Democrat Leadership's immigration policy has created a COVID super spreader


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

The fact is, the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a massive COVID Super Spreader, and there is no denial about it. And it seems that the policy is intentionally designed to spread the COVID virus throughout the United States. Keep in mind the current policy is allowing thousands upon thousands of Haitians to now swarm across a dam and converge on a Texas border town.


Also keep in mind that recent figures show only 14,382 Haitians out of a population of over 11 million, have been vaccinated. LINK

So, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a COVID Super Spreader.

The question is, why would anyone other than someone who wants to cause injury to the United States and her citizens, condone a border policy creating this ongoing COVID Super Spreader?


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, Covid infected, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

The fact is, the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a massive COVID Super Spreader, and there is no denial about it. And it seems that the policy is intentionally designed to spread the COVID virus throughout the United States. Keep in mind the current policy is allowing thousands upon thousands of Haitians to now swarm across a dam and converge on a Texas border town.


Also keep in mind that recent figures show only 14,382 Haitians out of a population of over 11 million, have been vaccinated. LINK

So, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a COVID Super Spreader.

The question is, why would anyone other than someone who wants to cause injury to the United States and her citizens, condone a border policy creating this ongoing COVID Super Spreader?


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, Covid infected, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

If they refuse to get vaccinated, don't let them in.

The fact is, the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a massive COVID Super Spreader, and there is no denial about it. And it seems that the policy is intentionally designed to spread the COVID virus throughout the United States. Keep in mind the current policy is allowing thousands upon thousands of Haitians to now swarm across a dam and converge on a Texas border town.


Also keep in mind that recent figures show only 14,382 Haitians out of a population of over 11 million, have been vaccinated. LINK

So, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a COVID Super Spreader.

The question is, why would anyone other than someone who wants to cause injury to the United States and her citizens, condone a border policy creating this ongoing COVID Super Spreader?


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, Covid infected, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
That anyone can enter and apply for asylum is the LAW, and it was the law long before you ever heard of Joe Biden.

The fact is, the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a massive COVID Super Spreader, and there is no denial about it. And it seems that the policy is intentionally designed to spread the COVID virus throughout the United States. Keep in mind the current policy is allowing thousands upon thousands of Haitians to now swarm across a dam and converge on a Texas border town.


Also keep in mind that recent figures show only 14,382 Haitians out of a population of over 11 million, have been vaccinated. LINK

So, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a COVID Super Spreader.

The question is, why would anyone other than someone who wants to cause injury to the United States and her citizens, condone a border policy creating this ongoing COVID Super Spreader?


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, Covid infected, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Take a really good look at that picture. Covid is the least of the problems to worry about.
If they refuse to get vaccinated, don't let them in.
Too late nearly 1.5 million have come into the U.S. already. That's why there have been more reported Covid-19 infections reported in the last 9 months than all of 2020...
Bai Dung and his clown administration are the root of the increases in Covid-19 infections and deaths. Whatever their plans they have shown their incompetence in handling it. Whether it be the pandemic, immigration, the economy, withdrawal from Afghanistan, or supplying Port-A-Potties to those under the Del Rio Bridge in Texas.

If what you say is true, and that they are not vaccinated and not spreading the virus
why the fuck is the US trying to force the vaccination on its own citizens?
I can't make any sense of this attempt at a conditional statement and question.

Every one of those immigrants will be offered the vaccine when they are processed. And data shows their vaccination rates are higher than the US populace, as a result. And pointing at them is a red herring for people who refuse to admit that actual policy and ignorance is causing the case rates in places like Florida (in many places, DOUBLE what Israel is seeing right now).
I can't make any sense of this attempt at a conditional statement and question.

Every one of those immigrants will be offered the vaccine when they are processed. And data shows their vaccination rates are higher than the US populace, as a result. And pointing at them is a red herring for people who refuse to admit that actual policy and ignorance is causing the case rates in places like Florida (in many places, DOUBLE what Israel is seeing right now).
Who do you think you're lying to? The immigrants ARE NOT REQUIRED to get a vaccination. PSAKI even said that is correct.
I did not say they were. haha, poor guy... had to invent a fake little strawman to have anything to say...
If illegal aliens are not required to. . . just like congress not being required to, and just like the oligarchs who are not wage or salary employees are not required to, then this whole thing isn't about a disease or a virus, it is about control.

The elites, and black market labor are exempt from government mandated control. . . IOW, the emperor has NO CLOTHES. It isn't really about a public health emergency.
If illegal aliens are not required to.
But they are, if they happen to work at places that require vaccines. Just like anyone else. And they have to wear masks where masks are required, just like anyone else.. I know you REALLY want to paint yourself as a victim and try to paint some silly lie that you are more oppressed than immigrants, but the facts just are not on your side.

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