Democrat "infrastructure" bill

No, because it’s not a matter of what DEMS want. It’s a matter of what Americans want, and they don’t want what the left is selling.

Even liberal Dems are worried that if they vote for this inflation-causing welfare expansion scheme that they will be kicked out of office next year. How do I know? Because….

….for the first time in the 20 years I’ve lived in this liberal area, that only elects liberals, my liberal Congressman sent out a poll question asking his constituents if they want him to vote for it or not.
America supports Infrastructure investment

Over 200 Republicans voted against it
Because it was full of waste. It’s unfortunate that 13 Republicans went for it.

Name something wasteful in the bill that was passed last week

Investment in Roads, Bridges, Rail, Ports, Broadband, EV Infrastructure is waste?
It’s surprising this passed. 13 GOP voted in support. 6 progressive Democrats voted against.

Things that make you go hmmm…
It’s been all over this thread! I’m not going to spend time and effort giving facts to a left winger who is beyond seeing reason.
If it is all over this thread, you should have no problem pointing out what YOU consider waste

Looks like you got nothing
If it is all over this thread, you should have no problem pointing out what YOU consider waste

Looks like you got nothing
What about the billions to “reduce inequity in STEM fields”? What does that have to do with infrastructure? if anything, it WEAKENS infrastructure by choosing people based on skin color, rather than just going with the most competent.
What about the billions to “reduce inequity in STEM fields”? What does that have to do with infrastructure? if anything, it WEAKENS infrastructure by choosing people based on skin color, rather than just going with the most competent.
Not in the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill
What about the billions to “reduce inequity in STEM fields”? What does that have to do with infrastructure? if anything, it WEAKENS infrastructure by choosing people based on skin color, rather than just going with the most competent.
Loads of that lousy bill have nothing to do with infrastructure.

Its a lousy bill that never should have been passed.

Anyone who reads the damned thing will be scratching their heads trying to figure out what this shit has to do with infrastructure.
Loads of that lousy bill have nothing to do with infrastructure.

Its a lousy bill that never should have been passed.

Anyone who reads the damned thing will be scratching their heads trying to figure out what this shit has to do with infrastructure.
Yet you can’t show any
Take it any way you want. If you weren't such a blinded Bidungista you'd look it up yourself. Guess you don't really want to read that lousy bill cause you'd find out just how lousy it is.

Its a lousy bill and we tax payers will get hosed to pay for it.
Take it any way you want. If you weren't such a blinded Bidungista you'd look it up yourself. Guess you don't really want to read that lousy bill cause you'd find out just how lousy it is.

Its a lousy bill and we tax payers will get hosed to pay for it.
Still waiting for you to show me specifically what you object to

Telling me to find what you object to is not an answer
Because it was full of waste. It’s unfortunate that 13 Republicans went for it.
No. They voted against it because they don't want to seem to be handing any victories to Biden ahead of 2022.
But, moderate Republicans in the Senate worked on this bipartisan bill. Likely, there is a lot of money allocated
for pet pork projects in these Republican and Democrat Senators districts.
Read it and see. Ain't to hard. Most of it is objectionable.

Oh wait. You already read it and are defending that POS bill. Never mind.

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