Democrat Senators Beg for Censorship to Win the Runoff Election


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
The Stalinists at senate want information they do not like removed.

Several Senate Democrats wrote a letter to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki on Monday evening, saying they were concerned about election misinformation on its platform and demanding that it be removed.

“We write to express our deep concern regarding the proliferation of misinformation on your platform during and immediately following the 2020 elections and in light of the upcoming Georgia run-off elections,” the letter says. “We urge you to immediately remove all election outcome misinformation and take aggressive steps to implement prohibitions, as other social media companies have done, regarding outcomes in future elections.”

Isn't it interesting. Free speech is guaranteed by the first amendment, but if communication goes through a private company, the senate is allowed to censor speech to their heart's content.

Any cuckservative who still believes in the "but it's a private company" argument need to have their brains checked.
Interesting essay regarding the Stalinist behavior. This was written before the comments and is not directly related to them, only the way of operation.
If you’ve read the Parable of the Seasteader, you’ll already know that at sufficient scale the public/private distinction collapses — a private entity of sufficient size can have all the power of a public entity. It is certainly arguable that Facebook and Google have reached such size. Here, however, I want to discuss a different dilemma - government’s use of private entities to regulate freedoms it cannot directly abridge.

We’re going to look at one specific right (the right to free speech) and one specific set of Federal regulations (§ 1604.11) but the pattern I’m describing here has become ubiquitous in our country. Nowadays, almost anything government is forbidden to regulate, it can require corporations to regulate for it. The government has outsourced tyranny. Let’s see how this black magic is performed....

Government cannot regulate your expression of your viewpoint - but corporations can.
Most people understand that the First Amendment does not apply to private actors on their private property. A person or corporation can choose to allow free speech in their home or business, or can choose to regulate free speech, even viewpoints, as they deem. This “exception” to the First Amendment has been the case since the foundation of Anglo-American law, and it is absolutely necessary to protect the rights of property owners.

For instance, if I am running a bicycle shop, I am absolutely permitted to prevent my employees from putting up posters that say “bicycles suck” or telling my customers to “buy a scooter.” Likewise, if I am running a video game news site, I am absolutely permitted to tell my journalists not to write about the beauties of Sistine Chapel instead. And if I invite you to my home to binge-watch Babylon 5, and you express the offensive viewpoint that Star Trek is better, I am altogether within my rights to make you leave.

Admittedly, there have been occasional exceptions to this rule under the so-called state actor doctrine. Most notably, the US Supreme Court ruled in Marsh v Alabama (1946) that the First Amendment fully applied to expressive activities on the company-owned sidewalks and streets of a company-owned town. The precedent of Marsh v Alabama was expanded in Amalgamated Food Employees Union v Logan Valley Plaza (1968) then overturned in Hudgens v NLRB (1976). Since Hudgens, the state actor doctrine has waned in importance, despite numerous conservative efforts to sue online platforms.

We will put aside the so-far toothless Section 230 for a discussion another day. In general, private corporations can regulate the expression of viewpoints, even though government cannot, and that’s the law.
In Fact, Private Abridgment Is Often Required!

What most people don’t understand, however, is that private actor aren’t just free to regulate viewpoint. They are required by government to regulate viewpoints. What a paradox! Government can require a private actor to undertake regulation over speech that the government couldn’t itself take? Yes!

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Is there any point at which you stop acting like Stalinists?

Didn't think so... so you will be called on it.

For the record, Stalin started killing people only once he could. Obviously free speech was long gone at that point. Speech goes first, then the head.
With Twitter banning Bobby Piton because of his testimony in Arizona Demoncrats are actually f'ing themselves right out of any offices as they ask for people to be censored.

With Twitter banning Bobby Piton because of his testimony in Arizona Demoncrats are actually f'ing themselves right out of any offices as they ask for people to be censored.

The leftists also censored the story on Biden's laptop.

It's not about censoring false information, it's about censoring accurate information.

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Is there any point at which you stop acting like Stalinists?

Didn't think so... so you will be called on it.

For the record, Stalin started killing people only once he could. Obviously free speech was long gone at that point. Speech goes first, then the head.

Do you think Amy Klobachar is in any way like Josef Stalin?
With Twitter banning Bobby Piton because of his testimony in Arizona Demoncrats are actually f'ing themselves right out of any offices as they ask for people to be censored.

The leftists also censored the story on Biden's laptop.

It's not about censoring false information, it's about censoring accurate information.

The laptop story was and is garbage.
With Twitter banning Bobby Piton because of his testimony in Arizona Demoncrats are actually f'ing themselves right out of any offices as they ask for people to be censored.

The leftists also censored the story on Biden's laptop.

It's not about censoring false information, it's about censoring accurate information.

I agree.

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Is there any point at which you stop acting like Stalinists?

Didn't think so... so you will be called on it.

For the record, Stalin started killing people only once he could. Obviously free speech was long gone at that point. Speech goes first, then the head.

Do you think Amy Klobachar is in any way like Josef Stalin?

She's probably a direct descendant.

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Is there any point at which you stop acting like Stalinists?

Didn't think so... so you will be called on it.

For the record, Stalin started killing people only once he could. Obviously free speech was long gone at that point. Speech goes first, then the head.

Do you think Amy Klobachar is in any way like Josef Stalin?

She's probably a direct descendant.

Didn't you make a bet to leave or something?

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Is there any point at which you stop acting like Stalinists?

Didn't think so... so you will be called on it.

For the record, Stalin started killing people only once he could. Obviously free speech was long gone at that point. Speech goes first, then the head.

Do you think Amy Klobachar is in any way like Josef Stalin?

She's probably a direct descendant.

Didn't you make a bet to leave or something?

When Trump concedes, I leave.

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Is there any point at which you stop acting like Stalinists?

Didn't think so... so you will be called on it.

For the record, Stalin started killing people only once he could. Obviously free speech was long gone at that point. Speech goes first, then the head.

Do you think Amy Klobachar is in any way like Josef Stalin?

She's probably a direct descendant.

Didn't you make a bet to leave or something?

When Trump concedes, I leave.
Ahh and when Joe is sworn in and Trump still doesn't'll still be here...right?

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Is there any point at which you stop acting like Stalinists?

Didn't think so... so you will be called on it.

For the record, Stalin started killing people only once he could. Obviously free speech was long gone at that point. Speech goes first, then the head.

Do you think Amy Klobachar is in any way like Josef Stalin?

She's probably a direct descendant.

Didn't you make a bet to leave or something?

When Trump concedes, I leave.
Ahh and when Joe is sworn in and Trump still doesn't'll still be here...right?

Please show me where I said that.

How is it that you continually make shit up to argue against.
The Stalinists at senate want information they do not like removed.

Several Senate Democrats wrote a letter to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki on Monday evening, saying they were concerned about election misinformation on its platform and demanding that it be removed.

“We write to express our deep concern regarding the proliferation of misinformation on your platform during and immediately following the 2020 elections and in light of the upcoming Georgia run-off elections,” the letter says. “We urge you to immediately remove all election outcome misinformation and take aggressive steps to implement prohibitions, as other social media companies have done, regarding outcomes in future elections.”

This is the kind of censorship that illegal
The Corrupt Democrats are goose stepping towards totalitarianism.

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Stalin murdered about 30 million directly and another 20 million indirectly ( by starvation) far he holds the all time record unless maybe we dig into the exploits of ancient Assyria who may actually have killed more people...hard to say.
Isn't it interesting. Free speech is guaranteed by the first amendment, but if communication goes through a private company, the senate is allowed to censor speech to their heart's content.

Any cuckservative who still believes in the "but it's a private company" argument need to have their brains checked.

View attachment 423846

Save's beginning to look like the Sate legislatures are going ot step in....if that happens you'll be needing that vehicle.

Serious question....

Do you think we'll ever get back to the point to where you guys (and people who are just as crazy on the left) can talk about the opposition candidates without using such crazy assed terms?

Stalin, from what I remember about History, murdered like twelve million of his own people. Do you honestly think Amy Klobachar (sp?) to name one is remotely like Stalin?

From the standpoint of a fellow (and those who use such ridiculous comparisons) sound like an idiot.

Is there any point at which you stop acting like Stalinists?

Didn't think so... so you will be called on it.

For the record, Stalin started killing people only once he could. Obviously free speech was long gone at that point. Speech goes first, then the head.

Do you think Amy Klobachar is in any way like Josef Stalin?

She's probably a direct descendant.

Didn't you make a bet to leave or something?

When Trump concedes, I leave.
Ahh and when Joe is sworn in and Trump still doesn't'll still be here...right?

Please show me where I said that.

How is it that you continually make shit up to argue against.
So you’re gone whether the blob concedes or not?

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