Democrat Rep. Al Green To Nation's Leading Bankers: You Appear to Be White


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Incredible! Can it be any plainer what the MSM-Democrats have in mind for our country the next time they get full control over the government? Also let's be honest pertaining to Al Green here, banking is not most black people’s strong suit.

Rep. Green Tells Bankers: ‘You Appear to Be White Men’

From the article, Al Green appears to be setting the stage to force "white bankers" to pay reparations to blacks, in this own words:

"Next question has to do with something near and dear to my heart. My ancestors were slaves. In 2005, is it true that J.P. Morgan released information directly indicating that it directly benefited from slavery? Would the representative from J.P. Morgan respond?."

James Dimon, the chairman and CEO of JP Morgan, Chase & Co., said, “I do believe that in 2005 we made a report about potential transactions that involve slavery between J.P. Morgan or its heritage companies back in the 1800s.”

Green asked Dimon if his bank “accepted loans against slaves as collateral.”

“I believe that to be true, yes,” Dimon responded.

Green asked if any of the other banks have produced a study on whether they benefited from slavery. “If so, raise your hand, please. Let the record reflect that none have raised a hand, not one has raised a hand.”

Green then asked, “Do you believe that your bank benefited from slavery in some way in terms of its business practices? If so, raise your hand.
The republicans better secure the voting booths/precincts come the general or we might see one of the most corrupt elections of all time.

In my opinion, the republicans should want to segregate the voting by party. Otherwise the place where voting republican takes place would be different from where the voting for Demon-crat takes place. Both sides are allowed monitors at each site, but only if they choose freely to do so.

This would cut out voter intimidation tactics, and make single party voters way more comfortable in getting out to vote in a less hostile environment.

My distant relative (aunt), says to me one day, that when she goes out to vote, that she is met with nothing but black folks running her voting station or precinct. Not that she is racist or anything, but only that she knows that most black folks do vote Democrat. She feels intimidated when voting because of this situation, and her fears may have been realized when they handed her the Democrat ballot card instead of a republican ballot card before casting her vote. She became highly upset about the mistake, and the precinct worker asked her what's wrong ? She said that she was given a Democrat ticket or ballot card, when in fact she is a republican. Wonder how many elderly this is tried on if wasn't a mistake ???

The separation of the Democrat precinct and the republican precinct would clear alot of the intimidation issues or tactics (that are used), up for both parties involved. What say you all about such a thing ??

Would Democrat and republican voters alike, get out to vote if we're going to a voting station that only represented their party on that day ??? I think they would.

Right now what needs to be done, is to make sure that there is no unequal balance of race involved in working these stations. No one likes to be intimidated when voting, and in the current created environments, it is exactly what voters are facing at these places where such a thing can easily occur in the set up.
Incredible! Can it be any plainer what the MSM-Democrats have in mind for our country the next time they get full control over the government? Also let's be honest pertaining to Al Green here, banking is not most black people’s strong suit.

Rep. Green Tells Bankers: ‘You Appear to Be White Men’

This man was a Justice of the Peace in Houston. He rose through the ranks in Houston after he graduated from colleges in 2 other states, and came here to earn his Juris Doctor's degree, settle down, and practice law, and entered politics where he became a Justice of the Peace, then a Representative in Congress for seven terms. He wasn't kidding about not seeing a black face there, just as when I went to the hospital suffering from shock due to an allergic reaction to a flu shot, where I didn't see a single white face and was ignored for 2 hours in a very cold room with no blanket, which is the bellwether of eliminating shock. I won't ever go back to that hospital again, because I'd rather die that experience another bout of malpractice of medicine that I experienced that day. Rep. Green has to go back to his district where he doesn't have all that many white faces he has to look at, and has to please his constituents who elected him to Congress.

Putting an inexperienced banker into a position of trust will lose people's trust in banks, just like my hospital experience almost took my life if I hadn't procured a blanket from one and only one nurse who took pity on me and delivered my request. Making everything racial doesn't solve any problems. But when one race plays games with a person's life because they're financially frustrated with a system their parents didn't engage them in, it compounds the political animus with formidable dysfunction. We have to start educating children to hold objectivity as a preferred method of handling crises, and we need to stop educating children to be brainwashed automatons of one or another political parties and requiring parents to relearn the virtues of telling the truth (character-building), having faith (religion), respecting life (medical ethics), being honest in money (mathematics), enjoying nature (science), reproductive responsibility (sexual ethics), and doing the right thing (personal responsibility). There are a lot of other things too, but getting a balance is important when we are choosing a future for the people who are in this country that tends to forget human frailty is distributed by factors we often do not fully understand, and underscoring what I am saying is the prison population, not to mention the number of people who wind up on death row either by their deed or someone else's false witness.

I'm not sure how we are going to magically produce ethnic proportionality in the banking business to bring equality into the banking industry. Musicians are supposed to be very mathematical. Maybe some hip hop artist could go to banker's school?
Blacks and Browns by far commit the majority of violent crimes. So generally speaking most violent criminals appear to Black and Brown. So the question to the prehistoric missing link between African savages and Central American savages, am I missing something? :p
Blacks and Browns by far commit the majority of violent crimes. So generally speaking most violent criminals appear to Black and Brown. So the question to the prehistoric missing link between African savages and Central American savages, am I missing something? :p
Yes. Reality.
Well, he's playing to the base. That's politics.

We're not capable of much more at this point.
Well, he's playing to the base. That's politics.

We're not capable of much more at this point.
Yes, you may be missing something, Snouter.

Black people produced a very famous and amazing scientist, and I'll let Wikipedia do the talking about George Washington Carver:

George Washington Carver
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Washington Carver

Photograph circa 1910
Born 1864
Diamond, Missouri, U.S.
Died January 5, 1943 (about 79 years old)
Tuskegee, Alabama, U.S.
Alma mater Iowa State University
Awards Spingarn Medal (1923)
George Washington Carver (1860s[1][2] – January 5, 1943), was an American agricultural scientist and inventor. He actively promoted alternative crops to cotton and methods to prevent soil depletion.[3]

While a professor at Tuskegee Institute, Carver developed techniques to improve soils depleted by repeated plantings of cotton. He wanted poor farmers to grow alternative crops, such as peanuts and sweet potatoes, as a source of their own food and to improve their quality of life. The most popular of his 44 practical bulletins for farmers contained 105 food recipes using peanuts. Although he spent years developing and promoting numerous products made from peanuts, none became commercially successful.[4]

Apart from his work to improve the lives of farmers, Carver was also a leader in promoting environmentalism.[5] He received numerous honors for his work, including the Spingarn Medal of the NAACP. In an era of very high racial polarization, his fame reached beyond the black community. He was widely recognized and praised in the white community for his many achievements and talents. In 1941, Time magazine dubbed Carver a "Black Leonardo".[6]
And in addition to bilingual excellence very few Americans possess, Latino Americans have also contributed greatly to many fields, notably medical advancements, but other areas as well, of course:

10 Game-Changing Hispanic Scientists You Didn’t Learn About In School
BY Anna Green
October 6, 2016

Today, the world recognizes Cuban doctor and scientist Carlos Juan Finlay as a pioneer in the study of yellow fever. But back in 1881, when Finlay first presented his extensive research suggesting that mosquitoes transmitted the disease to Havana’s Academy of Sciences, he became a laughingstock. According to Finlay’s son, the speech was greeted with initial silence, followed by “universal ridicule.” It took another two decades before Finlay’s hypothesis became widely accepted. During that time, Finlay didn’t give up on his research. Instead, he spent those twenty years refining his theory, breeding mosquitoes, and conducting hundreds of tests to support this theory.

The first Mexican-born scientist to win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Mario Molina discovered the serious environmental threat posed by chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFCs). Along with fellow chemist Sherwood Rowland, Molina found that CFCs—chemicals commonly used as refrigerants, and colloquially known as Freon—released into the atmosphere were contributing to ozone depletion.

In 1993, astronaut Ellen Ochoa became the first Hispanic woman to go to space. She first served on a nine-day mission aboard the space shuttle Discovery, where she and a team of astronauts studied the Earth’s ozone layer, then returned to space three more times, spending nearly 1000 hours in orbit. Today, Ochoa, who holds NASA’s Distinguished Service Medal, serves as the director of the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

Nobel Prize winning biochemist César Milstein opened new doors in the diagnosis and treatment of disease with his 1975 study on monoclonal antibodies. Milstein and his team developed a technique for the unlimited production of monoclonal antibodies, a type of antibody made by identical immune cells. Thanks to Milstein’s work, monoclonal antibodies are now used in everything from diagnostic tests to the treatments of several autoimmune diseases.

Astrophysicist France A. Córdova is the director of the National Science Foundation, a federal agency that develops programs to advance all fields of scientific discovery. She was nominated for the position in 2014 by President Barack Obama. Before she spent her days overseeing America’s science and scientific education programs, Córdova conducted important research on x-ray and gamma ray sources, accretion discs, and black holes, publishing more than 150 scientific papers. Back in 1993, she also became the first woman to hold the position of NASA Chief Scientist.

Mexican-American botanist Ynes Mexia discovered two new plant genera and 500 new plant species—and she didn’t even start collecting plants until she was 51 years old. Born in 1870 in Washington D.C. to a Mexican diplomat father, Mexia spent many years as a social worker before enrolling as an undergraduate at the University of California Berkeley and discovering her passion for botany. In the 1910s and 1920s, she traveled thousands of miles around Mexico, South America, and Alaska, collecting some 145,000 plant specimens in just 13 years. Today, 50 plant species are named for her.

Born in Buenos Aires in 1968, physicist Juan M. Maldacena studies the relationship between quantum gravity and quantum field theories. Currently a faculty member at the Institute for Advanced Studies, he has been awarded the Fundamental Physics Prize (2012) and appeared on the “Einstein’s Dream” episode of PBS’s Big Ideas. Maldacena’s research on the duality of conjecture was so groundbreaking, the participants of a 1998 string theory conference wrote a song to honor him called “The Maldacena” (sung and danced to the tune of “The Macarena.” It was the 1990s, after all). While much of Maldacena’s work is tough reading for non-physicists, he has also written several explanations of his work on quantum theory for general audiences, including a popular 2007 Scientific American article tantalizingly entitled “The Illusion of Gravity.”

Father of singers Joan Baez and Mimi Fariña, Mexican-American physicist Albert Baez was the co-inventor of the X-ray reflection microscope. Though he created the device, which allows scientist to examine living cells, in 1948, it’s still considered a crucial scientific tool to this day. A pacifist, he refused a series of defense industry positions during the Cold War arms race, instead conducting research and teaching physics at the University of the Redlands, Baghdad University, MIT, and Harvey Mudd College.

Born in New York City in 1929, Puerto Rican-American pediatrician and healthcare advocate Helen Rodríguez Trías helped improve access to public health services for women and children in both the United States and Puerto Rico. She was the first Hispanic president of the American Public Health Association as well as a founding member of the Committee to End Sterilization Abuse, an organization that fought against the practice of forced sterilization. In 2001, she was awarded the Presidential Citizen’s Medal for her work on behalf of people with HIV and AIDS.

Nuclear physicist Ted Taylor worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the 1940s and 1950s, where he helped design small nuclear weapons and reactors, as well as the Super Oralloy Bomb, which was the largest pure fission bomb ever detonated. While detonating a test bomb in the Nevada desert, Taylor once suavely lit a cigarette off of the blast using a parabolic mirror.
After observing the damage nuclear weapons could do, Taylor ultimately had a change of heart. He went on to serve as a consultant to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, where he worked to develop safeguards against the use of nuclear weapons. “He was ten or twenty years ahead of the rest of us,” Freeman Dyson, famed physicist and Taylor’s colleague once said, “I think he is perhaps the greatest man that I ever knew well. And he is completely unknown.” 10 Game-Changing Hispanic Scientists You Didn’t Learn About In School

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Incredible! Can it be any plainer what the MSM-Democrats have in mind for our country the next time they get full control over the government? Also let's be honest pertaining to Al Green here, banking is not most black people’s strong suit.

Rep. Green Tells Bankers: ‘You Appear to Be White Men’


The standard allowed USMB race baiting thread. This has nothing to do with politics.
Mr. IM2, race issues have everything to do with politics. Please be patient with us, and we will try to return the favor. ;)
Incredible! Can it be any plainer what the MSM-Democrats have in mind for our country the next time they get full control over the government? Also let's be honest pertaining to Al Green here, banking is not most black people’s strong suit.

Rep. Green Tells Bankers: ‘You Appear to Be White Men’


The standard allowed USMB race baiting thread. This has nothing to do with politics.
Mr. IM2, race issues have everything to do with politics. Please be patient with us, and we will try to return the favor. ;)

Do they? Is that why you can ignore 242 years of white racist policies steeped in politics and call blacks who bring it up race baiters and threads mentioning such bait threads?
Incredible! Can it be any plainer what the MSM-Democrats have in mind for our country the next time they get full control over the government? Also let's be honest pertaining to Al Green here, banking is not most black people’s strong suit.

Rep. Green Tells Bankers: ‘You Appear to Be White Men’


The standard allowed USMB race baiting thread. This has nothing to do with politics.
Mr. IM2, race issues have everything to do with politics. Please be patient with us, and we will try to return the favor. ;)

Do they? Is that why you can ignore 242 years of white racist policies steeped in politics and call blacks who bring it up race baiters and threads mentioning such bait threads?
You ain't going to find out much with a 5 minute debate window on the TV news channels. I can not tell you about the past far back, but in recent decades untold hundreds of billions of dollars and more has been transferred to minorities. And Prog schemes like Dodd/Frank made poorer people out of many who played by the rules of the bankers and their trust in our government
From the article, Al Green appears to be setting the stage to force "white bankers" to pay reparations to blacks, in this own words:

"Next question has to do with something near and dear to my heart. My ancestors were slaves. In 2005, is it true that J.P. Morgan released information directly indicating that it directly benefited from slavery? Would the representative from J.P. Morgan respond?."

James Dimon, the chairman and CEO of JP Morgan, Chase & Co., said, “I do believe that in 2005 we made a report about potential transactions that involve slavery between J.P. Morgan or its heritage companies back in the 1800s.”

Green asked Dimon if his bank “accepted loans against slaves as collateral.”

“I believe that to be true, yes,” Dimon responded.

Green asked if any of the other banks have produced a study on whether they benefited from slavery. “If so, raise your hand, please. Let the record reflect that none have raised a hand, not one has raised a hand.”

Green then asked, “Do you believe that your bank benefited from slavery in some way in terms of its business practices? If so, raise your hand.
Al Green should pay Reparations to the taxpayers.
Incredible! Can it be any plainer what the MSM-Democrats have in mind for our country the next time they get full control over the government? Also let's be honest pertaining to Al Green here, banking is not most black people’s strong suit.

Rep. Green Tells Bankers: ‘You Appear to Be White Men’


The standard allowed USMB race baiting thread. This has nothing to do with politics.
Mr. IM2, race issues have everything to do with politics. Please be patient with us, and we will try to return the favor. ;)

Do they? Is that why you can ignore 242 years of white racist policies steeped in politics and call blacks who bring it up race baiters and threads mentioning such bait threads?
You ain't going to find out much with a 5 minute debate window on the TV news channels. I can not tell you about the past far back, but in recent decades untold hundreds of billions of dollars and more has been transferred to minorities. And Prog schemes like Dodd/Frank made poorer people out of many who played by the rules of the bankers and their trust in our government
21 Trillion in Reparations has already been paid.
Well, he's playing to the base. That's politics.

We're not capable of much more at this point.
Yes, you may be missing something, Snouter.

Black people produced...

Buddy. Mac was obviously referring to the American people as a whole, with his "we" comment, not "black people".

He was making a comment about the decline of civic dialog in this country, not attacking black people.

It is shocking that you managed to misunderstand that.
It is outrageous that a sitting congressman would berate white men, for being white men.

He is a racist asshole, and that he was elected reflects very, very poorly on his district.
Well, he's playing to the base. That's politics.
We're not capable of much more at this point.
No he actually isn't. But that's all YOU can see.
Yes, the standard deflect/pivot/attack approach.

Green said what he said. HE brought it up. HE brought up race. Out of NOWHERE.

If you don't like it pointed out, tough shit.
Well, he's playing to the base. That's politics.

We're not capable of much more at this point.
Yes, you may be missing something, Snouter.

Black people produced...

Buddy. Mac was obviously referring to the American people as a whole, with his "we" comment, not "black people".

He was making a comment about the decline of civic dialog in this country, not attacking black people.

It is shocking that you managed to misunderstand that.
Yep. As I said, we're just not capable of much more at this point.

And suddenly I'm Snouter.

This is sad to watch.

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