Democratic Party policies work


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
People are fleeing California because it is so wealthy and they can’t afford to live there
People are fleeing California because it is so wealthy and they can’t afford to live there
A good percentage of California wealth comes from overseas trade. Asia is the golden nugget for that state. Like a drug addict, the injections from cargo ships at their ports creates employment to service it also. At least 20% of the wealth is attributed to that and it is near free wealth. If real infrastructure improvements were made, the highways and road system would be incredible. How the people driving on many of those highways feel so wealthy as they are busy and backed up is not a great way of life. It is living in a dwelling and/or having access to things closer to that. The major highways should be better. In sparsely populated areas new highway need to be built with connections from the older ones.
People are fleeing California because it is so wealthy and they can’t afford to live there
The state itself is beautiful, but the government there is all kinds of fucked up.
The state of CA spends a lot of time BANNING use of the state. Pretty much everything outdoors people would want to go do, BANNED! It's a huge pile of government fiefdoms with pointy head liberal pricks in charge. :cuckoo:
The state itself is beautiful, but the government there is all kinds of fucked up.
California has some spectacular scenery but most of the state is pretty bland. Brown, flat and dusty with no trees. Think Fresno and Bakersfield
It's funny, I was googling something yesterday and the first search result was...a memorandum from some state park fiefdom prick BANNING yet another activity at the parks. :auiqs.jpg: Not 'a' park a few dozen of them. Not a friendly BAN either, in the document it made clear the Dem pricks will arrest you! :oops:

Look living on the left coast watching these nut jobs for decades, trust me when I say these people are crazy. Extreme control freaks. East coast Dems are nothing like west coast Dems, two whole different species.
People are fleeing California because it is so wealthy and they can’t afford to live there
hahaha….and just like that the filthy left brags about gentrification. Remember when GENTRIFICATION was their favorite buzzword?
People are fleeing California because it is so wealthy and they can’t afford to live there

Must be why the businesses are leaving too. They always flee where the money is.
Most Americans would agree. Beautiful state.
Like all of America…The predominately white communities and cities still are while everywhere DIVERSE is a dirty, disgusting, dangerous, dependent and divided shithole….Weird huh?
Does that racist FACT make you piss your pants?

Sixth largest economy in the world.

hahaha….and just like that the filthy left brags about income and wealth inequalities…no state does it better than Mexifornia. While whites and Asians kill it on the coast and in Silly Con Valley and dress up the spread sheets nearly all dark people live well below the poverty line in dirty, dangerous shitholes….the poor bastards live on Top Ramen and Modello diets, the filthy cockroaches can’t even afford their sack of weed once in a while.
It's funny, I was googling something yesterday and the first search result was...a memorandum from some state park fiefdom prick BANNING yet another activity at the parks. :auiqs.jpg: Not 'a' park a few dozen of them. Not a friendly BAN either, in the document it made clear the Dem pricks will arrest you! :oops:

Look living on the left coast watching these nut jobs for decades, trust me when I say these people are crazy. Extreme control freaks. East coast Dems are nothing like west coast Dems, two whole different species.
What activity are you talking about?
A good percentage of California wealth comes from overseas trade. Asia is the golden nugget for that state. Like a drug addict, the injections from cargo ships at their ports creates employment to service it also. At least 20% of the wealth is attributed to that and it is near free wealth. If real infrastructure improvements were made, the highways and road system would be incredible. How the people driving on many of those highways feel so wealthy as they are busy and backed up is not a great way of life. It is living in a dwelling and/or having access to things closer to that. The major highways should be better. In sparsely populated areas new highway need to be built with connections from the older ones.
Can you provide a link to back that up?

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