Democrat government shutdown?


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
It's looking there might be a government shutdown as Democrats led by people like Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Watters are revolting against the bi-partisan deal which is supported by the majority of the Democratic leadership and the President. If there is a shutdown I wonder how the press will try and blame it on the Republicans?
Hey, they blamed Republicans the last time and got a lot of mileage out of it, why would anyone be surprised if they do it again?
It's looking there might be a government shutdown as Democrats led by people like Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Watters are revolting against the bi-partisan deal which is supported by the majority of the Democratic leadership and the President. If there is a shutdown I wonder how the press will try and blame it on the Republicans?

That's not really an issue....
Of course the media will blame the Republicans.
It's looking there might be a government shutdown as Democrats led by people like Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Watters are revolting against the bi-partisan deal which is supported by the majority of the Democratic leadership and the President. If there is a shutdown I wonder how the press will try and blame it on the Republicans?

That's not really an issue....
Of course the media will blame the Republicans.
It's looking now like the hard right who are also against the deal will support it or at least enough of them to pass it in the House what a headline this would be House Republicans prevent Democrat shutdown.
LOL! Do you really wonder? Come on now... be honest.
Oh I know they will try I just wonder how they will try given the main ones behind this are usually some of Obama's who backs the deal biggest supporters.

That's easy... They'll LIE!

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

No Deceit, no Ideological Left.

They use deceit to perpetuate the fraud and they need the ignorance to make it work.
The pubs did it the last two times and they're threatening to do it again.

First, they'll brag about it - just like the last two times. Then, they'll lie about.

And the dumb RWs will do their bobble head thing, just nodding their heads up and down.
It's looking there might be a government shutdown as Democrats led by people like Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Watters are revolting against the bi-partisan deal which is supported by the majority of the Democratic leadership and the President. If there is a shutdown I wonder how the press will try and blame it on the Republicans?

That's not really an issue....
Of course the media will blame the Republicans.
It's looking now like the hard right who are also against the deal will support it or at least enough of them to pass it in the House what a headline this would be House Republicans prevent Democrat shutdown.

There are precisely NO Americans for this deal. The Americans are against it because the left needs it to fund the Left for another year and the Left is against it because it will not fund them LONG ENOUGH!

Fund the cult through to the end of January... . At that point, we go to work putting the final touches, ending the lame duck Peasantpimp of the Union States.
The bill has just passed House in large part due to Republican votes so the House Republicans have prevented a Democrat government shutdown of course the Democrat controlled Senate could still cause one.
Shutdown would be hard on veterans...

Vets Groups Warn Lawmakers That Shutdown Would Disrupt VA Services
Sep 25, 2015 | Veterans groups are warning Congress that their hundreds of thousands of members don't want a repeat 2013 legislative failure that led to a government shutdown and disruption of veterans benefits and services.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, which in 2013 brought together members of 33 veterans groups to demand an end to the previous shutdown, plans to rally the organizations in advance. "Widow's benefits, GI Bill checks and VA disability payments should not be held hostage by political games," IAVA President Paul Rieckhoff told on Friday. "If leaders in Washington shut down the government to prove a partisan political point, know that over 20 million veterans will be adversely affected. And that we won't forget when we vote in November."

Also on Friday, representatives of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Paralyzed Veterans of America and Disabled American Veterans warned lawmakers in a letter that "failure to fund the federal government beginning with the new fiscal year on October 1 will cause real harm to the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed for this nation." The three groups, co-authors of an annual independent budget whose recommendations often find a place in the final legislation, said a shutdown halt work on more than 250,000 VA disability claims, force staff reductions at agency vocational rehabilitation programs close federal employment OneStops programs used by veterans.


The groups also told lawmakers that going along with a continuing resolution or any other stop-gap measure rather than approving a full budget also "are not acceptable solutions." Continuing resolutions limit funding, prevent the VA from starting or expanding critical programs and disrupt or delay ongoing research and construction projects, the letter states. Continuing resolutions also do not take into consideration inflation or increasing demand for VA benefits and services. "Your inaction will have a real impact on veterans, many of whom are struggling to transition back into civilian life," the groups said in the letter to House and Senate leaders.

The correspondence went out even as the Senate approved legislation authorizing the completion of the controversial and behind-schedule Denver VA medical center. The bill appropriates $625 million for the hospital, with the money transferred to the project through a 2016 continuing resolution. As yet, the stop-gap spending plan hasn't been passed. VA officials on Friday published a contingency plan for a shutdown on its website, but cautioned that it is not final and will be updated as needed. Because VA healthcare receives advanced appropriations, the department already has 2016 funding that will ensure no department clinics or hospitals would be closed, even if a shutdown does occur.


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