Democratic Party Destroys Families


May 23, 2014
If you establish a government welfare state then you no longer need insurance against old age. If women can abort the responsibility of sexual intercourse with multiple partners then birth rates go down. If you eliminate the need for husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, then you eliminate the need for “family.” If you hold to the doctrine that it takes a “village” and not a “family” to raise child, then you establish the egalitarian Marxist state that liberals have advocated for generations. Saul Alinsky (Hillary and Barry’s hero)is the father of the modern Democratic Party.
Socialism Destroys Lives and Societies
The left wants government to take the place of families
If you establish a government welfare state then you no longer need insurance against old age. If women can abort the responsibility of sexual intercourse with multiple partners then birth rates go down. If you eliminate the need for husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, then you eliminate the need for “family.” If you hold to the doctrine that it takes a “village” and not a “family” to raise child, then you establish the egalitarian Marxist state that liberals have advocated for generations. Saul Alinsky (Hillary and Barry’s hero)is the father of the modern Democratic Party.
Socialism Destroys Lives and Societies
The media says it's bad this country is so politically divided.

Let's take a couple of minutes to see how we got here.

Back in the early 1900's the world was becoming a smaller place, countries were losing their isolation.
Many high level politicians were thinking on the internationalist level.
Karl Marx had spewed his bullsht and Europe and Russia were now heavily influenced by the Socialist political system.

Guys like "progressive" Woodrow Wilson truly believed the brilliance of America's liberty was primitive compared to the structured Socialist form of government which they thought would reorganize the world.

Shockingly , despite the fact Socialism and Communism usually evolve to mass murder and random execution of citizens, these descriptions have not become an instant career killer.
In 2016 we had Bernie Sanders run as a "Socialist Democrat"

The Republicans won the Civil War, but shortly after, the American citizen started rolling back the totalitarianism , injustice, and incompetence that followed.
In many places the Democrats dominated politics so heavily, simply running as a Republican became an instant loser.
When the Socialists started to weed into our society, they had to run as Democrats.
The American people as a whole would have never voted for Socialists/Communists , so their minions had to be secretive and portray small aspects of Socialism in a good light.

When FDR became president, the American government leadership was completely Socialist/Communist with a hidden agenda to save the Russian/European mass murder leadership at all cost.
(NAZIs , another form of Socialism)

The bottom line is, the Socialist influence in our country is not American.
(yes, i'm aware much of it was founded here)
Socialism is contrary to the U.S. Constitution.

for example, just to name a few:

1) No jurisdiction in America can pass gun control.
The words of the Constitution are clear.
The citizen's right to own and carry guns supersedes the formation of any military or police force.
The citizen can and should disband any armed force that threatens guns rights.

Went he Democrats say they think gun control is good, it doesn't fkn matter.
Their opinion is irrelevant.

If the Democrats want gun control , they will have to draft a new Constitution and have the states ratify it.
If the Second Amendment is changed, there's no point to our Constitution anyways, since gun ownership is an indicator of liberty.

2) The United States government can not legalize or authorize abortion.
The government can not murder people without a trial and a conviction from a jury.
If a government redefines words, claiming a person is too young to be considered a person, that's called political corruption.
Ironically, the Democrats want to end execution of criminals, but keep execution of innocent children legal.

3) The American government can not force people to buy goods and services from private companies.
This is the opposite of liberty.

Just from these few examples, we see that the Democrats don't have a "difference of opinion" but their agenda is completely contrary to the American way of life.
It is the duty of the American citizen to follow the Constitution and completely oppose detrimental politics.

Why should a crew of a ship be obligated to invite passengers on a voyage, who are completely dedicated to drilling holes in the bottom of ships?

The fact is, the American voter still isn't radical enough.
If you establish a government welfare state then you no longer need insurance against old age. If women can abort the responsibility of sexual intercourse with multiple partners then birth rates go down. If you eliminate the need for husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, then you eliminate the need for “family.” If you hold to the doctrine that it takes a “village” and not a “family” to raise child, then you establish the egalitarian Marxist state that liberals have advocated for generations. Saul Alinsky (Hillary and Barry’s hero)is the father of the modern Democratic Party.
Socialism Destroys Lives and Societies
The media says it's bad this country is so politically divided.

Let's take a couple of minutes to see how we got here.

Back in the early 1900's the world was becoming a smaller place, countries were losing their isolation.
Many high level politicians were thinking on the internationalist level.
Karl Marx had spewed his bullsht and Europe and Russia were now heavily influenced by the Socialist political system.

Guys like "progressive" Woodrow Wilson truly believed the brilliance of America's liberty was primitive compared to the structured Socialist form of government which they thought would reorganize the world.

Shockingly , despite the fact Socialism and Communism usually evolve to mass murder and random execution of citizens, these descriptions have not become an instant career killer.
In 2016 we had Bernie Sanders run as a "Socialist Democrat"

The Republicans won the Civil War, but shortly after, the American citizen started rolling back the totalitarianism , injustice, and incompetence that followed.
In many places the Democrats dominated politics so heavily, simply running as a Republican became an instant loser.
When the Socialists started to weed into our society, they had to run as Democrats.
The American people as a whole would have never voted for Socialists/Communists , so their minions had to be secretive and portray small aspects of Socialism in a good light.

When FDR became president, the American government leadership was completely Socialist/Communist with a hidden agenda to save the Russian/European mass murder leadership at all cost.
(NAZIs , another form of Socialism)

The bottom line is, the Socialist influence in our country is not American.
(yes, i'm aware much of it was founded here)
Socialism is contrary to the U.S. Constitution.

for example, just to name a few:

1) No jurisdiction in America can pass gun control.
The words of the Constitution are clear.
The citizen's right to own and carry guns supersedes the formation of any military or police force.
The citizen can and should disband any armed force that threatens guns rights.

Went he Democrats say they think gun control is good, it doesn't fkn matter.
Their opinion is irrelevant.

If the Democrats want gun control , they will have to draft a new Constitution and have the states ratify it.
If the Second Amendment is changed, there's no point to our Constitution anyways, since gun ownership is an indicator of liberty.

2) The United States government can not legalize or authorize abortion.
The government can not murder people without a trial and a conviction from a jury.
If a government redefines words, claiming a person is too young to be considered a person, that's called political corruption.
Ironically, the Democrats want to end execution of criminals, but keep execution of innocent children legal.

3) The American government can not force people to buy goods and services from private companies.
This is the opposite of liberty.

Just from these few examples, we see that the Democrats don't have a "difference of opinion" but their agenda is completely contrary to the American way of life.
It is the duty of the American citizen to follow the Constitution and completely oppose detrimental politics.

Why should a crew of a ship be obligated to invite passengers on a voyage, who are completely dedicated to drilling holes in the bottom of ships?

The fact is, the American voter still isn't radical enough.
Well said!
The Democratic party has sent millions of young black men to their Dem run prisons in their Dem run states from their Dem run cities. And bussed millions of young black women to Dem run abortion centers.
The Democratic party has sent millions of young black men to their Dem run prisons in their Dem run states from their Dem run cities. And bussed millions of young black women to Dem run abortion centers.
If you establish a government welfare state then you no longer need insurance against old age. If women can abort the responsibility of sexual intercourse with multiple partners then birth rates go down. If you eliminate the need for husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, then you eliminate the need for “family.” If you hold to the doctrine that it takes a “village” and not a “family” to raise child, then you establish the egalitarian Marxist state that liberals have advocated for generations. Saul Alinsky (Hillary and Barry’s hero)is the father of the modern Democratic Party.
Socialism Destroys Lives and Societies

Okay, so Social Security is bad, choice of family size is bad, sex is bad, choice of family is bad, community is bad, some shit about Marx and Liberals followed by stating the you have read and follow Saul predictable.
If you establish a government welfare state then you no longer need insurance against old age. If women can abort the responsibility of sexual intercourse with multiple partners then birth rates go down. If you eliminate the need for husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, then you eliminate the need for “family.” If you hold to the doctrine that it takes a “village” and not a “family” to raise child, then you establish the egalitarian Marxist state that liberals have advocated for generations. Saul Alinsky (Hillary and Barry’s hero)is the father of the modern Democratic Party.
Socialism Destroys Lives and Societies

Okay, so Social Security is bad, choice of family size is bad, sex is bad, choice of family is bad, community is bad, some shit about Marx and Liberals followed by stating the you have read and follow Saul predictable.
Liberal culture is bad. Being a whore is bad. Trying to create a Marxist society is bad.
If you establish a government welfare state then you no longer need insurance against old age. If women can abort the responsibility of sexual intercourse with multiple partners then birth rates go down. If you eliminate the need for husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, then you eliminate the need for “family.” If you hold to the doctrine that it takes a “village” and not a “family” to raise child, then you establish the egalitarian Marxist state that liberals have advocated for generations. Saul Alinsky (Hillary and Barry’s hero)is the father of the modern Democratic Party.
Socialism Destroys Lives and Societies

Okay, so Social Security is bad, choice of family size is bad, sex is bad, choice of family is bad, community is bad, some shit about Marx and Liberals followed by stating the you have read and follow Saul predictable.
So “Saul” is your pal? You cite him like he is your right hand man.

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