Democrats A Cancer Inside The United States

Wow that's a great big load of pants pissing fear Mr Chicken little. Contrary to conservative belief the sky is not falling.
I have more respect for ISIS than I do an American Democrat. ISIS has balls enough to fight. Liberals want to whine, cry, sponge welfare, and foment communist revolution from within.

That's not true. Democrats will fight to the death against Republicans and the Constitution
You're the subhuman.

You've fought and killed Muslims but have more respect for them than fellow Americans.

So where are YOUR balls, pussy? Go kill those fellow Americans or shut the fuck up ya blow hard do nothing.

Rlly. Your whole post is hypocrisy. You think dems are dangerous and destroying your country. You don't 'respect' them cuz YOU SAY they don't have the balls to fight. Yet, here you are....all NOT FIGHTING those you say are destroying your country.

I'm looking at my medals on the wall that says I have fought for my nation. I want her to be strong and proud. Her history is strong and proud. But liberals hate the United States of America. In their eyes America is an evil, awful, unfair place that must be destroyed. Oh and BTW Mr. " look at me I have a tat and guns", you don't know don't want none son.
I know you're a hypocrit, sitting on your pathetic duff and not killing those you deem to be destroying your country......

While you criticize THEM for not killing those you deem to be destroying your country.

Those " I deem to be destroying" Republic? Here...I don't vision there are boogeymen out to harm us.
Nice dip duck dodge,
Wow that's a great big load of pants pissing fear Mr Chicken little. Contrary to conservative belief the sky is not falling.
I have more respect for ISIS than I do an American Democrat. ISIS has balls enough to fight. Liberals want to whine, cry, sponge welfare, and foment communist revolution from within.

That's not true. Democrats will fight to the death against Republicans and the Constitution
The insane asylum is in Arkham, pack a bag man.
You're the subhuman.

You've fought and killed Muslims but have more respect for them than fellow Americans.

So where are YOUR balls, pussy? Go kill those fellow Americans or shut the fuck up ya blow hard do nothing.

Rlly. Your whole post is hypocrisy. You think dems are dangerous and destroying your country. You don't 'respect' them cuz YOU SAY they don't have the balls to fight. Yet, here you are....all NOT FIGHTING those you say are destroying your country.

I'm looking at my medals on the wall that says I have fought for my nation. I want her to be strong and proud. Her history is strong and proud. But liberals hate the United States of America. In their eyes America is an evil, awful, unfair place that must be destroyed. Oh and BTW Mr. " look at me I have a tat and guns", you don't know don't want none son.

Well now, mister corksmoker, we do know you. We know you by the drivel you post. And I could also claim to looking at my medals on the wall, but I am not as big a liar as you.

My father and most of my uncles served in WW2. My dd214 states Honorable. None of them ever had their medals on the wall. In fact, we only found out what they had after they died and we went through their stuff. They didn't like war, and wanted to leave it as far behind as possible. They served, were proud of their service, but were not braggarts.
I was not bragging. Responded to a question about my service. My uncles were in WWII as well. How do you suppose your uncles would respond to terrorist threat? They most likely found you to be a pussy. What's on your dd214? US Coast Guard? Air Force Reserve?
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
BBC News - Murder of Alan Henning unforgivable - Cameron
BBC News - Hong Kong protests Police arrest triad gang members
BBC News - Top Gear crew chased by thousands and ordered out of country
Would Jesus OK same-sex marriage Opinion -
The western democracies are impotent to confront the threats their citizens face due to the cancer of liberal socialism that has eaten away the backbone of once great nations. In 1885 the British Empire wreaked vengeance upon the Mahdi and his army after the beheading of Gordon. Now Europe and the United States stand by pondering how to handle the new Mahdi Army known as ISIS. Chinese nationalist are attacking pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong showing a deep conviction for world dominance over the West. In Argentina the government fuels national pride against a British film crew over the Faulklands War several decades ago. I do not even have to mention Putin and Russia, we are all painfully aware of his attitude towardthe western powers. Why is this weakness by the West so prevalent now? Lack of leadership from the United States of America. We have a Democrat (possible Muslim) in the White House who is clueless as to how to attain peace through superior firepower. In our nation we have liberal Democrats who think it infinitely more important that two men who give each other oral sex be allowed to marry, than to providing national security to the United States. Where is our long term foreign policy to deal with China and the Islamic threat? We have none because we have Democrats in our country that hate the United States of America and want to see her conquered by another stronger power. If you vote Democrat you might as well go into the street and burn an American flag.

Lessee, President Bush, a former Director of Central Intelligence was in charge for 8 years. He fought the Gulf War in such a way that now, 20+ years later we're still fighting there.

President Roosevelt, a dress wearing, wheelchair bound Democrat won World War 2 in under 4 years. President Truman, also a Democrat, finished out the last few months of the war and dropped two atomic bombs.

History of Republican Presidents fighting wars is hardly anything to call attention to.
President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, lost the Vietnam War. HW Bush ended the "Vietnam Syndrome" with a crushing victory in Persian Gulf War that did not include regime change.

Good God, you stupid ass, what else was there to expect? After all, a third world country tried to engage us in a standard military war.
We should expect victory, and not a POTUS who quits after our finest hour on the field of battle in Jan.-Mar. 1968.
Wow that's a great big load of pants pissing fear Mr Chicken little. Contrary to conservative belief the sky is not falling.
I have more respect for ISIS than I do an American Democrat. ISIS has balls enough to fight. Liberals want to whine, cry, sponge welfare, and foment communist revolution from within.

That's not true. Democrats will fight to the death against Republicans and the Constitution
Oh you want to bring up the disaster where the terrorists got lucky and we were so fucking sloppy in our security work that we ignored the report from FBI agents about Muslims learning to fly but not worried about how to land.

You think that might have been something to follow up on? You think the outcome of 9/11 might have been avoided?

Sure it could have. But you go on being scared to death.

We were sloppy and the terrorists took advantage of our sloppiness. And our world changed permanently for the worse because we didn't do what we were supposed to.
You're the subhuman.

You've fought and killed Muslims but have more respect for them than fellow Americans.

So where are YOUR balls, pussy? Go kill those fellow Americans or shut the fuck up ya blow hard do nothing.

Rlly. Your whole post is hypocrisy. You think dems are dangerous and destroying your country. You don't 'respect' them cuz YOU SAY they don't have the balls to fight. Yet, here you are....all NOT FIGHTING those you say are destroying your country.

I'm looking at my medals on the wall that says I have fought for my nation. I want her to be strong and proud. Her history is strong and proud. But liberals hate the United States of America. In their eyes America is an evil, awful, unfair place that must be destroyed. Oh and BTW Mr. " look at me I have a tat and guns", you don't know don't want none son.
I know you're a hypocrit, sitting on your pathetic duff and not killing those you deem to be destroying your country......

While you criticize THEM for not killing those you deem to be destroying your country.

Those " I deem to be destroying" Republic? Here...I don't vision there are boogeymen out to harm us.
Nice dip duck dodge,
No. I just spoke truth.
Oh you want to bring up the disaster where the terrorists got lucky and we were so fucking sloppy in our security work that we ignored the report from FBI agents about Muslims learning to fly but not worried about how to land.

You think that might have been something to follow up on? You think the outcome of 9/11 might have been avoided?

Sure it could have. But you go on being scared to death.

We were sloppy and the terrorists took advantage of our sloppiness. And our world changed permanently for the worse because we didn't do what we were supposed to.
Disaster? Therein lies my point liberal. It was NOT a disaster, but a deliberate attack by sub humans who want to kill Americans. Now go douche.
You're the subhuman.

You've fought and killed Muslims but have more respect for them than fellow Americans.

So where are YOUR balls, pussy? Go kill those fellow Americans or shut the fuck up ya blow hard do nothing.

Rlly. Your whole post is hypocrisy. You think dems are dangerous and destroying your country. You don't 'respect' them cuz YOU SAY they don't have the balls to fight. Yet, here you are....all NOT FIGHTING those you say are destroying your country.

I'm looking at my medals on the wall that says I have fought for my nation. I want her to be strong and proud. Her history is strong and proud. But liberals hate the United States of America. In their eyes America is an evil, awful, unfair place that must be destroyed.anh and BTW Mr. " look at me I have a tat and guns", you don't know don't want none son.
I know you're a hypocrit, sitting on your pathetic duff and not killing those you deem to be destroying your country......

While you criticize THEM for not killing those you deem to be destroying your country.

Those " I deem to be destroying" Republic? Here...I don't vision there are boogeymen out to harm us.
Nice dip duck dodge,
No. I just spoke truth.
No, you evaded.

You said dems are destroying the country.

You said the only ppl worthy of respect fight for what they believe in

You are on your ass, not killing dems.

You, my friend, are a pussy based on your OWN standard, you respect ISIS more than YOURSELF.

but Drooler doesn't understand droolers own posts, so how could Drooler have known he's living in an absurdity?
I'm looking at my medals on the wall that says I have fought for my nation. I want her to be strong and proud. Her history is strong and proud. But liberals hate the United States of America. In their eyes America is an evil, awful, unfair place that must be destroyed.anh and BTW Mr. " look at me I have a tat and guns", you don't know don't want none son.
I know you're a hypocrit, sitting on your pathetic duff and not killing those you deem to be destroying your country......

While you criticize THEM for not killing those you deem to be destroying your country.

Those " I deem to be destroying" Republic? Here...I don't vision there are boogeymen out to harm us.
Nice dip duck dodge,
No. I just spoke truth.
No, you evaded.

You said dems are destroying the country.

You said the only ppl worthy of respect fight for what they believe in

You are on your ass, not killing dems.

You, my friend, are a pussy based on your OWN standard, you respect ISIS more than YOURSELF.

but Drooler doesn't understand droolers own posts, so how could Drooler have known he's living in an absurdity?
Nope. Sorry narcissistic think your a fuckin philosopher boy. I said I have more respect for ISIS than Democrats because Democrats want to destroy America from within. Hence I have more respect for someone willing to fight for the home team. Again, just speaking the truth. But, hey, I bet the professor just marvels at you in the classroom with your line of rational reasoning and snappy retorts. Do you look at yourself in the mirror and masturbate? You must.
I know you're a hypocrit, sitting on your pathetic duff and not killing those you deem to be destroying your country......

While you criticize THEM for not killing those you deem to be destroying your country.

Those " I deem to be destroying" Republic? Here...I don't vision there are boogeymen out to harm us.
Nice dip duck dodge,
No. I just spoke truth.
No, you evaded.

You said dems are destroying the country.

You said the only ppl worthy of respect fight for what they believe in

You are on your ass, not killing dems.

You, my friend, are a pussy based on your OWN standard, you respect ISIS more than YOURSELF.

but Drooler doesn't understand droolers own posts, so how could Drooler have known he's living in an absurdity?
Nope. Sorry narcissistic think your a fuckin philosopher boy. I said I have more respect for ISIS than Democrats because Democrats want to destroy America from within. Hence I have more respect for someone willing to fight for the home team. Again, just speaking the truth. But, hey, I bet the professor just marvels at you in the classroom with your line of rational reasoning and snappy retorts. Do you look at yourself in the mirror and masturbate? You must.
You respect someone who fights for the home team while you sit on your ass and LET dems destroy YOUR COUNTRY?

Wow that's a great big load of pants pissing fear Mr Chicken little. Contrary to conservative belief the sky is not falling.
I have more respect for ISIS than I do an American Democrat. ISIS has balls enough to fight. Liberals want to whine, cry, sponge welfare, and foment communist revolution from within.
Well here is a peek inside of a depraved partisan drooling retards mind if there ever was one.
Where do you stand....oh no place but with your own narcissistic self centered ego. America is under threat from liberalism and ambivalence. I have more respect for ISIS than a spineless "what about my rights" whiney Democrat.

"... what about my rights...?"

You're just another one of those RWs who want the benefits of being an American but don't want other Americans to enjoy them. You constantly post that you don't understand American rights and you don't like Americans.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
BBC News - Murder of Alan Henning unforgivable - Cameron
BBC News - Hong Kong protests Police arrest triad gang members
BBC News - Top Gear crew chased by thousands and ordered out of country
Would Jesus OK same-sex marriage Opinion -
The western democracies are impotent to confront the threats their citizens face due to the cancer of liberal socialism that has eaten away the backbone of once great nations. In 1885 the British Empire wreaked vengeance upon the Mahdi and his army after the beheading of Gordon. Now Europe and the United States stand by pondering how to handle the new Mahdi Army known as ISIS. Chinese nationalist are attacking pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong showing a deep conviction for world dominance over the West. In Argentina the government fuels national pride against a British film crew over the Faulklands War several decades ago. I do not even have to mention Putin and Russia, we are all painfully aware of his attitude towardthe western powers. Why is this weakness by the West so prevalent now? Lack of leadership from the United States of America. We have a Democrat (possible Muslim) in the White House who is clueless as to how to attain peace through superior firepower. In our nation we have liberal Democrats who think it infinitely more important that two men who give each other oral sex be allowed to marry, than to providing national security to the United States. Where is our long term foreign policy to deal with China and the Islamic threat? We have none because we have Democrats in our country that hate the United States of America and want to see her conquered by another stronger power. If you vote Democrat you might as well go into the street and burn an American flag.

Might be a Muslim? That remark invalidates anything else you might have to say about anything.
Blue Liberal states support Red Conservative States. There is a reason Republican Governors like Rick Perry go to Blue States looking for skilled labor. It's because Republicans are generally stupid AND lazy. At least I think they are lazy. You need to be smart to learn. Is it the stupidity that keeps them from learning? Or the laziness? Perhaps both?
I'm looking at my medals on the wall that says I have fought for my nation. I want her to be strong and proud. Her history is strong and proud. But liberals hate the United States of America. In their eyes America is an evil, awful, unfair place that must be destroyed. Oh and BTW Mr. " look at me I have a tat and guns", you don't know don't want none son.

Firstly, thank you very much for your service to OUR great nation.

Secondly, did you go around asking military folks about their political leans or were you busy dodging bullets and such?

My guess is that, in the fox holes, you sought other like-minded men of valor who would have your back; regardless of whom they voted for.
Blue Liberal states support Red Conservative States. There is a reason Republican Governors like Rick Perry go to Blue States looking for skilled labor. It's because Republicans are generally stupid AND lazy. At least I think they are lazy. You need to be smart to learn. Is it the stupidity that keeps them from learning? Or the laziness? Perhaps both?

I disagree profoundly with this statement, some of Americas most brilliant spirits were southerners:

Big Brains and Southern Accents

I've lived in the south most of my life, and I've met people with pronounced southern accents who also happen to be Rhodes Scholars, Ivy League grads, doctors, scientists, and Pulitzer Prize-winning writers. Yet when you enter the phrase "southern accent" in a web search, you'll immediately see words like "stupid" and "uneducated". I discovered this yesterday, because I was searching for "smart people with southern accents". Why? Because I needed to find some examples to pass around. I had just seen a particularly painful example of a dumb southerner, and it was hurting my soul....

Ramblebrain Big Brains and Southern Accents

In lieu of some long, unreadable list - try this one out:

Bill Clinton.

Wow that's a great big load of pants pissing fear Mr Chicken little. Contrary to conservative belief the sky is not falling.
I have more respect for ISIS than I do an American Democrat. ISIS has balls enough to fight. Liberals want to whine, cry, sponge welfare, and foment communist revolution from within.

That's not true. Democrats will fight to the death against Republicans and the Constitution
The insane asylum is in Arkham, pack a bag man.

Whatever, Eminem

Any actual thoughts on the thread, or just snarkey, personal comments?

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