Democrat Apologizes for 'Orthodox Jew' Slur at J Street Event


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Come on you Jews, this isn't an isolated remark... You see what the Manchurian muslim thinks of you, yet you will VOTE for these RACIST scum, over and over again.... How fucking STUPID are you?

inn ^
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) was forced to apologize on Tuesday, after attacking a political opponent for being an "Orthodox Jew" at a radical leftist J Street conference. At the conference, Schakowsky negatively painted Joel Pollak, her opponent in 2010 elections, by highlighting the fact that he is a religious Jew - a choice of words that the crowd responded to by booing Pollak. In her comments, she criticized Pollak for being a "Jewish, Orthodox, Tea Party Republican." The remarks can be seen in the following video, with the specific reference to Pollak starting at 52 seconds in. Bibi's right......

Wow. And just when I think I can't be surprised anymore KAPOW!!!

Unfreaking real.
How is "orthodox Jew" a "slur"?

You guys are becoming more ridiculous by the day.
Orthodox Jews are almost as crazy as Southern Baptists.

Put that in your pipes and smoke it.
How is "orthodox Jew" a "slur"?

You guys are becoming more ridiculous by the day.

Why not ask the Jews that BOO'd her why they did?

I'm asking you, you're the one who started the thread.

Explain the "slur".

Sometimes, it's worth bitch slapping your dumb ass!

You know what a pejorative is? Look it up, that woman highlighted the fact that he is a religious Jew! Think that smacks of BIAS and RACISM? You, probably not! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
"Orthodox" is not a pejorative, no matter how many times you try to make it one.

It's no more a pejorative than "fundamentalist" is. In fact, it means essentially the same thing.
"Orthodox" is not a pejorative, no matter how many times you try to make it one.

It's no more a pejorative than "fundamentalist" is. In fact, it means essentially the same thing.

I can't help you being either stupid, or a liar.... That's your own credibility!

She wouldn't have apologized if she didn't understand what you don't!
Come on you Jews, this isn't an isolated remark... You see what the Manchurian muslim thinks of you, yet you will VOTE for these RACIST scum, over and over again.... How fucking STUPID are you?

inn ^
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) was forced to apologize on Tuesday, after attacking a political opponent for being an "Orthodox Jew" at a radical leftist J Street conference. At the conference, Schakowsky negatively painted Joel Pollak, her opponent in 2010 elections, by highlighting the fact that he is a religious Jew - a choice of words that the crowd responded to by booing Pollak. In her comments, she criticized Pollak for being a "Jewish, Orthodox, Tea Party Republican." The remarks can be seen in the following video, with the specific reference to Pollak starting at 52 seconds in. Bibi's right......


Missed the slur part.
If Not Now, J Street's Latest Anti-Israel Front Group
March 1, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


If Not Now appears to be a typical example. It postures as an independent volunteer grass roots anti-Israel group. In fact it's a group of J Street U people trying out a new brand.

Simone Zimmerman, the most prominent figure associated with the new hate group, was the J Street U National Student Board President. She claims to be in Brooklyn, but If Not Now's headquarters is listed in a residential building in Washington D.C. That's where the J Street mothership is also located.

While Simone Zimmerman attempts to cultivate the fake moderate image that is a signature of the J Street brand, the If Not Now hate group evolved out of anti-Israel protests during Hamas' attacks on Israel, and Simone Zimmerman retweets violently anti-Israel bigots, including Max Blumenthal, who has called for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel and helped inspire the Kansas City Jewish Community Center shooter, along with Hamas apologists like Glenn Greenwald and Yousef Munayyer.

There's nothing moderate about that listing or about Simone Zimmerman. This is what your social media looks like if you hate Israel and want to see it destroyed.


The brand is constantly being refreshed in a feverish effort to make an old hateful ideology seem youthful and new. New organizations are constantly being created and destroyed. But they all share one agenda. The destruction of the Jewish State.

If Not Now, J Street's Latest Anti-Israel Front Group

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