Democrat Panic: Trump's State Department to Release Emails, Docs FBI Found on Weiner Laptop Tomorrow

The tards are masturbating to the total fantasy that the Democrats are panicked about this release. :lol:

No one is panicked.

Of course not. At this point, the Dems are numb with shock.
'Democrat Panic: Trump's State Department to Release HUMA'S Emails, Docs FBI Found on HER LAPTOP SHE SHARED WITH Weiner Tomorrow'

There, I fixed the Thread Title.

Her proven 'Lying To The FBI' Strzok allowed her to get away with aside, Huma should also be down in Gitmo right now for owning / running her own UN-AUTHORIZED, UN-ENCRYPTED, UN-SECURED laptop onto which she reportedly sent / stored duplicates of all of Hillary's e-mails / include all of the classified documents.
Chances are, it's gonna be nothing more than a whole bunch of stuff that will embarrass, but not incriminate, Weiner or Huma.

Trump is just doing this to be petty and mean.

Chances are it will be so redacted that only 1 in 100 words are not blacked out. These ARE classified and top secret documents after all.

Trump has nothing to do with this, nor does the Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada.

Judicial Watch sued under the FOIA to expose the fact that Comey and criminal AG Loretta Lynch lied and obstructed justice.

Huma’s Cousin, Who Partnered With ‘Russian Donald Trump,’ Convicted of Fraud, Tampered With Case By Deleting Emails

Huma has already been spared from prison once by Strzok...she still deserves to end up there....close to her perv hubby.

('DELETING E-MAILS'? Gee, who the hell does THAT sound like? Perfect example of how 'real' people who violate court orders and destroy documents end up being CONVICTED CRIMINALS...Not Hillary)

'Huma's cousin'... lol why is that so fucking funny? Any guesses?

Huma’s Cousin, Who Partnered With ‘Russian Donald Trump,’ Convicted of Fraud, Tampered With Case By Deleting Emails

Huma has already been spared from prison once by Strzok...she still deserves to end up there....close to her perv hubby.

('DELETING E-MAILS'? Gee, who the hell does THAT sound like? Perfect example of how 'real' people who violate court orders and destroy documents end up being CONVICTED CRIMINALS...Not Hillary)

'Huma's cousin'... lol why is that so fucking funny? Any guesses?

Huma's Husband
Huma's cousin
Huma's Muslim Brotherhood-connected Family
Her Boss, Hillary
Her fellow criminal aid, Mills...

What a blossoming criminal family 'tree'... :p

Huma’s Cousin, Who Partnered With ‘Russian Donald Trump,’ Convicted of Fraud, Tampered With Case By Deleting Emails

Huma has already been spared from prison once by Strzok...she still deserves to end up there....close to her perv hubby.

('DELETING E-MAILS'? Gee, who the hell does THAT sound like? Perfect example of how 'real' people who violate court orders and destroy documents end up being CONVICTED CRIMINALS...Not Hillary)

'Huma's cousin'... lol why is that so fucking funny? Any guesses?

Huma's Husband
Huma's cousin
Huma's Muslim Brotherhood-connected Family
Her Boss, Hillary
Her fellow criminal aid, Mills...

What a blossoming criminal family 'tree'... :p

This is rightwing nuttery that only nuts like you care about.
This is rightwing nuttery that only nuts like you care about.
Yes, snowflakes like yourself have proven crimes committed by your candidates mean nothing to you - the more criminal, seditious, treasonous, the BETTER.

(How'd that work out for you last election? :p )
I just checked the news. Nothing about Democratic panic.

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

Per Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch--Docs and Emails should be released around 3pm EST today.


Tom Fitton
We expect that State Department will post the Abedin gov docs found on Anthony Weiner's laptop around 3:00 pm (eastern) today.
I love how they call the guy a Russian Donald. Just another way to try to lessen the impact and attempt to link it to Trump.

Huma’s Cousin, Who Partnered With ‘Russian Donald Trump,’ Convicted of Fraud, Tampered With Case By Deleting Emails

Huma has already been spared from prison once by Strzok...she still deserves to end up there....close to her perv hubby.

('DELETING E-MAILS'? Gee, who the hell does THAT sound like? Perfect example of how 'real' people who violate court orders and destroy documents end up being CONVICTED CRIMINALS...Not Hillary)
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Nothing new here. Comey already said so back in October 2016. After telling the congressional republicans two weeks before the election that they had found a hundred thousand emails on the Weiner laptop, and he was reopening the Clinton investigation, a week later he said after going through them, there was nothing new, and closed the investigation again.
Duplicates, personal emails: Here's what the FBI found on Anthony Weiner's laptop


The Federal Bureau of Investigation determined that almost every email discovered in a laptop used primarily by the husband of an aide to Hillary Clinton was a duplicate of previously produced documents or personal emails

As a result, FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress Sunday saying the new emails have not changed the bureau’s earlier decision that no crime occurred with Clinton’s use of a private server while she was secretary of state.
Duplicates, personal emails: Here's what the FBI found on Anthony Weiner's laptop


The Federal Bureau of Investigation determined that almost every email discovered in a laptop used primarily by the husband of an aide to Hillary Clinton was a duplicate of previously produced documents or personal emails

As a result, FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress Sunday saying the new emails have not changed the bureau’s earlier decision that no crime occurred with Clinton’s use of a private server while she was secretary of state.
They're releasing more than the duplicated right now. Their website is crashing due to the high traffic volume. It's gonna take a few hours.

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