an effort to get the "people" to push Congress into tying Congressional pay to any and all future shutdowns of government? When government shuts down, Congress forfeits it's own pay for that period.

"I demand Congress tie their own pay to any shutdown of government."
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Originally proposed Sept. 25, 1789. Ratified May 7, 1992.

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of representatives shall have intervened.
I'd be fine with shutting down ALL THEIR PAY in both houses, especially that President of ours he should put his money where mouth is and REFUSE his pay..

any bets on he would?

but I'm sure he fweeels our pain
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[MENTION=2921]theHawk[/MENTION]. :cuckoo: this is what happens when wingnuts live in a world of bumper sticker slogans...
Memo: Congress funds government

Memo: The American taxpayer funds the government. Congress determines how those funds are spent.

Lesson: reality check. Tax payers ellect Congress. Tax payers are not all Americans. :laugh: nor are all tax payers human beings. :eek:
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[MENTION=2921]theHawk[/MENTION]. :cuckoo: this is what happens when wingnuts live in a world of bumper sticker slogans...
Memo: Congress funds government

Memo: The American taxpayer funds the government. Congress determines how those funds are spent.

Lesson: reality check. Tax payers ellect Congress. Tax payers are not all Americans. :laugh: nor are all tax payers human beings. :eek:

Actually a lot of people that don't pay taxes elect Congress. See low-to-no-income Obammy voters. :afro:
[MENTION=2921]theHawk[/MENTION]. :cuckoo: this is what happens when wingnuts live in a world of bumper sticker slogans...
Memo: The American taxpayer funds the government. Congress determines how those funds are spent.

Lesson: reality check. Tax payers ellect Congress. Tax payers are not all Americans. :laugh: nor are all tax payers human beings. :eek:

Actually a lot of people that don't pay taxes elect Congress. See low-to-no-income Obammy voters. :afro:

Lots of low income, white trash vote Republican. What is your point?
[MENTION=2921]theHawk[/MENTION]. :cuckoo: this is what happens when wingnuts live in a world of bumper sticker slogans...

Lesson: reality check. Tax payers ellect Congress. Tax payers are not all Americans. :laugh: nor are all tax payers human beings. :eek:

Actually a lot of people that don't pay taxes elect Congress. See low-to-no-income Obammy voters. :afro:

Lots of low income, white trash vote Republican. What is your point?

The point is you're full of shit, as usual. :lol:
What are we going to do with you partisans, on the left, and on the right? You're all going to tear this nation to sunders.

Why? Because they have you fooled. You are duped. By the media, and by them.

Sure, they are not getting paid. But like they could give a flying fuck.

If push came to shove, and people, of BOTH parties got really angry, I am sure they would give up their pay, and still they would play this silly game. Why? Because they can. And they will. Because it gives them power, and it makes them money.

Look at all of you. You love your side even more. You give your side more support for holding out. You give them more campaign donations, and remember that they fought for you.

But the elites in congress, in the administration and in the financial sector? Oh hell, they don't really care, not really. They are gaming the system. They have a time table and an end game. A lot of it depends on external events. It depends on the masses. It depends on if they can get your guns or not.

You do know that insider trading is perfectly legal for members of the Senate and Congress right? Take away their pay? That would be a drop in the bucket next to what they are planning I'm sure. If you took away their pay, count on a default, they would just short the market on everyone's 401k's :lol:

From the very start, the Tea Party and the Occupy Movement have been up against the same opponent; it wasn't big business, it wasn't out of control spending, and it wasn't taxes. It certainly wasn't liberal social policies or any other distractions. It was always, and has always been, the debauching of the dollar and the looting of the market.

Demand US House Members Introduce Bill to Tie Congressional Pay to Shutdown Antics

With all the bloviating and bluster going on, why not show the Congress what true bipartisanship looks like, by joining together on an issue of principle that would work in the favor of "we the people" rather than work in favor of any individual party or faction of a party? Why not start an effort to get the "people" to push Congress into tying Congressional pay to any and all future shutdowns of government? When government shuts down, Congress forfeits it's own pay for that period.

"I demand Congress tie their own pay to any shutdown of government."

Here's a better about Barack, Barry & Nancy forfeit their life long pensions for flushing our futures down the toilet?
Demand US House Members Introduce Bill to Tie Congressional Pay to Shutdown Antics

With all the bloviating and bluster going on, why not show the Congress what true bipartisanship looks like, by joining together on an issue of principle that would work in the favor of "we the people" rather than work in favor of any individual party or faction of a party? Why not start an effort to get the "people" to push Congress into tying Congressional pay to any and all future shutdowns of government? When government shuts down, Congress forfeits it's own pay for that period.

"I demand Congress tie their own pay to any shutdown of government."

Here's a better about Barack, Barry & Nancy forfeit their life long pensions for flushing our futures down the toilet?

Again, compared to the brinksmanship they are playing with the other party to manipulate the market so that their investments will profit handsomely, their "life long pensions" probably don't amount to a bucket of owl spit by comparison.

If you severed the tie between Washington and Wall-street, it would be much more effective. Both in terms of the laws governing how their investments are handled and in how both corporate and financial interests can be represented in Campaigns, both in the beltway and at the State level. Till then, politics in the US will remain among the most corrupt on the planet.
give it a break. Politics is beautiful.

What are we going to do with you partisans, on the left, and on the right? You're all going to tear this nation to sunders.

Why? Because they have you fooled. You are duped. By the media, and by them.

Sure, they are not getting paid. But like they could give a flying fuck.

If push came to shove, and people, of BOTH parties got really angry, I am sure they would give up their pay, and still they would play this silly game. Why? Because they can. And they will. Because it gives them power, and it makes them money.

Look at all of you. You love your side even more. You give your side more support for holding out. You give them more campaign donations, and remember that they fought for you.

But the elites in congress, in the administration and in the financial sector? Oh hell, they don't really care, not really. They are gaming the system. They have a time table and an end game. A lot of it depends on external events. It depends on the masses. It depends on if they can get your guns or not.

You do know that insider trading is perfectly legal for members of the Senate and Congress right? Take away their pay? That would be a drop in the bucket next to what they are planning I'm sure. If you took away their pay, count on a default, they would just short the market on everyone's 401k's :lol:

From the very start, the Tea Party and the Occupy Movement have been up against the same opponent; it wasn't big business, it wasn't out of control spending, and it wasn't taxes. It certainly wasn't liberal social policies or any other distractions. It was always, and has always been, the debauching of the dollar and the looting of the market.


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