Democrat Congressman Goes Nuts When Asked if He Supports the “Obama Agenda”; Attacks

I thinked demonRats abhorred violence? Anybody seen this air on MSNBC yet? :eusa_angel:

It's in the Bill Of Rights.
Something about the right of a Congressman to see the identity papers of someone asking him a question shall not be infringed.
If I were that student I would certainly file assault charges against the Congressmen
Meet Congressman Bob Etheridge, Democrat from North Carolina’s Second CD. Rep. Etheridge doesn’t much like people asking him whether he supports Barack Obama’s agenda, as a student camera crew on the street discovered when asking this elected official about his political positions. Etheridge interrupts his journey to a fundraiser thrown by Nancy Pelosi to assault the young reporter, first by grabbing the hand that holds the microphone and then by horse-collaring him, all the while demanding, “Who are you? I have a right to know who you are.” Big Government reports (via Power Line):

More here, plus video:

Hot Air Video: Rep. Etheridge assaults student on street; Update: Video restored; Update: YouTube didn’t pull video

Funny that youtube took the video down. There was no reason to do that, other than to cover for Democrats. But the video has been restored and CLEARLY shows Democrat Etheridge assault this college student, though the college student NEVER retaliates.

I would have kicked the bastard right in the treats. It would have been clear self-defense.

I am going to spread this video far and wide. Hope everyone else (on the right side) will as well.

This is your modern Democrat party. Supported by Union Thugs, because they are, in and of themselves, THUGS.

And what was this college kid's crime? Like Joe the Plumber, HE ASKED A QUESTION.

You are NOT ALLOWED to ask the nobility a question. We learned that in Ohio. You ask Messiah Obama, the all knowing, the all can't get his ass to the Gulf of Mexico for six weeks, because he's too busy on vacation, a question, you can have your constitutional right to privacy violated.

Hell, Strickland will drag his feet to do something about the person, violating your privacy, because, well all know the bastard was in on it!

But you go to DC and ask a Democrat a question, and EXPECT to have your right to not get beat up violated!

THIS IS YOUR DEMOCRAT PARTY. What's the difference between them and Nazi party of the 20s? They beat up people too!

(Watch idiots start having a fit about me bringing up the Nazis, and bringing up the Holocaust because the idiots don't know the difference between the "beer hall" Nazis of the 20s and the party in power [Nazis] in the 30s. Morons!)

I can't wait for the Obama-ites (you know who you are) to come in and claim that Ethridge was actually "assaulted" first. After all. You can't ask a Congressman a question!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Let the spinning begin!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
If I were that student I would certainly file assault charges against the Congressmen

If I were that Student, my size 12 would have had a nice talking to his family jewels the minute that ass grabbed me!

As much as I enjoy a good round of fisticuffs, we are a civilized society and that is not how one responds to such antics. Well, at least not since my wife chewed me out for punching a guy for staring at her ass. :lol:
Yup you can't allow the little people to ask questions. How dare these people actually ask a representative a question. They do think of themselves as being royalty and above answering to the little people at this point. They are so out of touch with the people. They proved this during the Town Halls. Pelosi and her gang calling protesters "Un-American Nazis?" Yikes! They really did appear to be clueless and flustered at every Town Hall meeting. This creep should be arrested.
If I were that student I would certainly file assault charges against the Congressmen

If I were that Student, my size 12 would have had a nice talking to his family jewels the minute that ass grabbed me!

As much as I enjoy a good round of fisticuffs, we are a civilized society and that is not how one responds to such antics. Well, at least not since my wife chewed me out for punching a guy for staring at her ass. :lol:

I drive a Gremlin, you think I am Civilized :lol::lol::lol:
Hmmm........I"m walking down the street and I'm accosted by some people who I don't know, who don't introduce themselves, and they start asking me questions. I'd want to know who they were before I answered them too. And if they were pointing a cell phone camera in my face, I'd object to that too.

I don't see a problem here. The kids should have told the congressman who they were and what they wanted right off the bat.
Hmmm........I"m walking down the street and I'm accosted by some people who I don't know, who don't introduce themselves, and they start asking me questions. I'd want to know who they were before I answered them too. And if they were pointing a cell phone camera in my face, I'd object to that too.

I don't see a problem here. The kids should have told the congressman who they were and what they wanted right off the bat.

Not only that, but IF this guy is a "reporter", why did they hide his face in the video? Looks awfully suspicious to me.
If I were that Student, my size 12 would have had a nice talking to his family jewels the minute that ass grabbed me!

As much as I enjoy a good round of fisticuffs, we are a civilized society and that is not how one responds to such antics. Well, at least not since my wife chewed me out for punching a guy for staring at her ass. :lol:

I drive a Gremlin, you think I am Civilized :lol::lol::lol:

No, based upon you driving a Gremlin I think you have a death wish. :eusa_whistle:
Why would that question upset him? :eusa_whistle:

That bullshi... i mean novelty wore out quick ........
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And you know these students were members of the GOP? Couldn' they just as well been Independents or even Democrats that oppose Obama's agenda?
What was wrong with their behavior? They ask a question and the Congressman went ballistic.
You have your head so far up Obama's ass you're incapable of being objective or honest.
If YOU are the judge of "objective and honest", we are all in trouble.
Right back attcha, asshole..... That av of yours is actually your face, right?

Lolol. Let's spank his face. He needs a good slap.
Video: Rep. Etheridge assaults student on street; Update: Video restored

Democrats are on high-alert these days because they know they've screwed up. That's why most don't hold town-hall meetings anymore. Here's how I see it:

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
It sure is a GREAT video showing the CONTEMPT most, in my opinion, of these Congress People have for the rest of us. Make no mistake about it, his recent 'apology' on FOX is TOTAL BULLSHIT and a great reason that none of these 'bastads' be re-elected to office.

Hopefully this student has the collective 'ballz' to sue this slime ball for as much as he can, and hopefully those voters will send another message to these politicians that WE are not going to tolerate their pompus ass, 'I am better than you pieces of shit' behaviour any longer.

to repeat, I do not believe his pathetic attempt at an'apology' is genuine, he IS an ASS of the highest degree and must be tossed out on his butt.
Hmmm........I"m walking down the street and I'm accosted by some people who I don't know, who don't introduce themselves, and they start asking me questions. I'd want to know who they were before I answered them too. And if they were pointing a cell phone camera in my face, I'd object to that too.

I don't see a problem here. The kids should have told the congressman who they were and what they wanted right off the bat.

So the correct response when asked a challenging question is to grab their arm and snatch their camera away? When just walking away would have sufficed. :cuckoo:

You're a fucking idiot!
It sure is a GREAT video showing the CONTEMPT most, in my opinion, of these Congress People have for the rest of us. Make no mistake about it, his recent 'apology' on FOX is TOTAL BULLSHIT and a great reason that none of these 'bastads' be re-elected to office.

Hopefully this student has the collective 'ballz' to sue this slime ball for as much as he can, and hopefully those voters will send another message to these politicians that WE are not going to tolerate their pompus ass, 'I am better than you pieces of shit' behaviour any longer.

to repeat, I do not believe his pathetic attempt at an'apology' is genuine, he IS an ASS of the highest degree and must be tossed out on his butt.

On the contrary, although I'm not defending his actions, Etheridge like any incumbent, especially a Democrat, undoubedly expects the same kind of inyourface snarling and yelling that they were subject to last summer. I know I'd be a little leary if someone ran up to me and shoved a camera and a mike in my face. Political interaction is no longer friendly, in case you haven't noticed. It's ugly out there.

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