Democratic Party War on Women...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
When Democrats fully supported Bill Clinton's proven sexual harassment's, having sexual relations with a relative child and probable yet unproven rapes, didn't they start the, War on Women? I think so...

No doubt Hillary is a doormat and fully represents all mentally weak liberal women but women that have respect for themselves, I think not.
Accusing people of rape....I know you have no shame but that's low even for you.
There's not much difference between a compulsive sexual harasser and a rapist, besides, I went with probable and yet unproven. I would say, supporting such a low class prick is far worse than my limited accusation.

btw. get used to it, your Presidential candidate obviously has no problem with women being sexually harassed and such, she's married to one.
Accusing people of rape....I know you have no shame but that's low even for you.
It was Bill's victim that accused him of that.
"In a November 1998 interview with Dateline NBC, Broaddrick claimed the earlier statement was a lie and she had indeed been raped by Clinton.[2]"

"Broaddrick said that Clinton tried to apologize to her in 1991, and claimed he had changed. In response to his apologies, as she told The Washington Post, "I told him to go to hell, and I walked off".[5]

"Ms. Rogers said that the crotch of Broaddrick's panty hose was torn, and her lips were swollen and discolored after being allegedly bitten by Clinton[4]

"Broaddrick filed a lawsuit against Clinton in the summer of 1999, to obtain documents which the White House may have gathered about her, claiming its refusal to accede to her demand for such documents violated the Privacy Act of 1974. During that time, Broaddrick's business was audited by the IRS which she charged was retaliation: "I do not believe this was coincidence," Broaddrick declared, "I do not think our number just came up."[10]"

Juanita Broaddrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Democratic Party War on Women..."

Another ridiculous lie from the reprehensible right.
"If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." (Carville responding to Paula Jones' claims that Bill Clinton sexually harassed her in a hotel room)

"The Democrat, Vincent Sheheen, made the comment at a campaign event late last week in Florence. In the midst of attacking Haley's education record, Sheheen stumbled over his words and told the crowd, "We are going to escort whore out the door."

"Where was the outrage when Bill Maher called Sarah Palin the C-word? Did President Obama call Sarah Palin? Where was the outrage when MSNBC’s Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a slut and Michelle Bachmann was called a b—- on Jimmy Fallon? Did President Obama make a call after these insults? I guess when Maher donates $1 million to Obama’s super PAC, it makes everything OK."

Where’s the outrage over liberal slurs? | eLetters — The Denver Post
1. My name is Jane Doe #5. I am 55 years old and have been married since 1981. I have one child, age 28. I currently reside in Arkansas.

2. In November of 1997, two private investigators retained by Paula Corbin Jones approached me at my residence. I declined to speak with them, but provided the name of my family attorney. I subsequently was served with a subpoena seeking the production of documents and purporting to require my testimony at a deposition in the civil action between Paula Corbin Jones and President William Jefferson Clinton (Civil Action No. LR-C-94-290). I have never met Ms. Jones, nor do I have any information regarding the allegations that she has advanced against President Clinton. In this regard, I have no knowledge or information regarding the events she has alleged occurred on May 8, 1991 at the Excelsior Hotel or, for that matter, any knowledge or information regarding any interaction between herself and Mr. Clinton.

3. I met President Clinton more than twenty years ago through family friends. Our introduction was not arranged or facilitated, in any way, by the Arkansas State Police. I have never been an Arkansas state employee or a federal employee. I have never discussed with Mr. Clinton the possibility of state or federal employment nor has he offered me any such position. I have had no further relations with him for the past (15) years.

4. During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.

5. I do not possess any information that could possibly be relevant to the allegations advanced by Paula Corbin Jones or which could lead to admissible evidence in her case. Specifically, I do not have any information to offer regarding a nonconsensual or unwelcome sexual advance by Mr. Clinton, any discussion offer or provision of state or federal employment or advancement in exchange for sexual conduct, or any use of state troopers to procure women for sex. Requiring my testimony at a deposition in this matter would cause unwarranted attorney's fees and costs, disruption to my life and constitute an invasion of my right to privacy. For these reasons, I have asked my attorney to advise Ms. Jones's counsel that there is no truth to the rumors they are pursuing and to provide her counsel with this sworn affidavit.

Further affiant sayeth not.

Jane Doe #5 Special Report: Clinton Accused

That's Juanita Broaddrick. So, what changed the story? The settlement?
"Democratic Party War on Women..."

Another ridiculous lie from the reprehensible right.
"If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." (Carville responding to Paula Jones' claims that Bill Clinton sexually harassed her in a hotel room)

"The Democrat, Vincent Sheheen, made the comment at a campaign event late last week in Florence. In the midst of attacking Haley's education record, Sheheen stumbled over his words and told the crowd, "We are going to escort whore out the door."

"Where was the outrage when Bill Maher called Sarah Palin the C-word? Did President Obama call Sarah Palin? Where was the outrage when MSNBC’s Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a slut and Michelle Bachmann was called a b—- on Jimmy Fallon? Did President Obama make a call after these insults? I guess when Maher donates $1 million to Obama’s super PAC, it makes everything OK."

Where’s the outrage over liberal slurs? | eLetters — The Denver Post

To be fair, Sarah is a C**t, and Bachman is a crazy Bi%ch.
Accusing people of rape....I know you have no shame but that's low even for you.
Several women have accused Clinton (Bill) of sexual assault.

And several people have accused George Bush and Dick Chaney of molding war intelligence to fit a pre-9/11 policy of regime change in Iraq, a war that killed 4,000+ Americans under what may have been false or heavily doctored pretenses.

Allegations are useless when they come from political enemies. That's why we have courts of law - and given the money assembled against Clinton, they would have been able to prove rape in a heartbeat had it occurred.

Secondly - Hillary may be a weak-minded female victim of Bill, or she might be using him for power, or they may have an arrangement, or they may be like millions of other couples dealing with human imperfection and infidelity. You don't know and I don't know - but that doesn't stop your party's dirt machine, which seems never to focus on your party's adulterer's and pedophiles. If you displayed a non-partisan concern for your lofty principals of fidelity we'd take you seriously.

If I cared about the sex life of my politicians, congress would be empty or at least hiking the ol Appalachian trail or copping a wide stance at public airport bathrooms. If I cared about the private lives of politicians, I would have worried more about Reagan being a divorcee with a gay son, estranged from his daughter, and married to a notoriously anti-religious astrology buff while at the same time claiming to be a beacon of family values and a deep believer of Christianity (but having never stepped foot in church). In short, the minute you peer behind the cloak of carefully orchestrated image management, you discover it's all bullshit (unless you are a republican, which means you have much more faith in your side's politicians).

Now you may go back to only being outraged at one side of the political spectrum, while cheering blindly and obediently your side of moral perfection.

(God help us. He votes)
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Allegations are useless when they come from political enemies. That's why we have courts of law - and given the money assembled against Clinton, they would have been able to prove rape in a heartbeat had it occurred.
They weren't political enemies. Paula Jones was a receptionist at a hotel. There's no indication she was a political enemy.
Kathleen Willey worked on Bill Clinton's campaign. She was not a political enemy.
None of them were identified as Republicans or political enemies.
Bill Clinton's ong history of sexual assault
Republicans seek to violate a woman's right to privacy by using government to force her to give birth against her will, proving the thread premise is in fact a lie.

Yeah, Republicans seek to violate a woman's right to privacy by forcing her to give birth. Of course as most of us know, that's a Supreme Court issue and not a Republican one. Republicans can't change that.
Accusing people of rape....I know you have no shame but that's low even for you.
There's not much difference between a compulsive sexual harasser and a rapist, besides, I went with probable and yet unproven. I would say, supporting such a low class prick is far worse than my limited accusation.

btw. get used to it, your Presidential candidate obviously has no problem with women being sexually harassed and such, she's married to one.

Hey, bring it on little man.

Every swipe at Hillary makes her look more sympathetic. You guys are just too stupid to understand that simple truth.

Just make sure you're here on a Wednesday in November 2016 so I can rub your nose in it. Okay?

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