Democratic Lawyer Michael Sussmann Indicted, Accused Of Lying To FBI In Russia Probe


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Hopefully, this is just the first of many.

A federal grand jury has returned an indictment against cybersecurity attorney Michael Sussmann, who represented the Democratic National Committee in connection with the 2016 Russia hack, accusing him of lying to the FBI about who he was representing.​
The grand jury indictment accuses Sussmann of lying when he “stated to the General Counsel of the FBI that he was not acting on behalf of any client in conveying particular allegations concerning a Presidential candidate, when in truth, and in fact, as the defendant well knew, he was acting on behalf of specific clients, namely, Tech Executive-1 and the Clinton Campaign.”

He's the one who made up the story about Trump and a Russian Bank.

Nope.. Trump's chinless sons bragged about getting money from Russian banks.

Donald Trump's Alfa Bank Connection Still Raises Questions ...
A few weeks before Donald Trump became president, Russian banker Petr Aven, a billionaire oligarch with Moscow’s Alfa Bank, pulled aside Washington lobbyist Richard Burt at a corporate meeting ...
Trump backer Erik Prince's account of Russian banker ...
Erik Prince, founder of the now defunct Blackwater security firm and a supporter of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential run, appears to have misled the U.S. Congress on details of contact he had with ..
Nope.. Trump's chinless sons bragged about getting money from Russian banks.

Donald Trump's Alfa Bank Connection Still Raises Questions ...
A few weeks before Donald Trump became president, Russian banker Petr Aven, a billionaire oligarch with Moscow’s Alfa Bank, pulled aside Washington lobbyist Richard Burt at a corporate meeting ...
Trump backer Erik Prince's account of Russian banker ...
Erik Prince, founder of the now defunct Blackwater security firm and a supporter of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential run, appears to have misled the U.S. Congress on details of contact he had with ..
Deflect, distract, whatabout....

Hopefully, this is just the first of many.

A federal grand jury has returned an indictment against cybersecurity attorney Michael Sussmann, who represented the Democratic National Committee in connection with the 2016 Russia hack, accusing him of lying to the FBI about who he was representing.​
The grand jury indictment accuses Sussmann of lying when he “stated to the General Counsel of the FBI that he was not acting on behalf of any client in conveying particular allegations concerning a Presidential candidate, when in truth, and in fact, as the defendant well knew, he was acting on behalf of specific clients, namely, Tech Executive-1 and the Clinton Campaign.”

The the DOJ will soon try to dismiss this suit. If they fail, Biden will pardon him.

That's how it's done, right?
Trump backer Erik Prince's account of Russian banker ...
Erik Prince, founder of the now defunct Blackwater security firm and a supporter of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential run, appears to have misled the U.S. Congress on details of contact he had with ..
was he indicted for lying to congress or mueller?
Isn't this pretty much what they tried to prosecute Flynn for? What are the odds he gets convicted, or even goes to trial? I'm guessing a plea deal, slap on the wrist, and a stern warning: "Don't do that again, you bad boy!"
Maybe republicans consider it to be political payback but it looks like a bull shit technical charge. Maybe the "justice dept" is going to sacrifice this poor bastard to give the false impression that the prosecutions are politically balanced. Anyway, who do we see when the FBI lies to us?

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