Democrat LA Councilman Who Voted to Defund Police Called Police 8 Times to His Home Since April

This guy, Bonin, should change his name to Boner because he's a real hard on.
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?

no military equipment? how will that stop the supposed "Wacist" cops who just decided to go "murder" "unarmed black males" for no reason?

defund makes no sense as a response, if that is what it means.

zeroing out the budget is the only way it makes sense.

Your emotional response is total nonsense. The police department does not need an armored car to stop "wacist' cops.

the conventional wisdom coming from the left, backed by formal charges repeatedly filed by dem appointed court officials,

is that these killings are premeditated murders.

this is not problem of equipment. or funding.

and "Defund" in that context makes sense. you zero out the budget, these wacist murderers have to go find other jobs, and are no longer protected by their badges.

just not giving them a tank, is not a fix.

this is not an emotional reaction on my part. this is me pointing out that your stated beliefs and actions do not make sense.
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?

No, that is a lie. Defunding means exactly that. The only question with Democrats is how much.

So, you are not among us, who are calling for defunding the police, but you know better than us, what we mean....

Yes. I think I do. It is obvious to anyone who watches YouTube videos that the police need to be reformed. You don't do that by defunding. As a LYFT driver I see them almost every day. I have only been pulled over a couple of times, but in both instances they wanted to search my car for no reason. That sort of nonsense has to stop. The cops are very poorly trained in Constitutional limits on their power. That needs to stop.

This wholesale searching for a crime needs to stop. If a crime is occurring it is going to be pretty obvious. Those are the crimes the police should be concentrating on. Not this petty stuff they waste all sorts of time on.
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What a crock of shit.

Dimwinger politicians are taking millions from police departments.
More than millions.

New York alone cut it by 1 billion.

That dudes an idiot living on Fantasy Island
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?
There's 3 or 4 of you living in this thread just to toss generalized accusations of liar or bigot around..

You won't BE here much longer if it continues.. Get PAST the street slogans and discuss the topic or LEAVE...
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

He just TOLD YOU one emergency use.. Fire and Rescue CANNOT GO IN unless the police secure the area.. Are you THAT DENSE? People murdered in the CHAZ/CHOP zone had to be driven by personal cars with no EMTs because of morons with AK 47s roaming the streets..

Same deal for SWAT units.. They are ABUSED for no-knock drug raids, but are also the folks that get the call to school and mass shootings.. Special military equipment to look thru walls and things.. And special military type training to work as a cohesive unit..

Leftists are SO unaware of how things work.. It's no wonder they fuck up policy all the time...
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

He just TOLD YOU one emergency use.. Fire and Rescue CANNOT GO IN unless the police secure the area.. Are you THAT DENSE? People murdered in the CHAZ/CHOP zone had to be driven by personal cars with no EMTs because of morons with AK 47s roaming the streets..

Same deal for SWAT units.. They are ABUSED for no-knock drug raids, but are also the folks that get the call to school and mass shootings.. Special military equipment to look thru walls and things.. And special military type training to work as a cohesive unit..

Leftists are SO unaware of how things work.. It's no wonder they fuck up policy all the time...

So you're all for a military state, that is awesome!
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

He just TOLD YOU one emergency use.. Fire and Rescue CANNOT GO IN unless the police secure the area.. Are you THAT DENSE? People murdered in the CHAZ/CHOP zone had to be driven by personal cars with no EMTs because of morons with AK 47s roaming the streets..

Same deal for SWAT units.. They are ABUSED for no-knock drug raids, but are also the folks that get the call to school and mass shootings.. Special military equipment to look thru walls and things.. And special military type training to work as a cohesive unit..

Leftists are SO unaware of how things work.. It's no wonder they fuck up policy all the time...

So you're all for a military state, that is awesome!

I'm the LAST person on this board that would advocate a national or military police.. Police is one govt function that makes sense.. And I don't want a Merry Olde England police force with whistles only put into the riots, mass shootings, terrorist actions, drug cartel issues we have without EVERY precaution for their safety that is PURELY DEFENSIVE...

Do you even know the difference between defensive and OFFENSIVE?? Would you RATHER have a HUGE SURVEILLANCE state with cameras everywhere -- but no cops in sight? Geeez...
I would (and did) oppose sending in Federal TROOPS for the current spate of riots.. But not Federal officers to guard Federal buildings.. Betcha dont see a difference there either - idiot.
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

He just TOLD YOU one emergency use.. Fire and Rescue CANNOT GO IN unless the police secure the area.. Are you THAT DENSE? People murdered in the CHAZ/CHOP zone had to be driven by personal cars with no EMTs because of morons with AK 47s roaming the streets..

Same deal for SWAT units.. They are ABUSED for no-knock drug raids, but are also the folks that get the call to school and mass shootings.. Special military equipment to look thru walls and things.. And special military type training to work as a cohesive unit..

Leftists are SO unaware of how things work.. It's no wonder they fuck up policy all the time...

So you're all for a military state, that is awesome!

I'm the LAST person on this board that would advocate a national or military police.. Police is one govt function that makes sense.. And I don't want a Merry Olde England police force with whistles only put into the riots, mass shootings, terrorist actions, drug cartel issues we have without EVERY precaution for their safety that is PURELY DEFENSIVE...

Do you even know the difference between defensive and OFFENSIVE?? Would you RATHER have a HUGE SURVEILLANCE state with cameras everywhere -- but no cops in sight? Geeez...

We aren't even talking in the same universe. Point out where i said I wanted "YUGE SURVEILLANCE ", be specific.
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

He just TOLD YOU one emergency use.. Fire and Rescue CANNOT GO IN unless the police secure the area.. Are you THAT DENSE? People murdered in the CHAZ/CHOP zone had to be driven by personal cars with no EMTs because of morons with AK 47s roaming the streets..

Same deal for SWAT units.. They are ABUSED for no-knock drug raids, but are also the folks that get the call to school and mass shootings.. Special military equipment to look thru walls and things.. And special military type training to work as a cohesive unit..

Leftists are SO unaware of how things work.. It's no wonder they fuck up policy all the time...

So you're all for a military state, that is awesome!

I'm the LAST person on this board that would advocate a national or military police.. Police is one govt function that makes sense.. And I don't want a Merry Olde England police force with whistles only put into the riots, mass shootings, terrorist actions, drug cartel issues we have without EVERY precaution for their safety that is PURELY DEFENSIVE...

Do you even know the difference between defensive and OFFENSIVE?? Would you RATHER have a HUGE SURVEILLANCE state with cameras everywhere -- but no cops in sight? Geeez...

We aren't even talking in the same universe. Point out where i said I wanted "YUGE SURVEILLANCE ", be specific.

That's the British alternative for instance to actual PRO-ACTIVE policing which your tribe wants to get rid off.. Disarm the police. Put in Big Brother.. Pick up the bodies and watch the videos.. You want to confirm anything else you never ponder???
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

He just TOLD YOU one emergency use.. Fire and Rescue CANNOT GO IN unless the police secure the area.. Are you THAT DENSE? People murdered in the CHAZ/CHOP zone had to be driven by personal cars with no EMTs because of morons with AK 47s roaming the streets..

Same deal for SWAT units.. They are ABUSED for no-knock drug raids, but are also the folks that get the call to school and mass shootings.. Special military equipment to look thru walls and things.. And special military type training to work as a cohesive unit..

Leftists are SO unaware of how things work.. It's no wonder they fuck up policy all the time...

So you're all for a military state, that is awesome!

I'm the LAST person on this board that would advocate a national or military police.. Police is one govt function that makes sense.. And I don't want a Merry Olde England police force with whistles only put into the riots, mass shootings, terrorist actions, drug cartel issues we have without EVERY precaution for their safety that is PURELY DEFENSIVE...

Do you even know the difference between defensive and OFFENSIVE?? Would you RATHER have a HUGE SURVEILLANCE state with cameras everywhere -- but no cops in sight? Geeez...

We aren't even talking in the same universe. Point out where i said I wanted "YUGE SURVEILLANCE ", be specific.
My God, you're so ignorant.
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

He just TOLD YOU one emergency use.. Fire and Rescue CANNOT GO IN unless the police secure the area.. Are you THAT DENSE? People murdered in the CHAZ/CHOP zone had to be driven by personal cars with no EMTs because of morons with AK 47s roaming the streets..

Same deal for SWAT units.. They are ABUSED for no-knock drug raids, but are also the folks that get the call to school and mass shootings.. Special military equipment to look thru walls and things.. And special military type training to work as a cohesive unit..

Leftists are SO unaware of how things work.. It's no wonder they fuck up policy all the time...

So you're all for a military state, that is awesome!

I'm the LAST person on this board that would advocate a national or military police.. Police is one govt function that makes sense.. And I don't want a Merry Olde England police force with whistles only put into the riots, mass shootings, terrorist actions, drug cartel issues we have without EVERY precaution for their safety that is PURELY DEFENSIVE...

Do you even know the difference between defensive and OFFENSIVE?? Would you RATHER have a HUGE SURVEILLANCE state with cameras everywhere -- but no cops in sight? Geeez...

We aren't even talking in the same universe. Point out where i said I wanted "YUGE SURVEILLANCE ", be specific.

That's the British alternative for instance to actual PRO-ACTIVE policing which your tribe wants to get rid off.. Disarm the police. Put in Big Brother.. Pick up the bodies and watch the videos.. You want to confirm anything else you never ponder???

So ewe can not point out where I said I wanted "yuge surveillance ". Thank you just wanted to be clear. Ewe are dismissed.
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

He just TOLD YOU one emergency use.. Fire and Rescue CANNOT GO IN unless the police secure the area.. Are you THAT DENSE? People murdered in the CHAZ/CHOP zone had to be driven by personal cars with no EMTs because of morons with AK 47s roaming the streets..

Same deal for SWAT units.. They are ABUSED for no-knock drug raids, but are also the folks that get the call to school and mass shootings.. Special military equipment to look thru walls and things.. And special military type training to work as a cohesive unit..

Leftists are SO unaware of how things work.. It's no wonder they fuck up policy all the time...

So you're all for a military state, that is awesome!

I'm the LAST person on this board that would advocate a national or military police.. Police is one govt function that makes sense.. And I don't want a Merry Olde England police force with whistles only put into the riots, mass shootings, terrorist actions, drug cartel issues we have without EVERY precaution for their safety that is PURELY DEFENSIVE...

Do you even know the difference between defensive and OFFENSIVE?? Would you RATHER have a HUGE SURVEILLANCE state with cameras everywhere -- but no cops in sight? Geeez...

We aren't even talking in the same universe. Point out where i said I wanted "YUGE SURVEILLANCE ", be specific.
My God, you're so ignorant.

Is it because ewe cannot find where I want "YUGE SURVEILLANCE "?
"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?
What's wrong with police having military equipment?

Because they are NOT the the military.

The times I have seen it used though was appropriate. SWAT teams use armored vehicles to rescue injured people from bad situations. Why do you want to take that ability away from them? That makes no sense at all.

I have never seen the need for them. Why do you wish to spend money on unnecessary equipment?

You must be pretty insulated from the world.

"Defunding the police" means stop providing them with military equipment. How many times did the councilman ask the police to send an armored tank to his home?

No, that is a lie. Defunding means exactly that. The only question with Democrats is how much.

So, you are not among us, who are calling for defunding the police, but you know better than us, what we mean....

If you don't want people to misunderstand your goals, you might want to express them more accurately.

Defund The Police, is pretty clear and explicit. It doesn't mention a thing about specific types of equipment you might not want police to have.

Whenever someone says, "Defund The Police", I will do them the courtesy of taking them at their word and believe they mean precisely what they say they mean.

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