Zone1 More Of What the Meda REALLY Doesn't Show

He was definitely loaded on something. He shrugged off two taser hits and several club hits without blinking. But the strike to the head could have been lethal.
I can’t really tell what happened there. To me it looks like the black cop just pats his head. I thought the third officer tazed him again from behind…..

***watching it more, I think the third cop takes him down with a tazer.
At least 7 white supremacists have replied. You guys are going to be shown things here that you will not like and that's because you guys have decided to lie.
14 year old white girl brutally raped and murdered by a savage.

“The savagery of the attack was so severe that dental records were required to confirm her identity, as her face was destroyed from slashing.”
Get rid of their ghastly immature Rap culture and learn to enunciate when they try to speak English

And are they inherently lazy , or do they just use being laid back as their excuse for laziness ?
Here we see the descendant of a lazy culture trying to comment about somebody. We speak english just fine.
Here we see the descendant of a lazy culture trying to comment about somebody. We speak english just fine.
Yeah, in plain English, they “got crack”. The scholar defending the ghetto gangster culture of rap music is calling other people “lazy”? He got crack.

At least 7 white supremacists have replied. You guys are going to be shown things here that you will not like and that's because you guys have decided to lie.

What is wrong with a group of men who stomp on a woman? The only other cultures I see this type of misogynistic behavior from are in the Middle East.

At least 7 white supremacists have replied. You guys are going to be shown things here that you will not like and that's because you guys have decided to lie.

I cannot fathom what kind of monsters could do this to a child.…..

“Louisiana investigators said the girl was at one point s*xually assaulted by her mother’s boyfriend at their home in Thibodaux

When her mother learned about it, she doused the teen in flammable liquid and set her on fire blaming her for the assaults

The boyfriend also shot the girl twice, once in the face, on two separate days, according to investigators

The 15-year-old had third- and fourth-degree burns to 40% of her upper body, but her mother and her mom’s boyfriend refused to take her to a hospital”


Male-Karen Cop Goes Full Racist On Protester​

I don’t hear you complaining when all these leftists are screaming “Go back to Poland” (reference to Hitler’s concentration camps) to the Jewish students on college campuses.

But……..different standards for Jews.

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