Democratic Party's newfound resolve.

ole slate is pushing with their propaganda...they must feel the air has been let out of their rabid base and they aren't rabid enough...I mean with the Dear Leaders approvals down in the 30's and the majority of the people are tired of him acting like thug and hateful jerk

hey slater, where you asleep during the Bush administration or what? the Democrats WROTE THE BOOK ON uncompromising

but lets all sing, joy to the world, the Democrats are going to act like childish boys and girls just like they have been...

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In my part of this great nation we say "How you like them apples?" :D :cool:
Where was this resolve for the last 13 years? I'm glad the Dems have finally grown a pair
Tea Baggers are those that most like a "no compromise" position...except when President Obama does it.

Tea Baggers are those that most like a "no compromise" position...except when President Obama does it.


ummmhumm, and you all were posting that poll and calling them vulgar names when the Democrat party was showing their ass while Bush was warning things had to be DONE

[ame=]Democrats Applauding Their Own Obstructionism - YouTube[/ame]

this was at the State of the Union NO LESS and isn't that Democrat party so least they didn't call him a liar eh?

unfortunately, for some like slate and some here a LOT OF US have memories and don't fall for blowing smoke
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Where was this resolve for the last 13 years? I'm glad the Dems have finally grown a pair

As far as the ACA goes, I think the resolve comes from there really not being any room for "tap dancing", like a bunch of Blue Dogs did back in 2010 (didn't do them much good anyway).

The Dems really do own this legislation and even if a Rep or Senator is from a really red state they're standing behind it because they're gonna get tarred with it by the opposition anyway.
Tea Baggers are those that most like a "no compromise" position...except when President Obama does it.


ummmhumm, and you all were posting that poll and calling them vulgar names when the Democrat party was showing their ass while Bush was warning things had to be DONE

[ame=]Democrats Applauding Their Own Obstructionism - YouTube[/ame]

this was at the State of the Union NO LESS and isn't that Democrat party so least they didn't call him a liar eh?

unfortunately, for some like slate and some here a LOT OF US have memories and don't fall for blowing smoke

Here's another Bush video for you to enjoy:

Where was this resolve for the last 13 years? I'm glad the Dems have finally grown a pair

As far as the ACA goes, I think the resolve comes from there really not being any room for "tap dancing", like a bunch of Blue Dogs did back in 2010 (didn't do them much good anyway).

The Dems really do own this legislation and even if a Rep or Senator is from a really red state they're standing behind it because they're gonna get tarred with it by the opposition anyway.

you would rather see them tarred and feathered , then what this fascist insurance scam is going to do with hurting the people and their freedoms in this country

Where was this resolve for the last 13 years? I'm glad the Dems have finally grown a pair

As far as the ACA goes, I think the resolve comes from there really not being any room for "tap dancing", like a bunch of Blue Dogs did back in 2010 (didn't do them much good anyway).

The Dems really do own this legislation and even if a Rep or Senator is from a really red state they're standing behind it because they're gonna get tarred with it by the opposition anyway.

you would rather see them tarred and feathered , then what this fascist insurance scam is going to do with hurting the people and their freedoms in this country


You're funny.:)
Barack figured out that if you give the Republiteapartiers an inch, they'll take a mile.
ole slate is pushing with their propaganda...they must feel the air has been let out of their rabid base and they aren't rabid enough...I mean with the Dear Leaders approvals down in the 30's and the majority of the people are tired of him acting like thug and hateful jerk

hey slater, where you asleep during the Bush administration or what? the Democrats WROTE THE BOOK ON uncompromising

but lets all sing, joy to the world, the Democrats are going to act like childish boys and girls just like they have been...


Don't drink and post.
ole slate is pushing with their propaganda...they must feel the air has been let out of their rabid base and they aren't rabid enough...I mean with the Dear Leaders approvals down in the 30's and the majority of the people are tired of him acting like thug and hateful jerk

hey slater, where you asleep during the Bush administration or what? the Democrats WROTE THE BOOK ON uncompromising

but lets all sing, joy to the world, the Democrats are going to act like childish boys and girls just like they have been...


Don't drink and post.

Stephie is as zany as they come ;)

As to the OP- Repubs might be "circling the drain" at this point.

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