Democrat Mayor, Khalid Kamau, Arrested On Trespassing & Burglary Charges

According to an incident report obtained by Channel 2 Action News, South Fulton Mayor Khalod Kamau was charged with criminal trespass and first-degree burglary after being seen walking on private property on Cascade Palmetto Highway.

Officials said the homeowner confronted Kamau, pulled his firearm and commanded him to “stay put” until police arrived.
Georgia has it's share of morons.

According to an incident report obtained by Channel 2 Action News, South Fulton Mayor Khalod Kamau was charged with criminal trespass and first-degree burglary after being seen walking on private property on Cascade Palmetto Highway.

Officials said the homeowner confronted Kamau, pulled his firearm and commanded him to “stay put” until police arrived.
Surada wants us to think that it's fellow Islamic supremacist only stole things because he wanted to buy the house, though.

I mean, isn't that how everybody goes about buying a house? They loot it first and then make the offer, of course.
Another upstanding Democrat is arrested for peaceful protest. Oh wait -- I mean Trespassing & Burglary Charges. It seems that this member of the Democratic Socialist Party just couldn't help but cave to his base nature to commit crimes. These types usually refine their crimes once in political office and just commit your average, day-to-day fraud or pay-to-play schemes but this particular top citizen decided to return to his old games.

Georgia mayor arrested on trespassing, burglary charges, says he thought house was abandoned​

South Fulton mayor released after being arrested for trespassing, burglary​

"Khalid Kamau is a member of Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America and South Fulton city councilman."
WThe actual F?
Surada wants us to think that it's fellow Islamic supremacist only stole things because he wanted to buy the house, though.

I mean, isn't that how everybody goes about buying a house? They loot it first and then make the offer, of course.
Well that way there's less to convey. ;)

Sort of makes the case for blacks squandering any public trust placed with them.
There are people in Georgia like those savages in Savannah who murdered Aubrey for trespassing new 🚧construction in broad daylight.
OK. And that somehow explains why this jamoke broke into this house?
Jan 6 protestors netted 4 years in the slammer for being escorted around the Capital building. How much you want to bet that this guy gets a slap on the wrist and no jail time?
You think this rural lake property is like the US Capitol?

My God, you're stupid. Nobody broke into the property. Arizona has a lot of dumbasses too.
Like Barack Hussein Obama…..NOBODY with names such as these should EVER be elected to any office in this country.
Our founders are rolling over in their graves.

That's what I thought when I fist heard his name. Who the hell names their kid "Barack"?

That sounds like some kinda space name, like it came out of that old TV show Mork and Mindy.

And "Hussein", only 8 years after 9/11? WTF folks?
That's what I thought when I fist heard his name. Who the hell names their kid "Barack"?

That sounds like some kinda space name, like it came out of that old TV show Mork and Mindy.

And "Hussein", only 8 years after 9/11? WTF folks?
Barack is the name of a Jewish General in the old testament.
He was just walking on the property. I have bought and sold a lot of real estate. The guy with the gun is a retard.
Were you breaking into them? Lucky for you, you didn't get arrested. Good Job! Defending one's property is never retarded. Relying on the cops, that might or might not show up, to keep you safe, is retarded.
Can you do is all a solid, Surada, and tell us your address so we can break into your house and steal stuff?

Sure, we would have to fly to the Middle East, but considering your long and illustrious career, you must have some really nice stuff by now.

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