Democrat hypocrisy exposed.

Foreigner Looking In.

Diamond Member
Jan 10, 2021
An excellent synopsis of Democrat hypocrisy and gaslighting.
This farcical impeachment of President Trump from the derranged cult like followers of Mr Biden needs to stop.
In the video you can clearly see that they themselves have used the same vernacular and turn of phrase for the last four years. If Trump can be impeached for this, then so can Biden, who has used imflammatory language such as calling Trump supporters "white supremacists" and also refusing to disavow or condemn Antifa.

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An excellent synopsis of Democrat hypocrisy and gaslighting.
This farcical impeachment of President Trump from the derranged cult like followers of Mr Biden needs to stop.
In the video you can clearly see that they themselves have used the same vernacular and turn of phrase for the last four years. If Trump can be impeached for this, then so can Biden, who has used imflammatory language such as calling Trump supporters "white supremacists" and also refusing to disavow or condemn Antifa.
More recently, Maxine Waters (The Second Dumbest Democratic Party Member In Congress) demanded police protection to go to an anti-police rally in Michigan.

We need term limits. Since that is likely not to happen, maybe we should campaign for AGE LIMITS!

To me, 80 is a perfectly reasonable age to serve as their LAST YEAR IN OFFICE regardless of when they were elected to serve the term. That would save us the cost of a special election when a demented octogenarian dies in office. That would also put the insane Maxine Waters in the category of "2 years overdue".
A master class on cooking lasagna "itscomletelydifferentino" from the "Voice of America."

"Russia wants to expand its military presence in Africa, while the United States seeks to strengthen cooperation with African countries in the fight against terrorism."

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