Democrat Reps Warn: ‘Demise Of Party’ Imminent

About the best they can do is eliminate a lot of the regulations that have been imposed on every single industry in this country, some of it ridiculous. to help encourage manufacturing companies to stay in this country. They can try lowering the corporate tax rate, but studies have shown in the past, that it really plays no hand in increasing job growth in manufacturing.
Eliminate costly regulations. Drastically reduce taxes. Foster "right-to-work" states (like Wisconsin and Michigan became) to help reduce union extortion (which is often times an unbearable burden on business).
And to keep in mind, automation has done a lot in this country to reduce jobs in manufacturing. Machines taking the place of people.
Automation is what builds wealth. It's what increases GDP. The ATM didn't eliminate bank teller jobs. It simply reduced them. But it increased the demand for engineers to design the machines, manufacturing to build the machines, and labor to install and repair the machines (almost all of which were better paying jobs than the bank teller). So the jobs essentially shifted to better paying jobs. That's what automation does. It takes low-skilled, redundant jobs and produces at a higher level with less error, while shifting those jobs to higher skilled jobs of engineering the machines, producing them, and repairing them.
3. Republicans have always been pro-trade, and they will not undo NAFTA or any other existing trade agreements.
Trump isn't anti-trade. But I do believe that he deeply desires better trade agreements. Now the onus is on him to negotiate those better trade deals. Will he? I have no idea. But being the world's ultimate superpower, we certainly have all of the leverage to get the trade deals we desire.
How could he possibly do any worse than the globalists that were in it to line their own pockets?
I don't disagree. Trump won't do any worse. My concern is if he will even try. Trump isn't the most trustworthy individual I have ever seen. I don't expect him to follow through on a whole lot of his "promises".
3. Republicans have always been pro-trade, and they will not undo NAFTA or any other existing trade agreements.
Trump isn't anti-trade. But I do believe that he deeply desires better trade agreements. Now the onus is on him to negotiate those better trade deals. Will he? I have no idea. But being the world's ultimate superpower, we certainly have all of the leverage to get the trade deals we desire.
How could he possibly do any worse than the globalists that were in it to line their own pockets?
I don't disagree. Trump won't do any worse. My concern is if he will even try. Trump isn't the most trustworthy individual I have ever seen. I don't expect him to follow through on a whole lot of his "promises".
I don't think he's BS'ing. But time will tell. I don't think an individual as successful as he is in the business of losing. His only obstacle at this point would be the establishment Washington good ole boys club and the globalists, which are one and the same. I believe that if he can make America's economy boom AND make them money they'll all be on board. But, thus we'll see.
The democrat party....

I've been compiling a list of things I wish would be done in my head. Maybe someday I'll write it down, but I think the number one thing we need to be concerned about for the future of America is fixing the liberal shit-holes that are destroying our children.

The kids that are being put out right now are absolutely incapable of running a business, I mean these idiots can't even write Trump on a coffee cup without needing to call the police - holy fuck... No business owner in their right mind is going to let these twits represent their companies. They don't understand the most basic premises of making a profit, and in fact seem to be under the impression that doing so is evil. No business owner is going to let them manage their companies. It's an absolute disaster for these kids, their life is basically fucked because the schools completely fail to teach them reality and how to manage themselves - much less any thing or anyone else.

How can the country survive it? How are we going to get through when all the old "white assholes" retire? My only hope is that there is enough of us "white bastards" who taught our kids to handle the shit that needs to be done to maintain some manner of competitive edge in the global business market, otherwise the money is all going to some other country - and I'm afraid that country is going to be Japan (best case) or China (not so good).
LOOK at what the failed school system is putting out these days. Listen to this twit's "equality" rant and you tell me that /any/ company would be willing to risk her up as representing their business, much less that she might have the /intelligence/ to actually accomplish the job.

Just one of /thousands/ of similar bullshit from these idiots. I don't frankly give a rats ass if it's the Dems or the Reps who put an end to this PC culture that is destroying the country. I suggest, however, that the liberals start teaching the /true/ meaning of equality, rather than just relying on catch phrases and expecting these moron children to get it without it being explained...
LOOK at what the failed school system is putting out these days. Listen to this twit's "equality" rant and you tell me that /any/ company would be willing to risk her up as representing their business, much less that she might have the /intelligence/ to actually accomplish the job.

Just one of /thousands/ of similar bullshit from these idiots. I don't frankly give a rats ass if it's the Dems or the Reps who put an end to this PC culture that is destroying the country. I suggest, however, that the liberals start teaching the /true/ meaning of equality, rather than just relying on catch phrases and expecting these moron children to get it without it being explained...

Yep....she is definitely the result of a progressive education. I can't stop laughing at how she calls it "rude" to ask if there is a military discount but she thinks it's ok to listen in on a business transaction between a customer that is not with her and a business that she is not a part of - and then to interrupt that conversation and give her own two cents without being asked.

Progressives always project. They are rude but accuse others of being rude. They are racist but accuse others of being racist. They are oppressive but accuse others of being oppressive. They are ignorant but accuse others of being uneducated.
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THe majority of births in this country are now "minority".

All they have to do is keep up the Race Baiting and wait.

Someday the day will come when no matter how bad the Dem candidate, nor how upset the White VOters, that the largest single ethnic group in the nation will be permanently shut out of political power.

The dems then can fuck them over as badly as they want, and the whites will have no political or legal avenue for getting their interests addressed.

It will be the One Party Utopia that lefties like Right Wing have been gloating about, just a little prematurely.
You presume that minorities are too stupid to know how damaging this shit is.

We'll just see how that goes won't we.
Jews supporting the Dumbocrat Party is just as insane and just as mind-boggling as Jews supporting Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's. The Dumbocrats hate Israel and all of you Jews. Every idiot progressive kid in a college campus supports Palestine and opposes Israel. They even go so far as to label Jews "murders" and stage fake "murder scenes".

It's nice to see at least a few of the Dumbocrats starting to wake up...

50-Year Democratic Loyalist Alan Dershowitz Is Threatening to Leave the Party Because of One Man
Democrats need to become the party of the worker again as they were 60 years ago....We need to stop focusing on shit that the majority don't like like LBGT+ and blacklivesdoesn'tmatter. These issues sorry to say piss people off and drive people out of the party! Telling a white male that they're privileged was a major fuck up that cost us hundreds of thousands of votes! Running that Bitch Hillary clinton that supported the fucking TPP was a massive mistake as people been training their replacement or watching their jobs being outsourced all together...No freaking wonder Donald Trump won! We need to refocus on issues like rebuilding the unions(bargaining rights), minimum wage(60% approval!), education, science, etc. The Republicans without a doubt are a party that don't like the poor or the little guy on the bottom! But we allowed them to win by our own idiocy this time.
Democrats need to become the party of the worker again as they were 60 years ago....We need to stop focusing on shit that the majority don't like like LBGT+ and blacklivesdoesn'tmatter. These issues sorry to say piss people off and drive people out of the party! Telling a white male that they're privileged was a major fuck up that cost us hundreds of thousands of votes! Running that Bitch Hillary clinton that supported the fucking TPP was a massive mistake as people been training their replacement or watching their jobs being outsourced all together...No freaking wonder Donald Trump won! We need to refocus on issues like rebuilding the unions(bargaining rights), minimum wage(60% approval!), education, science, etc. The Republicans without a doubt are a party that don't like the poor or the little guy on the bottom! But we allowed them to win by our own idiocy this time.
Very well said for once Matthew. The LGBT issue killed the Dumbocrats. It is so irrational and the left's insistence on forcing it down the throats of the American people was suicide.

It would also be wise for the Dumbocrats to stop pissing on the U.S. Constitution and discussing their disdain for America. John F. Kennedy wouldn't even recognize this party. Decent Democrats need to do what true conservatives did and abandon the party. Build a left-wing equivalent of the Tea Party where you run candidates with integrity and which don't hold radical views like a person can think what gender they are and it magically becomes reality.
Congressman Cleaver was 100% correct - this party is in complete demise. Tomi's response after Maxine Waters finishes speaking is freaking hilarious. She's trying not to crack up laughing at how the leadership of the Dumbocrat Party is literally suffering from severe dementia...

The party did well. Let's remind the trolls that Hillary is winning the popular vote by 2.5 million votes. The only thing they need to focus on right now is the GOP voter suppression/rigging in swing states which allowed a rapist to sneak into the whitehouse.
Voter fraud?

I'm with you.

Voter ID.

Most certainly.
Democrats control both the governor’s office and legislatures in just five states: Oregon, California, Hawaii, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

If Calexit Ever Happened, This is What Would Come Next [Meme]

That's going to change here very quickly. You have awoken a sleeping Giant, and this is the WELCOME HOME committee- Senate & House-Republicans all across this country are facing today, right now. Including in very conservative states and districts at their Town Hall meetings.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


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