Democrat Panic: Trump's State Department to Release Emails, Docs FBI Found on Weiner Laptop Tomorrow

Great...national security secrets / classified info sitting on / found on the naked lap / penis of a pedophile because the daughter of Muslim Brotherhood members stole all of Hillary's classified e-mails and sent them to her un-authorized, un-encrypted, un-secured, un-protected laptop at home...

And this espionage-committing bi@tch, who was protected BY THE FBI from criminal charges for lying to the FBI, is walking around free instead of joining her husband in jail...
The more they're redacted is more proof they were classified.

I agree with you and I am all for the total release of those emails but....if they are going to look like this when the do release them......:(......well that's no good, is it?:dunno:

Sure it is it exposes the DNC

Oh I know that....I wish I could read what it says... that's all.:sad:
So you’re a parrot?

What do you mean
What I said. seems you don’t know the term in politics
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Breaking Update via Fox News moments ago.

They're reporting the State Department is having trouble downloading all the Huma classified emails and said only 4 have been released so far.
Breaking Update via Fox News moments ago.

They're reporting the State Department is having trouble downloading all the Huma classified emails and said only 4 have been released so far.

Julian Assange!

Oh where are thou!

Where are you((( Julian! )))
Breaking Update via Fox News moments ago. They're reporting the State Department is having trouble downloading all the Huma classified emails and said only 4 have been released so far.

See, I told you all the Trumpflakes would find a reason to declare why the shit sandwich that they got fed was so tasty.

And no, I never get tired of being proven correct.
why the Feds are the ones who have to release these emails is beyond me....:cuckoo:.....of all people the bloody feds??

like ....anybody trust the f.... feds .....:cuckoo:

that's all I'm saying...
Julian .....please......if you are still alive please release these emails.
Breaking Update via Fox News moments ago. They're reporting the State Department is having trouble downloading all the Huma classified emails and said only 4 have been released so far.

See, I told you all the Trumpflakes would find a reason to declare why the shit sandwich that they got fed was so tasty.

And no, I never get tired of being proven correct.

Problem is you never are.
I just checked the news. Nothing about Democratic panic.


Hmm, I just checked, and your head is up your ass, so you wouldn't know what was going on unless it kicked you.

The State Department on Friday released a batch of work-related emails from the account of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were discovered by the FBI on a laptop belonging to Abedin's estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, near the end of the 2016 presidential campaign.

At least four of the documents released Friday are marked "classified."

One November 2010 document that was released shows Abedin forwarding an email to an address titled “Anthony Campaign.”

Former FBI Director James Comey said during a congressional hearing earlier this year that he believed Abedin regularly forwarded emails to Weiner for him to print out so she could give them to Clinton.}
State Department releases Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop

Well, that would be treason, Guno you fucking retard...
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017
4 hours later- still nothing on on the site.

Site working just fine too.
People are having trouble locating the emails at the state department website. See the comments here.

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017

Hard to find what isn't there

View attachment 168557

At least four of the emails are classified.

Hillary is guilty of perjury, Comey is guilty of obstruction of justice, and you are guilty of being an insufferable partisan retard.
One question....and I'm serious...who trusts the State Deparment (full of Deep State rogue elements....still...yes still full of enemies with Obama and Clinton scum) to release anything worth? :cuckoo:

know what i mean?
Thread summary:

Trumpflakes never learn.

But then, if they weren't pisschugging retards without gonads, they wouldn't be Trumpflakes.

You and the likes of you are communist losers

Trump's patriots are here to stay for eight years and more :clap2:!:2up:
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017
4 hours later- still nothing on on the site.

Site working just fine too.
People are having trouble locating the emails at the state department website. See the comments here.

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

They're posting them now!

Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: (link: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act)…
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2017

Hard to find what isn't there

View attachment 168557

At least four of the emails are classified.

Hillary is guilty of perjury, Comey is guilty of obstruction of justice, and you are guilty of being an insufferable partisan retard.
That's 4 so far. Tom Fitton an hour ago said they still have a lot of emails to sift through and his team at Judicial Watch is working on it as we speak.
Oh this is going to be good. A good ole happy pre-New Year's Eve weekend Friday news dump exploiting Hillary and Huma and classified information they were exchanging.

JUDICIAL WATCH: State Department to Release Emails, Docs FBI Found on Weiner Laptop Tomorrow

Well, Stevie?????

What time am I supposed to "panic".....Come on, I've got other things to do....Tell me EXACTLY when the panic should start.................(what an :asshole:LOL)

You will be in a massive panic when some of your heros start doing the perp walk and it is coming.........the leftard whine is going to be delicious!

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