Democracy - the Elephants in the Room


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
First, a true and recent anecdote.

I bowl in a "church" league on Tuesday nights, and we accept anyone and everyone who wants to bowl with us - as it should be.

Last Tuesday we were all confirming that we had voted, and my wife asked one of our number if she had voted. This young woman is a bagger at the local grocery store, hired under a program where people with intellectual shortcomings are hired at a lower rate and given jobs that require minimal skills.

"Yes," she happily responded. "All of us from work went down after our shift today. We all voted for Biden!" Exploring a little further, she didn't know that Biden was a Democrat, or have any any idea what a Democrat is - other than it is different from Republican. She just didn't like Donald Trump's public persona, which is of course her right. As for the down-ballot votes, she was handed a Democrat slate when she entered the door (before she entered the door, I presume), and she voted for everyone on that card, just like she was "supposed to do." In her mind.

Of course the entire discussion was polite and pleasant, but I could not help thinking to myself...HER vote counted just as much as mine.

And there you have Elephant #1. The votes of simpleminded, uninformed (two different things), and oblivious people count just as much as the votes of intelligent, knowledgeable, and astute people.

Elephant #2 deals with what I call, "voter corruption." Many Democrats would not even accept the concept of voter corruption, because it is presumed. "Voter corruption" occurs when a voter casts his vote for no other purpose but to benefit himself, rather than voting for the person who is most qualified, and whose policies are best for the jurisdiction (country, state, county, etc.). So "voter corruption" occurs when a vote is cast in the hope of getting a personal tax cut, or personally benefitting from a social welfare program that is being pushed by one candidate rather than another.

These are not legitimate reasons for voting for a person. Voting must be civic minded, not personally beneficial.

Elephant #3. Imagine you live in a large community/subdivision that includes single-family houses, townhouses, condos, and rental units. There is a homeowner's association that, using dues collected from the residents, pays for the landscaping and upkeep of the common areas. The association requires dues from those who own their homes, but for renters it is optional. And renters get to vote on all issues considered by the Association, including expenditure of funds. Would this arrangement be acceptable to you, a homeowner? Probably not. The renters could band together and vote for costly initiatives that cost them nothing. It is absurd.

I think you get my point. In the U.S. today, people who pay no taxes (speaking mainly, but not exclusively, about Federal Income Tax) get the same voting rights as people who pay thousands and thousands of dollars in FIT. Indeed, many Americans "pay" a negative income tax - they get refunds of money that they never paid - under the EITC.

Would you want to belong to an organization that gave voting rights to people who don't pay their dues? Hell no.

So there you have it.

The outcome of every Presidential election in the past couple generations has been substantially impacted by people who have no business voting. In 2020, it appears that they will actually determine the outcome presidential race. It is preposterous.

If I were Emperor, prospective voters would be required to successfully pass the SAME WRITTEN TEST as is required for people applying for naturalization; otherwise, no voter registration. And voter registrations would be issued by the IRS. If you haven't paid at least a minimal amount in FIT in the past four years (say, $500), no voter registration would be issued. (Joint tax returns would count for both). Those who are retired would be grandfathered, of course, but at age 70, you would again have to pass the naturalization exam.

The Naturalization Interview and Test | USCIS

What could be fairer than that?
Well presented- however, Emperor?

Then let's move to theft, er, FIT as you put it. You say this was a church group you bowl with, right? So, do they agree with theft is okay as long as it's legal? Does it occur to the "astute" that moral and legal rarely, if ever, sleep in the same bed? If theft is immoral, making it legal doesn't change it's status, it only gives credence to the thieves-

Freedom is expensive- it requires a lot of effort to maintain it. Liberty more so and with less Liberty there is automatically less freedom- which brings us to "freedom of speech"- voting is just that- it's a form of expression- now, that less than astute, or acolytes, participate and use it doesn't change it. Does it?

astute: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.

The "astute", apparently believe subsidizing (through theft of property) Public Education is okay- that there are so many who can't be referred to as astute can be laid directly at the feet of Public Education, and parents who underwent the same, or maybe worse in their early years-

None the less, it's a well presented opinion.
There is a limit to what education can do. Some people simply don't have the intellectual horsepower to understand the issues, or the candidates' positions on the issues.

Many years ago, we in Pennsylvania had a run-off election for Senate (John Heinz had just died), and the Democrat candidate, Harris Wofford, was campaigning on the promise that if he were elected, he would promote socialized medicine - "free" medical care for all, as he put it.

I put it to you: Any prospective voter who could not see through this ridiculous bit of Tom-Foolery is not a fit voter. They lack the fundamental understanding of Constitutional government to make a rational assessment of the candidates and their positions.

It is harsh, I admit, but it serves NO ONE to have ignorant and deficient voters determining our national destiny. The Founding Fathers understood the stupidity of mobs, and there is NOTHING significant that is decided by popular vote in the Constitution. We elect representatives and THEY make the decisions. "Power to the people" is a slogan for charlatans and manipulators, not serious observers.
I don't necessarily disagree with your premise- at the same time, what would your test for "fit" be? Who would administer the test? Memorizing answers to questions serves no useful purpose. That's what our Public Education does- representaives are NOT, IMNSHO, supposed to make decisions for "we the stinky tourist"- they are supposed to ensure no *district* has a legal advantage over another in commerce and trade- we the stinky tourist are supposed to make the decisions, they are to ensure our wishes wants and desires are met- decision making by an outsider is best left to an outsider- they aren't supposed to be an outsider, but they are supposed to re-present we the stinky tourist in their district- how many "fit" voters actually know the role of re-presentatives?
Judging by what's on political message boards, very few, and that can be laid, directly, at the feet of Public Education-

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