Democrat Party Superdelegates - More Equal Than Others?

Are the Democrat Superdelegates fundamentally unfair?

  • Yes, all delegates should be picked by the voters, period.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • No, <state your rationale'>

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
All GOP delegates are earned by winning primaries, period. I can't help noticing that even though Bernie is winning the primaries that the Clinton super-delegates are negating his popular vote victories. I can't help but notice that this top-down fixed election process is just like in communist dictatorships, like in Venezuela.

I hope that the grass-root progressives notice this injustice....or am I looking at this wrong???
this is so sleazy. but where the hell is their base of VOTERS over them being cheated out of their votes? I posted on this in another thread

DNC Chair: Superdelegates Make Sure Party Leaders Don’t Have to Run Against Grassroots Activists
By Barbara Hollingsworth | February 12, 2016 | 2:16 PM EST

( – Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said that although the Democratic Party “wants to give every opportunity to grassroots activists... to participate” in its presidential nomination process, superdelegates “exist... to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists."

all of it here:
DNC Chair: Superdelegates Make Sure Party Leaders Don’t Have to Run Against Grassroots Activists
this is typical dem corruption. Ignore the will of the people because the people are too stupid to know that they should vote for the hildebeast.

WTF is wrong with you dems that you let this continue?
I voted "No" and I'll now state my case in the fairness of their system. Since it is a basic Democratic believe that politicians know best, their primaries should play by those same rules. Thus it is a given that the rank and file of the party don't know shit in comparison to elected officials who comprise the Super-delegates.

WTF is wrong with you dems that you let this continue?

What other option is there?

Fix your party or change to the one that counts each vote equally.

Wake up. the DNC is picking your candidates, not the primary voters.

The primaries aren't over yet. ;)

true, but the dem rules are in place. the super delegates will pick your nominee. Why bother voting in a primary when you vote doesn't count?
Could turn out to be a huge dim fuckup. How do you think Sanders supporters will react on election day if the DNC screws Bernie and them? real excited to turn out to vote for Hillary I'm sure.
You can't change the rules of a contest, midstream, so any changes would not affect this election.

I personally think there should only be primaries and the votes from primaries, giving delegates....but even that is set up differently per state...some states gives "winner takes all" and other states divide up the delegates as a percentage of the votes the candidates got....

So that needs to be addressed too....I think it needs to be consistent, through all states....and no Caucuses imo, just primary votes of individuals should count.

As far as this election, there are about half the super delegates who have not committed to tentatively supporting Hillary....

Bernie knows the rules, and needs to get his butt in gear and shore up those super delegates...

Hillary won the primary vote in 2008, 18.1 million to 17.6 million for Obama, she learned from her mistakes in 2008 and shored up a good deal of super delegates early on this time around....can't blame her...
DNC corruption may lose the election for liberals.

Bernie beat Shrill in New Hampshire by 20%, but she got the same number of delegates as Bernie.

In Iowa a coin flip decided six delegates....Shrill won all of them...what are the odds?

Shrill has 320 SUPERdelegates, Bernie lass than 20.

If Shrill is the nominee, night as well vote for Frump. This country deserves that POS!
You can't change the rules of a contest, midstream, so any changes would not affect this election.

I personally think there should only be primaries and the votes from primaries, giving delegates....but even that is set up differently per state...some states gives "winner takes all" and other states divide up the delegates as a percentage of the votes the candidates got....

So that needs to be addressed too....I think it needs to be consistent, through all states....and no Caucuses imo, just primary votes of individuals should count.

As far as this election, there are about half the super delegates who have not committed to tentatively supporting Hillary....

Bernie knows the rules, and needs to get his butt in gear and shore up those super delegates...

Hillary won the primary vote in 2008, 18.1 million to 17.6 million for Obama, she learned from her mistakes in 2008 and shored up a good deal of super delegates early on this time around....can't blame her...

Great, but she is still a liar, a cheat, and a criminal. The super delegates cannot change her to a decent human being. She is a terrible person who should never again have any position of authority.
DNC corruption may lose the election for liberals.

Bernie beat Shrill in New Hampshire by 20%, but she got the same number of delegates as Bernie.

In Iowa a coin flip decided six delegates....Shrill won all of them...what are the odds?

Shrill has 320 SUPERdelegates, Bernie lass than 20.

If Shrill is the nominee, night as well vote for Frump. This country deserves that POS!

the country deserves what it votes for. It voted twice for obozo and he has done his best to destroy our economy, our culture, and our standing in the world.

I think you need not worry about running Shrillery, the FBI will take care of her for you.

Where's Biden???????????????? Hey Joe, the party needs you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
DNC corruption may lose the election for liberals.

Bernie beat Shrill in New Hampshire by 20%, but she got the same number of delegates as Bernie.

In Iowa a coin flip decided six delegates....Shrill won all of them...what are the odds?

Shrill has 320 SUPERdelegates, Bernie lass than 20.

If Shrill is the nominee, night as well vote for Frump. This country deserves that POS!
No, that is simply a lie....

Bernie got 15 PLEDGED delegates and Hillary got 9 PLEDGED delegates from the New Hampshire primary vote....

The UNPLEDGED super delegates, Hillary got their commitments back in 2015.... they have absolutely NOTHING to do with Primary votes which are pledged delegates.

Super delegates/unpledged delegates can change their minds 100 times before the fact a couple of super delegates who initially committed to Hillary have changed their minds and switched their vote to Bernie the last few days, and who knows, they can go from Bernie back to Hillary and back to Bernie again....
DNC corruption may lose the election for liberals.

Bernie beat Shrill in New Hampshire by 20%, but she got the same number of delegates as Bernie.

In Iowa a coin flip decided six delegates....Shrill won all of them...what are the odds?

Shrill has 320 SUPERdelegates, Bernie lass than 20.

If Shrill is the nominee, night as well vote for Frump. This country deserves that POS!
No, that is simply a lie....

Bernie got 15 PLEDGED delegates and Hillary got 9 PLEDGED delegates from the New Hampshire primary vote....

The UNPLEDGED super delegates, Hillary got their commitments back in 2015.... they have absolutely NOTHING to do with Primary votes which are pledged delegates.

Super delegates/unpledged delegates can change their minds 100 times before the fact a couple of super delegates who initially committed to Hillary have changed their minds and switched their vote to Bernie the last few days, and who knows, they can go from Bernie back to Hillary and back to Bernie again....

your description of DNC corruption is accurate, thanks
You can't change the rules of a contest, midstream, so any changes would not affect this election.

I personally think there should only be primaries and the votes from primaries, giving delegates....but even that is set up differently per state...some states gives "winner takes all" and other states divide up the delegates as a percentage of the votes the candidates got....

So that needs to be addressed too....I think it needs to be consistent, through all states....and no Caucuses imo, just primary votes of individuals should count.

As far as this election, there are about half the super delegates who have not committed to tentatively supporting Hillary....

Bernie knows the rules, and needs to get his butt in gear and shore up those super delegates...

Hillary won the primary vote in 2008, 18.1 million to 17.6 million for Obama, she learned from her mistakes in 2008 and shored up a good deal of super delegates early on this time around....can't blame her...

Your reply is more of a "yes its fucked-up, but that's the way it is, our progressive tenets are all bullshit, some voters are in-fact more equal than others, <one man - one vote> doesn't count since our core democrat voters are so stupid". They fixed the debate schedule, they can fix the super-delegates....maybe its better for the GOP if they don't???
You can't change the rules of a contest, midstream, so any changes would not affect this election.

I personally think there should only be primaries and the votes from primaries, giving delegates....but even that is set up differently per state...some states gives "winner takes all" and other states divide up the delegates as a percentage of the votes the candidates got....

So that needs to be addressed too....I think it needs to be consistent, through all states....and no Caucuses imo, just primary votes of individuals should count.

As far as this election, there are about half the super delegates who have not committed to tentatively supporting Hillary....

Bernie knows the rules, and needs to get his butt in gear and shore up those super delegates...

Hillary won the primary vote in 2008, 18.1 million to 17.6 million for Obama, she learned from her mistakes in 2008 and shored up a good deal of super delegates early on this time around....can't blame her...

Your reply is more of a "yes its fucked-up, but that's the way it is, our progressive tenets are all bullshit, some voters are in-fact more equal than others, <one man - one vote> doesn't count since our core democrat voters are so stupid". They fixed the debate schedule, they can fix the super-delegates....maybe its better for the GOP if they don't???
No, they can't change the rules midstream on super delegates....YOU KNOW THAT and I know that, and we ALL know that.....

Your goal is simply to cause trouble and try to get democrats fighting eachother, or the Bernie voters disillusioned....

Bernie can get all the super delegates, about half, that have not committed to anyone yet, AND he can also get the super delegates that tentatively have committed to Hillary....

IF BERNIE DOES NOT DO THAT, then Bernie and Bernie alone, could lose his bid for the Presidency....

Which maybe he really does not want to win...he just wants his message to get out there...

BERNIE KNOWS THE RULES OF THIS CONTEST he is in....and has known them for decades....he can win it, IF HE WANTS TO.
It's amazing that you can lose a state by 22% and split the states delegates. But then you'd have to be a Clinton I guess.
He did't split the state delegates from the primary. Bernie got 15 pledged delegates and Hillary got 9 pledged delegates from the contest/vote. PERIOD.

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