Democrat "Responsibility"

yea, attaching a defunding of obamacare to the CR is a "clean" CR, and I'm the one being dishonest?

lol, too funneh, too funneh.

The Obamabullshitcare bill passed via disingenuous trickery in the first place. You might deny that fact too, but your denial would be another falsehood by you.

Since it got passed by such illicit means, it is ripe for de-funding by any means whatsoever.

Obamacare- How It Passed - Mustard Seeds

The Senate Passes The Bill

On December 24, 2009 at 7 am when most people are not paying attention to these matters, the Senate passed the healthcare bill. This is truly passage of legislation by stealth, trying to do it in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve so that there would be the least coverage of their vote. Far from being transparent, it was done is a rushed and secretive manner with the worst parts of the law being in this version of the bill that's detailed in this Wall Street Journal article.

Obama and the derpocrats were so wide-eyed, when they passed Obamacare on Christmas Eve, it is reminiscent of James Stewart's wild dreams in this clip of It's a Wonderful Life. :cuckoo:

[ame=]It's a Wonderful Life (2/9) Movie CLIP - Lasso the Moon (1946) HD - YouTube[/ame]
No, to deny that the Law passed and the Republicans failed to repeal it 40 times is dishonesty.

Maybe. But (of course) nobody is denying any such thing. So, nice strawman, GT. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::cuckoo: Lame and silly, but pointless.

Listen up. The law passed. It got subject to efforts to repeal it and didn't get repealed. It got challenged on a Constitutional basis and by virtue of a dishonest SCOTUS chief Justice "opinion" it somehow irrationally survived. And?

Nobody is saying it didn't pass. Nobody is claiming that prior efforts to rescind it didn't get attempted and fell short. Nobody is denying that it cleared the hurdle of a SCOTUS evaluation.

But What a prior Congress passed and the shithead President signed while "law" at present is not immune to additional efforts to void it. ONE way to do that is to fucking DEFUND it. CONGRESS, not the President and not the SCOUTS holds the Constitutional power of the purse strings. Accordingly, this is a PERFECTLY VALID Constitutional method to seek to overturn "Obamacrapcare."

Learn to cope.

False. It is your CLAIM that is dishonest. The effort to DEFUND Obamacrapcare and Obamacrapcare alone is what the GOP tried in the House. Newsflassh: The idiot Senate Majority leader would not permit THAT perfectly CLEAN CR to get through the Senate. It is HE and his cohorts who are thus preventing the entire rest of the U.S. government from getting funded. <-- THAT is just a simple honest FACT and your denials of that FACT are pitiable and wholly dishonest of you and all your partisan propagandist cohorts.

And to deny that the Senate passed a clean CR with spending levels first proposed by Boehner himself, who will not even allow a vote b/c of their insistence to cut away at Obamacare (this way), versus the (right) way that they FAILED 40 times at, is DISHONESTY.

Bullshit. You offer nothing but more and more of the same tired dishonest lolberal partisan hack spin. The HOUSE passed a "CR" that funded ALL of the US government EXCEPT for Obamacrapcare and REID and the maggots of the Democrat Parody in the SENATE won't permit it to even get voted on.

It's a bicameral legislature. For a reason.

Yet the incumbent President assured everyone that he wouldn't even negotiate on this matter. Well, fuck him. He is not the Emperor and he is not a dictator. This is still a Constitutional REPUBLIC and if he wants to address the issues, then he's going to have to work within THAT construct.

Accordingly, this is a PERFECTLY VALID Constitutional method to seek to overturn "Obamacrapcare."

Thereby choosing to shut down the government if they don't get their way. How hard is that to understand. Apparently most Americans do understand......

A compromise was already reached and it was the Republicans who reneged on it..

Compromises to Obamacare are meaningless. There are already numerous laws on the books that fully legitimize neo-care. Whatever small set-back the plan receives now will be cleverly by-passed to restore it to full-strength by new legislation, in the long months left to our lame duck president or even by the next president, who is very likely to be another democrat, since republicans are totally in disarray.

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