Democrat Senator Threatens Insurrection If SCOTUS Overturns Roe v Wade

I wish we lived in a world where outrage mattered. But I think we live in a post-outrage world, and voters today are affected only by that which directly affects them, which is why the economy, affordability and cost of living is such a major issue for so many people. While a lot of people will express sympathy for that 12-year-old girl in Texas who got raped but no longer can terminate her pregnancy, it’s not what motivates them to go to the polls, sadly.

Can gutting Roe produce the kind of outpouring of women voters for Democrats we saw in 2018, particularly in the suburbs? Or will traditional metrics — standing of the president, feelings about the economy and overall direction of the country — govern people’s choices?

I think people could "forgive" Biden for the inflation if he'd flat out disavow the progressive's charge to "give" people money to increase discretionary spending and let Moms stay home. A president could also say the Fed is increasing interest rates to slow consumer spending, and he'll do everything he can to help make the pain as short as possible. But THAT is not the progressive agenda because they see inflation as an excuse to tax "the rich" more an take money from them that they "don't deserve."

So, I really don't expect much of a "gut punch" for the Gop in 22, and I'm totally uncertain what 24 will bring. I mean Fiengold might be too much a centrist for these loons. I don't think Warren is an economic moron (quite the opposite) but she's made herself a walking gag line with that native american ancestry thing.

But the notion of restricting abortion beyond what we do, and esp limiting access to abortion medication and forced birthing of victims is .... way outside anything what people under 65 will accept. So elections may be "whose worse" for a few years, but I'm pretty optimistic longterm.

I thought Roe and Carter's all volunteer army just let people who were my age and younger avoid having to stand up to the govt.
I'm pro-life but I can't support the Republicans. Unfortunately the concern over that life ends with birth with them.
And it's so easy to slip into racism and not see our commonality with a black single mom with a passel of kids on welfare. Not that they should have been aborted but that the mom should have seen better options than getting pregnant and a life on welfare.
And it's so easy to slip into racism and not see our commonality with a black single mom with a passel of kids on welfare. Not that they should have been aborted but that the mom should have seen better options than getting pregnant and a life on welfare.

Which at that point is irrelevant.
And it's so easy to slip into racism and not see our commonality with a black single mom with a passel of kids on welfare. Not that they should have been aborted but that the mom should have seen better options than getting pregnant and a life on welfare.

The old “welfare queen” lie rears its ugly head again.
Too bad for them that they aborted half of their soldiers.....

ALL women get abortions. Evangelical women get 13% of abortions. That’s 130,000 abortions per year for the religious right. Republicans get abortions too.

One in four American women has an abortion before she’s 40.

Blaming liberal women for abortion is a big fat lie. And thinking that 8 million more women voters than men won’t make Republicans pay for this idiocy, is a bad idea.

2018 will be puppy shit compared to the wrath of women in the midterms.
Funny how Your link doesn’t exist
Not my fault they moved it and you can’t do a simple search.
How come I’m always informing you Leftists of what’s going on in the world? Start joining reality, you’ll be a conservative then.

Not my fault they moved it and you can’t do a simple search.
How come I’m always informing you Leftists of what’s going on in the world? Start joining reality, you’ll be a conservative then.

If in the unlikely event the SCOTUS ends up upholding R v W, the decision will always be suspect due to the intimidation and threats of violence from the leftist animals. The Left won’t care, though…..the ends justify the means.

The Court has to follow through and reverse the 1972 (‘73?) ruling as planned, or the leftists will have effectively destroyed the Supreme Court.

I also think they have something on Roberts. it was apparent with Obamacare, and he may now be working to flip a couple of conservative justices.
Not my fault they moved it and you can’t do a simple search.
How come I’m always informing you Leftists of what’s going on in the world? Start joining reality, you’ll be a conservative then.

You have NEVER informed anyone of anything because you don’t know anything about what’s really going on.

There will be a revolution. Women will destroy the Republican Party. Just like the women’s revolution after Trump’s election took over the House.

You laughed about the millions of women marching at the time. 8 million more women voters than men.
You have NEVER informed anyone of anything because you don’t know anything about what’s really going on.

There will be a revolution. Women will destroy the Republican Party. Just like the women’s revolution after Trump’s election took over the House.

You laughed about the millions of women marching at the time. 8 million more women voters than men.
Oh good, a foreign invasion from KKKanada. Bring your slingshots since you don’t have weaponry like we do here in the greatest nation on God’s green earth.

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