Democratic Party Platforms Are Religion, Not Politics—And Why It Matters


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The primary difference between politics and religion is one can talk or, should the need arise, vote himself out of a bad political situation. With widespread bad religion, however, the fanaticism of the opposition—which demands conformity in the face of all reason, requires demonstrations of absolute faith to survive it, or in the case of resistance to it, confrontation by decades of bloody war.

A man talking politics down at the local VFW will complain about politicians he can't stand, even go so far as to curse at them, at the nearest empty bar stool, as if whatever elected asshole is actually sitting there beside him, present in person for a good tongue lashing by an angry constituent.

Religion, on the other hand, is an entirely different—and severely more hostile animal. Religion most often lurks at the core of every man and woman and indeed is the flowing spring of the mind and soul from which a sentient being draws the fresh or poisoned waters of his or her most closely held moral beliefs.

A man talking religion in the same dimly lit Friday night establishment will only broach such a topic with the most extreme and careful sense of reverence and superstition. He will whisper his complaints in hushed, hesitant tones out of fear his God, or the antithesis of his God, might just be listening in, ready to pounce with temptation or karmic justice.

Where political disputes can erupt into fistfights or a few weeks of tense silence between long time friends, religious disputes are much more personally biting and lasting; the wrong kind of religious dispute can result in knives drawn, suicide bombings—even decades or centuries long wars.

Political parties have disloyal members, dissenters within the ranks, and opposition members. Religions have heretics, apostates, sinners and the ex-communicated. Through elections held in Western Nations the members of political parties are swapped out for new voices spouting new platforms every so often. Politics change and are fluid based on who is running the show and often, the prevailing temperament of the people who elected them to office. Religions? Well now, religions have eternal gods, saints; popes, priests and acolytes. Religions are made up of unchanging ideas; rigid ideas any faithful adherent must abide—or else.

And there's faith. All religions have the concept of faith in some form and they always demand absolute faith from their followers.

So what is the difference between liking a political candidate or already elected politician and absolute faith in religious tenets and a deity in some form? Night and bloody day. Political parties—at least those formed in post-Enlightenment Wester Civilization—do not demand faith from their members, nor do they punish dissidents or dissenters or their disloyal followers as heretics to be damned to Hell or exiled, at least not by any means other than sharp words of criticism.

Which brings us, at last, to the tendencies of the modern Democratic Party. The modern Democratic Party ceased to be a political institution once and for all on or around the time Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency of our nation, but its conversion into a new religion was already well under way.

In the modern Democratic Party the act of casting one's vote to support it is not even close to enough compliance to satiate its demand for compliance by all Americans, regardless of political party affiliation. Modern democrat ideology, now a religious faith, views all Americans as congregants in their nationwide Church of Woke-ness. Absolute fealty and faith and compliance are mandatory.

Or else.

Within the Church of the Democratic Party lie the tenets of COVID-19 lockdown compliance, unquestioning belief coronavirus is a new plague on the earth, wearing the mask instead of the cross, celebration of the mass murder of the unborn, transgenderism as salvation, critical race theory, the sub-faith of LGBTQ, big government as GOD, and many other sub-sects lead by various but well know high priests of that Church, the Democratic Party.

What all Americans are currently dealing with, at least those who continue to think for themselves and love their fading individual freedom, is a Democratic Party which is fervently fanatical beyond all measure; an organization so zealous in the proselytization of its primary ideology that it simply will not allow heretics to exist outside of the bondage of its core beliefs. Sin against the Democratic Party Church and find out what happens. In laymen's terms: fuck around on social media and find out.

Ridiculous as it might seem, coming from a Democratic Party that once seemed to abhor all moral and ecumenical facets of ancient religion, one of our two major political parties has in effect come to power in 2021 and set itself up as the first American Theocracy. And while Joe Biden is no Pope by any stretch of the imagination, it would seem the Holy Democrats are pleased by his current service in that role.

Heaven help us . . . all.

Ah, the sweet smell of projection from the party without a platform.

Tell us, what is the Republican platform? I mean, aside from "I HATEHATEHATE DEMOCRATS AND WANT THEM ALL DEAD!" and "TRUMP IS MY MESSIAH!", which isn't actually a platform.
The primary difference between politics and religion is one can talk or, should the need arise, vote himself out of a bad political situation. With widespread bad religion, however, the fanaticism of the opposition—which demands conformity in the face of all reason, requires demonstrations of absolute faith to survive it, or in the case of resistance to it, confrontation by decades of bloody war.

A man talking politics down at the local VFW will complain about politicians he can't stand, even go so far as to curse at them, at the nearest empty bar stool, as if whatever elected asshole is actually sitting there beside him, present in person for a good tongue lashing by an angry constituent.

Religion, on the other hand, is an entirely different—and severely more hostile animal. Religion most often lurks at the core of every man and woman and indeed is the flowing spring of the mind and soul from which a sentient being draws the fresh or poisoned waters of his or her most closely held moral beliefs.

A man talking religion in the same dimly lit Friday night establishment will only broach such a topic with the most extreme and careful sense of reverence and superstition. He will whisper his complaints in hushed, hesitant tones out of fear his God, or the antithesis of his God, might just be listening in, ready to pounce with temptation or karmic justice.

Where political disputes can erupt into fistfights or a few weeks of tense silence between long time friends, religious disputes are much more personally biting and lasting; the wrong kind of religious dispute can result in knives drawn, suicide bombings—even decades or centuries long wars.

Political parties have disloyal members, dissenters within the ranks, and opposition members. Religions have heretics, apostates, sinners and the ex-communicated. Through elections held in Western Nations the members of political parties are swapped out for new voices spouting new platforms every so often. Politics change and are fluid based on who is running the show and often, the prevailing temperament of the people who elected them to office. Religions? Well now, religions have eternal gods, saints; popes, priests and acolytes. Religions are made up of unchanging ideas; rigid ideas any faithful adherent must abide—or else.

And there's faith. All religions have the concept of faith in some form and they always demand absolute faith from their followers.

So what is the difference between liking a political candidate or already elected politician and absolute faith in religious tenets and a deity in some form? Night and bloody day. Political parties—at least those formed in post-Enlightenment Wester Civilization—do not demand faith from their members, nor do they punish dissidents or dissenters or their disloyal followers as heretics to be damned to Hell or exiled, at least not by any means other than sharp words of criticism.

Which brings us, at last, to the tendencies of the modern Democratic Party. The modern Democratic Party ceased to be a political institution once and for all on or around the time Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency of our nation, but its conversion into a new religion was already well under way.

In the modern Democratic Party the act of casting one's vote to support it is not even close to enough compliance to satiate its demand for compliance by all Americans, regardless of political party affiliation. Modern democrat ideology, now a religious faith, views all Americans as congregants in their nationwide Church of Woke-ness. Absolute fealty and faith and compliance are mandatory.

Or else.

Within the Church of the Democratic Party lie the tenets of COVID-19 lockdown compliance, unquestioning belief coronavirus is a new plague on the earth, wearing the mask instead of the cross, celebration of the mass murder of the unborn, transgenderism as salvation, critical race theory, the sub-faith of LGBTQ, big government as GOD, and many other sub-sects lead by various but well know high priests of that Church, the Democratic Party.

What all Americans are currently dealing with, at least those who continue to think for themselves and love their fading individual freedom, is a Democratic Party which is fervently fanatical beyond all measure; an organization so zealous in the proselytization of its primary ideology that it simply will not allow heretics to exist outside of the bondage of its core beliefs. Sin against the Democratic Party Church and find out what happens. In laymen's terms: fuck around on social media and find out.

Ridiculous as it might seem, coming from a Democratic Party that once seemed to abhor all moral and ecumenical facets of ancient religion, one of our two major political parties has in effect come to power in 2021 and set itself up as the first American Theocracy. And while Joe Biden is no Pope by any stretch of the imagination, it would seem the Holy Democrats are pleased by his current service in that role.

Heaven help us . . . all.

Horse manure.
The primary difference between politics and religion is one can talk or, should the need arise, vote himself out of a bad political situation. With widespread bad religion, however, the fanaticism of the opposition—which demands conformity in the face of all reason, requires demonstrations of absolute faith to survive it, or in the case of resistance to it, confrontation by decades of bloody war.

A man talking politics down at the local VFW will complain about politicians he can't stand, even go so far as to curse at them, at the nearest empty bar stool, as if whatever elected asshole is actually sitting there beside him, present in person for a good tongue lashing by an angry constituent.

Religion, on the other hand, is an entirely different—and severely more hostile animal. Religion most often lurks at the core of every man and woman and indeed is the flowing spring of the mind and soul from which a sentient being draws the fresh or poisoned waters of his or her most closely held moral beliefs.

A man talking religion in the same dimly lit Friday night establishment will only broach such a topic with the most extreme and careful sense of reverence and superstition. He will whisper his complaints in hushed, hesitant tones out of fear his God, or the antithesis of his God, might just be listening in, ready to pounce with temptation or karmic justice.

Where political disputes can erupt into fistfights or a few weeks of tense silence between long time friends, religious disputes are much more personally biting and lasting; the wrong kind of religious dispute can result in knives drawn, suicide bombings—even decades or centuries long wars.

Political parties have disloyal members, dissenters within the ranks, and opposition members. Religions have heretics, apostates, sinners and the ex-communicated. Through elections held in Western Nations the members of political parties are swapped out for new voices spouting new platforms every so often. Politics change and are fluid based on who is running the show and often, the prevailing temperament of the people who elected them to office. Religions? Well now, religions have eternal gods, saints; popes, priests and acolytes. Religions are made up of unchanging ideas; rigid ideas any faithful adherent must abide—or else.

And there's faith. All religions have the concept of faith in some form and they always demand absolute faith from their followers.

So what is the difference between liking a political candidate or already elected politician and absolute faith in religious tenets and a deity in some form? Night and bloody day. Political parties—at least those formed in post-Enlightenment Wester Civilization—do not demand faith from their members, nor do they punish dissidents or dissenters or their disloyal followers as heretics to be damned to Hell or exiled, at least not by any means other than sharp words of criticism.

Which brings us, at last, to the tendencies of the modern Democratic Party. The modern Democratic Party ceased to be a political institution once and for all on or around the time Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency of our nation, but its conversion into a new religion was already well under way.

In the modern Democratic Party the act of casting one's vote to support it is not even close to enough compliance to satiate its demand for compliance by all Americans, regardless of political party affiliation. Modern democrat ideology, now a religious faith, views all Americans as congregants in their nationwide Church of Woke-ness. Absolute fealty and faith and compliance are mandatory.

Or else.

Within the Church of the Democratic Party lie the tenets of COVID-19 lockdown compliance, unquestioning belief coronavirus is a new plague on the earth, wearing the mask instead of the cross, celebration of the mass murder of the unborn, transgenderism as salvation, critical race theory, the sub-faith of LGBTQ, big government as GOD, and many other sub-sects lead by various but well know high priests of that Church, the Democratic Party.

What all Americans are currently dealing with, at least those who continue to think for themselves and love their fading individual freedom, is a Democratic Party which is fervently fanatical beyond all measure; an organization so zealous in the proselytization of its primary ideology that it simply will not allow heretics to exist outside of the bondage of its core beliefs. Sin against the Democratic Party Church and find out what happens. In laymen's terms: fuck around on social media and find out.

Ridiculous as it might seem, coming from a Democratic Party that once seemed to abhor all moral and ecumenical facets of ancient religion, one of our two major political parties has in effect come to power in 2021 and set itself up as the first American Theocracy. And while Joe Biden is no Pope by any stretch of the imagination, it would seem the Holy Democrats are pleased by his current service in that role.

Heaven help us . . . all.

Horse manure.

Reading is fundamental.
Totalitarians are always the lunatic fringe crazy cultists.
That is what we are seeing in the Democrat Party right now.
Today's democrats remind me of religion in that they don't provide much proof or evidence, they don't have explanations for things that go into detail of how it will work out kind of like just saying "this is the answer and no I won't show my work as to how I got the answer.

It reminds me of religion alot because it's mostly them saying "because I said so".
Today's democrats remind me of religion in that they don't provide much proof or evidence, they don't have explanations for things that go into detail of how it will work out kind of like just saying "this is the answer and no I won't show my work as to how I got the answer.

It reminds me of religion alot because it's mostly them saying "because I said so".

Viruses don't care about race, religion or politics.
The primary difference between politics and religion is one can talk or, should the need arise, vote himself out of a bad political situation. With widespread bad religion, however, the fanaticism of the opposition—which demands conformity in the face of all reason, requires demonstrations of absolute faith to survive it, or in the case of resistance to it, confrontation by decades of bloody war.

A man talking politics down at the local VFW will complain about politicians he can't stand, even go so far as to curse at them, at the nearest empty bar stool, as if whatever elected asshole is actually sitting there beside him, present in person for a good tongue lashing by an angry constituent.

Religion, on the other hand, is an entirely different—and severely more hostile animal. Religion most often lurks at the core of every man and woman and indeed is the flowing spring of the mind and soul from which a sentient being draws the fresh or poisoned waters of his or her most closely held moral beliefs.

A man talking religion in the same dimly lit Friday night establishment will only broach such a topic with the most extreme and careful sense of reverence and superstition. He will whisper his complaints in hushed, hesitant tones out of fear his God, or the antithesis of his God, might just be listening in, ready to pounce with temptation or karmic justice.

Where political disputes can erupt into fistfights or a few weeks of tense silence between long time friends, religious disputes are much more personally biting and lasting; the wrong kind of religious dispute can result in knives drawn, suicide bombings—even decades or centuries long wars.

Political parties have disloyal members, dissenters within the ranks, and opposition members. Religions have heretics, apostates, sinners and the ex-communicated. Through elections held in Western Nations the members of political parties are swapped out for new voices spouting new platforms every so often. Politics change and are fluid based on who is running the show and often, the prevailing temperament of the people who elected them to office. Religions? Well now, religions have eternal gods, saints; popes, priests and acolytes. Religions are made up of unchanging ideas; rigid ideas any faithful adherent must abide—or else.

And there's faith. All religions have the concept of faith in some form and they always demand absolute faith from their followers.

So what is the difference between liking a political candidate or already elected politician and absolute faith in religious tenets and a deity in some form? Night and bloody day. Political parties—at least those formed in post-Enlightenment Wester Civilization—do not demand faith from their members, nor do they punish dissidents or dissenters or their disloyal followers as heretics to be damned to Hell or exiled, at least not by any means other than sharp words of criticism.

Which brings us, at last, to the tendencies of the modern Democratic Party. The modern Democratic Party ceased to be a political institution once and for all on or around the time Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency of our nation, but its conversion into a new religion was already well under way.

In the modern Democratic Party the act of casting one's vote to support it is not even close to enough compliance to satiate its demand for compliance by all Americans, regardless of political party affiliation. Modern democrat ideology, now a religious faith, views all Americans as congregants in their nationwide Church of Woke-ness. Absolute fealty and faith and compliance are mandatory.

Or else.

Within the Church of the Democratic Party lie the tenets of COVID-19 lockdown compliance, unquestioning belief coronavirus is a new plague on the earth, wearing the mask instead of the cross, celebration of the mass murder of the unborn, transgenderism as salvation, critical race theory, the sub-faith of LGBTQ, big government as GOD, and many other sub-sects lead by various but well know high priests of that Church, the Democratic Party.

What all Americans are currently dealing with, at least those who continue to think for themselves and love their fading individual freedom, is a Democratic Party which is fervently fanatical beyond all measure; an organization so zealous in the proselytization of its primary ideology that it simply will not allow heretics to exist outside of the bondage of its core beliefs. Sin against the Democratic Party Church and find out what happens. In laymen's terms: fuck around on social media and find out.

Ridiculous as it might seem, coming from a Democratic Party that once seemed to abhor all moral and ecumenical facets of ancient religion, one of our two major political parties has in effect come to power in 2021 and set itself up as the first American Theocracy. And while Joe Biden is no Pope by any stretch of the imagination, it would seem the Holy Democrats are pleased by his current service in that role.

Heaven help us . . . all.

Well said, but actually, the Democrats are VASTLY more deranged and dangerous than even those who oppose them can truly fathom.

They are 21st century TurboNazis.
^^^ why the left is losing and the American people are turning on them.
The left is a tiny & powerless group that isn't losing anything because it never had anything.

Confusing the left with the deranged TurboNazi Democrats is like confusing Trump with Fauci.

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