Democrat Panic: Trump's State Department to Release Emails, Docs FBI Found on Weiner Laptop Tomorrow

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Nothing new here. Comey already said so back in October 2016. After telling the congressional republicans two weeks before the election that they had found a hundred thousand emails on the Weiner laptop, and he was reopening the Clinton investigation, a week later he said after going through them, there was nothing new, and closed the investigation again.
You're too gullible!
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Nothing new here. Comey already said so back in October 2016. After telling the congressional republicans two weeks before the election that they had found a hundred thousand emails on the Weiner laptop, and he was reopening the Clinton investigation, a week later he said after going through them, there was nothing new, and closed the investigation again.
You're too gullible!

Dude , the fact they are releasing emails to the public means they have nothing in them.
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Nothing new here. Comey already said so back in October 2016. After telling the congressional republicans two weeks before the election that they had found a hundred thousand emails on the Weiner laptop, and he was reopening the Clinton investigation, a week later he said after going through them, there was nothing new, and closed the investigation again.
You're too gullible!

LOL- says the gullible sap who believes every Birther rumor ever posted on the internet.
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017
4 hours later- still nothing on on the site.

Site working just fine too.
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017
4 hours later- still nothing on on the site.

Site working just fine too.
People are having trouble locating the emails at the state department website. See the comments here.

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch are doing an amazing work! :clap:

I don't want to be too negative but the problem is that we will be getting heavily redacted editions.... we will get everything but not what we want to see.... aren't they saying only the "releasable" parts are going to be shown? so I am not getting too excited about it:dunno:

Still this is a step on the right direction ...

All that being said Tom Fitton is a great patriot!
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017
4 hours later- still nothing on on the site.

Site working just fine too.
People are having trouble locating the emails at the state department website. See the comments here.

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017

Hard to find what isn't there

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017
4 hours later- still nothing on on the site.

Site working just fine too.
People are having trouble locating the emails at the state department website. See the comments here.

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017

Hard to find what isn't there

View attachment 168557
Re-read Tom Fittons Twitter I linked to and read the comments.
The more they're redacted is more proof they were classified.

I agree with you and I am all for the total release of those emails but....if they are going to look like this when the do release them......:(......well that's no good, is it?:dunno:

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017
4 hours later- still nothing on on the site.

Site working just fine too.
People are having trouble locating the emails at the state department website. See the comments here.

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017

Hard to find what isn't there

View attachment 168557
Re-read Tom Fittons Twitter I linked to and read the comments.

LOL- you mean all of the comments by gullible idiots like yourself speculating on what they can't find?
Chances are, it's gonna be nothing more than a whole bunch of stuff that will embarrass, but not incriminate, Weiner or Huma.

Trump is just doing this to be petty and mean.

Trump is 'being petty' when a lawsuit leads to the release of emails? Did you even look at what was happening before making that comment?

As for the emails themselves, nothing new will be in them and there will be very little redaction. This was a massive non starter to begin with - the FBI has already DIRECTLY STATED there was nothing criminal in them.

(well further at least - Weiner's extra curricular activities excluded)
Chances are, it's gonna be nothing more than a whole bunch of stuff that will embarrass, but not incriminate, Weiner or Huma.

Trump is just doing this to be petty and mean.

Trump is 'being petty' when a lawsuit leads to the release of emails? Did you even look at what was happening before making that comment?

As for the emails themselves, nothing new will be in them and there will be very little redaction. This was a massive non starter to begin with - the FBI has already DIRECTLY STATED there was nothing criminal in them.

(well further at least - Weiner's extra curricular activities excluded)
You saw them already? LOL
The more they're redacted is more proof they were classified.

I agree with you and I am all for the total release of those emails but....if they are going to look like this when the do release them......:(......well that's no good, is it?:dunno:

Sure it is it exposes the DNC

Oh I know that....I wish I could read what it says... that's all.:sad:
So you’re a parrot?

What do you mean
What I have seen so far today:
  1. No panic by any Democrats
  2. None of what Stevie claimed would be released today- being released.
What a shock.

Stevie the racist making crap up again.

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