Democracy isnt at stake lol

You are clueless.

When people think that political process no longer works, that their vote does not matter, that the elections are fraudulent is the moment they start taking up arms.

Trump and his baseless STEAL bullshit got you Republicans whipped up crazy - 75% believe last election was least half believe that strongly.

If these disgruntled fools are able to "payback" and illegitimately subvert an election we are quickly headed for an armed conflict.
And democommie fascists will be totally decimated in any such conflict.
That phrase is literally the dumbest thing the left have ever said. First of all we aren't a democracy and the only thing at stake is them losing their death grip on our nation and culture.

Clinton pivoted when he lost.
Obama admitted he was shellac'd.

Biden? He essentially threatens Americans with absurd fear mongering BS. Democracy is at stake!

So f'ing dumb.
Democracy has been at stake the last couple of years but things are looking up now.
Both sides are always hyperbolic when talking about voting. “This is the most important election in our lifetime” “The union is at stake” blah blah blah
And democommie fascists will be totally decimated in any such conflict.

Remodeling Maidiac

yep, that's what is brewing between their ears, paying attention yet?
Hey, you raised the issue. You started it. You're goddamn right we're going to protect ourselves, fucktard. We've just SEEN what the lefties and anarchists do, so don't bullshit us. You and your leftard friends are the ones who start shit. I don't pick fights, but I can sure as hell help finish them
It certainly is about the MAGA riot.

If the MAGAs don`t like a candidate, they`ll just beat him up and vandalize his home. There`s nothing like running unopposed.
It was a Democrat supporter who shot into a Republican candidate’s home. While his children were there.

Hey, you raised the issue. You started it. You're goddamn right we're going to protect ourselves, fucktard. We've just SEEN what the lefties and anarchists do, so don't bullshit us. You and your leftard friends are the ones who start shit. I don't pick fights, but I can sure as hell help finish them

Who were you nutbags protecting yourself from on Jan 6th?

Maybe that is carefully blacked out in your head, but to anyone without those blinders on what you are saying is laughable.
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Of course we are. We are a representative democracy, sometimes called a Republican form of Government, aka a Republic. The faith in the system by which we elect our representatives is under attack by the New Republican election deniers no matter what you called it. If one side refuses to accept the results, that's going to break the system, it's on them.
No we aren't lol. And we're not "sometimes called" a representative republic. That is exactly what we are.
And saying democracy Is on the ballot is fucking retarded hyperbolic bullshit. No where on any ballot is the option to vote for or against a democracy.

You people are certified morons
It's called that by uneducated loons like half of the elected left and ALL OF OUR MEDIA.
They're still wrong.
Ironic, because you are the uneducated one and don't even know that modern representative democracy and republic are one and the same.
"Modern" lol

Why do leftist fantasize about changing terminology to reflect "modern times" so much?
Yes ignoramus, modern.

There is not a single developed country in the world that uses classic direct democracy. It's not practical and the term is relegated to antiquity.
Democracy isnt at stake
Of course it is.

Electing Republicans who are election deniers is a threat to democracy.

Electing Republican officials who will interfere with election outcomes is a threat to democracy.

Electing Republicans who would facilitate the counting of false Electors in presidential elections is a threat to democracy.

Indeed, the illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian right is a threat to democracy.
I agree with the Democrats. "Democracy" is at stake in this election. The Left has one view of "democracy" and the Right has a different view. Whichever one prevails will determine the future. Fortunately the country is evenly divided, so one party will not likely take over a sufficient majority to make their version of democracy the only version that counts.

Republicans support voting by competent, responsible, well-informed individuals, and oppose measures that make voting "easier" for incompetent, low-information voters. The Zuckerberg influence in the 2020 election - sending Democrat operatives out into Black communities to solicit votes and "help" people fill out their ballots (which won the Senate for Democrats) was an abomination - and Georgia has effectively outlawed that tactic going forward.

Democrats want EVERYONE to vote, knowing that the broader they can spread voting fever, the more uninformed incompetents will be induced to vote, which will guarantee Democrat success. At the same time, they have infested the country - mainly "swing" states with the cancer of millions of illegal aliens, and intend to eventually turn them all into voting Democrats.

Is this "democracy" in action? Democrats say yes.

The disturbing thing is that under "normal" circumstances, Democrats would be facing a figurative bloodbath next week. Their policies have all failed, and their Leader has proven to be an incompetent, marginally senile, lying fool. And yet the Republican hope for this election is that they can win a handful of races by a percent or less. The Oz-Fetterman Senate contest in my own Pennsylvania is the best example of this phenomenon. Fetterman is a joke, as are his policies, and Oz - while maybe not a true Pennsylvanian - is an accomplished, articulate, successful candidate. The fact that polls are is sitting within the Margin of Error is inexplicable. Several other races around the country are in a similar state. Democrats who manifestly should be tossed out on their asses are either leading or are within the margin of error.

Even if the R's can pull this out, their ability to do anything substantive is compromised by the idiot in the White House, and this doesn't bode well for the future.

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