Democracy Spring – It's Coming

i cant believe that there are enough nutjobs out there

that would fight so hard for the likes of Hillary Clinton to become president


Bro they're leftists. They support murderers like Che and Stalin. They celebrate cop killers. They spit on military members returning from war.

It's not that they're being violent FOR Hillary. They're just being violent for the sake of being try to destabilize a civil society.

We truly need to do with these people what the old British Empire did with their problem citizens in Australia

bottom line, they are paid protesters.
Not most of them. They believe in something, same as you.

what do they believe in

if i can take it from you it is mine

things like that
i cant believe that there are enough nutjobs out there

that would fight so hard for the likes of Hillary Clinton to become president


Bro they're leftists. They support murderers like Che and Stalin. They celebrate cop killers. They spit on military members returning from war.

It's not that they're being violent FOR Hillary. They're just being violent for the sake of being try to destabilize a civil society.

We truly need to do with these people what the old British Empire did with their problem citizens in Australia

bottom line, they are paid protesters.
Not most of them. They believe in something, same as you.

I went to a GWB rally in a major city during his second run.

I stopped at a stop light in front of the convention hall. There were many protesters waving pink slips and such. One that seemed normal was standing in the street near the car so I started talking to him. He freely admitted that they were paid protesters.

So although they may not be all paid there is enough to drag along the weak minded.
On the note of this justice; my husband got a tip from the guys at the office and is looking into a pump action air rifle that fires traditional bullets but isn't classified as a firearm - not to mention basically unlimited ammo if you pack your own.
Sounds like a really bad idea. If you need a gun you need all the help possible. A toy reduces the odds.
“Then, in the spirit of Granny D, the Selma to Montgomery marchers, Cesar Chavez and the farmworker pilgrimage, and others who walked for freedom, we will set out on a 10 day, 140-mile march from Philadelphia to the Nation’s Capitol,” states the website.
Are they going to camp out in public parks like the Dead heads? Circling around to brush their teeth in solidarity on the side of the road each morning, peeing in the bushes, strewing their garbage (literal garbage) and leaving behind their muddy blankets?
Or will they have tour busses or stay in hotels?
Mass demonstrations worked in the 60's, although a lot of people hated them, too. It took awhile and a lot of heads got cracked, but it shifted public opinion. Too bad it didn't last on the energy/environment front or we'd be a lot further along with sustainable energy sources today.
As long as the demonstrators remember that it will not be successful unless they stand for SOMETHING. Wanting only to tear down/shut down is not going to work.
Buckle your seatbelts, folks.
That's a myth. The fact is the protesters pissed people off so bad they elected Nixon.
On the note of this justice; my husband got a tip from the guys at the office and is looking into a pump action air rifle that fires traditional bullets but isn't classified as a firearm - not to mention basically unlimited ammo if you pack your own.
Sounds like a really bad idea. If you need a gun you need all the help possible. A toy reduces the odds.

You missed the gist there - it's for if the second gets taken away.
“Then, in the spirit of Granny D, the Selma to Montgomery marchers, Cesar Chavez and the farmworker pilgrimage, and others who walked for freedom, we will set out on a 10 day, 140-mile march from Philadelphia to the Nation’s Capitol,” states the website.
Are they going to camp out in public parks like the Dead heads? Circling around to brush their teeth in solidarity on the side of the road each morning, peeing in the bushes, strewing their garbage (literal garbage) and leaving behind their muddy blankets?
Or will they have tour busses or stay in hotels?
Mass demonstrations worked in the 60's, although a lot of people hated them, too. It took awhile and a lot of heads got cracked, but it shifted public opinion. Too bad it didn't last on the energy/environment front or we'd be a lot further along with sustainable energy sources today.
As long as the demonstrators remember that it will not be successful unless they stand for SOMETHING. Wanting only to tear down/shut down is not going to work.
Buckle your seatbelts, folks.
That's a myth. The fact is the protesters pissed people off so bad they elected Nixon.
I'm thinking of what happened AFTER his election. They were protesting then, too.
On the note of this justice; my husband got a tip from the guys at the office and is looking into a pump action air rifle that fires traditional bullets but isn't classified as a firearm - not to mention basically unlimited ammo if you pack your own.
Sounds like a really bad idea. If you need a gun you need all the help possible. A toy reduces the odds.

You missed the gist there - it's for if the second gets taken away.
Oh, I did miss that then. No air pump can compete with gunpowder and may likely piss the guy off.

We aren't losing the second though, it would be political suicide for the left. We can get increasing restrictions though and can all end up like California, or worse, New Jersey.
Alinski types know how to organize and throw a great big party fully of socialists, commies, disease ridden LGBT circus sideshow freaks and of course blacks, black wannabes, and black bloc. Good wholesome time for the entire commie family
Alinski types know how to organize and throw a great big party fully of socialists, commies, disease ridden LGBT circus sideshow freaks and of course blacks, black wannabes, and black bloc. Good wholesome time for the entire commie family
I am off topic with this: I always wondered where did you go after the erection of Georgia Guide Stones.... and lo and behold, here you are!!!
Here's the chaos ahead folks.....

Trump wins in November
Baltimore cops found not guilty
North Charleston cops will NOT BE guilty of murder 1st as charged
Obamas lame duck months will be his most radical outbursts ever

And that's just what we KNOW is coming.
Do you know what Democracy Spring is protesting?

It's congress. They want congress to disband.

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