Democrat Congressional Aide- Disturbing Psycho Eyes - Gives Away The Game: Miraculously Lipsyncs Speech She Obviously Wrote

Of course people being high out of their mind is totally normal for you lefties. A White House with cocaine baggies laying around is normal. An aide in Congress high out of her mind is not a big deal.

But us noticing these things and sounding the alarm about this insanity makes us…”morons”?
Good grief….
Do you ever do anything but lie? Link that she was on drugs. She’s a congressional aide still early in her career… what do you do for a living? I bet it pales in comparison.
And the punchline?

The Democrat's from Virgin Islands, they're not even citizens.

Kinda figures, huh?

They all got the same crazy, fucked up eyes, but that one looks like its got an industrial-grade soldering iron up its ass.

Probably some bi-polar meds too just to keep it from wiping out an elementary school.
Of course people being high out of their mind is totally normal for you lefties. A White House with cocaine baggies laying around is normal. An aide in Congress high out of her mind is not a big deal.

But us noticing these things and sounding the alarm about this insanity makes us…”morons”?
Good grief….

You don't have enough Rons. You need to go get more Rons. When you speak of anyone else, just remember Beorbert, Maggie, Rump and Meatball Ron. That doesn't leave you too much on the table.
This should have been condemned by both sides but the MAGAts are rejoicing over it. What a family does behind closed doors is not anyone else's business.
After watching the Left use every tactic, legal and illegal for 6 years and counting to destroy Trump? Now were supposed to be the bigger, more mature members of the country? Get over yourself and grow up.
Do they pay taxes?

Not a trick question.

Now: Good luck convincing all of us that they're "citizens".

They carry US passports and their reps can sit on committees in congress, but they have no vote when it comes to passing actual legislation.

I will present the facts. You will, of course, discount them because they don't support your insanity.

Previously known as the Danish West Indies of the Kingdom of Denmark–Norway (from 1754 to 1814) and the independent Kingdom of Denmark (from 1814 to 1917), they were sold to the United States by Denmark for $25,000,000 in the 1917 Treaty of the Danish West Indies[7] and have since been an organized, unincorporated United States territory. The U.S. Virgin Islands are organized under the 1954 Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands and have since held five constitutional conventions. As with other territories in the United States, the Virgin Islands elects a delegate who can participate in debates in the House of Representatives but cannot vote.[10]

They have the same status that Puerto Rico and Washington DC has. All three are territories and are definitely US Citizens.

U.S. Virgin Islands​

The United States Virgin Islands are an unincorporated territory of the United States, meaning that only certain parts of the U.S. Constitution apply to its residents. Individuals born in the U.S. Virgin Islands are considered citizens of the United States. They may vote in federal elections if they reside in one of the 50 states or Washington, DC.[4][1][22]

Individuals residing in the U.S. Virgin Islands cannot vote in federal elections, but they can vote in local elections and elections for a delegate with limited voting abilities to represent the U.S. Virgin Islands in the U.S. House of Representatives. The U.S. Virgin Islands holds U.S. presidential nominating events and sends delegates to the Republican and Democratic national conventions.[23][24][25]


Well at least the folks in your link knows how to spell Puerto Rico. Perhaps you should refrain from trying to disparage people with the affliction you have, IDIOT!

The other thread on this lady is far more interesting / funny. She is considered likely to be a Lizard being or Reptilian ,to be more accurate . However bonkers that may sound, it is slightly disconcerting to know that a race of lizard people did once live here on this planet and are commemorated and were apparently worshipped , based on "paintings"and innumerable artefacts .As ever , DYOR . Given that they apparently shape shift and are among us , a detailed study of Lefties and Celebrities is long overdue .Plus Mortuary and Bumpole . :cool: .
If Jim Jordan acted like a Prog, he would give it back. There may be a reason she sits next to him. Nasty Prog woman not accountable for anything. Par for the course.
The other thread on this lady is far more interesting / funny. She is considered likely to be a Lizard being or Reptilian ,to be more accurate . However bonkers that may sound, it is slightly disconcerting to know that a race of lizard people did once live here on this planet and are commemorated and were apparently worshipped , based on "paintings"and innumerable artefacts .As ever , DYOR . Given that they apparently shape shift and are among us , a detailed study of Lefties and Celebrities is long overdue .Plus Mortuary and Bumpole . :cool: .
OMG!! I just wrote the same thing before reading this!!

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