DemocRATS Abandon God and the Jews in Platform...

You must not have watched the DNC last night...

There was a whole lot of God talk.

LOL, too much for me.. :lol:
The platform speaks on its support of Israel, and a two state solution. That's been US policy for a while now. When the tired shit goes to bed, the real issues can be talked about - like how Mitt & Obama will give us the same looking net result in Governance.
The Middle East. President Obama and the Democratic Party maintain an unshakable commitment to
Israel’s security. A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States not simply because we share
strategic interests, but also because we share common values. For this reason, despite budgetary
constraints, the President has worked with Congress to increase security assistance to Israel every single
year since taking office, providing nearly $10 billion in the past three years. The administration has also
worked to ensure Israel’s qualitative military edge in the region. And we have deepened defense
cooperation – including funding the Iron Dome system – to help Israel address its most pressing threats,
including the growing danger posed by rockets and missiles emanating from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon,
Syria, and Iran. The President’s consistent support for Israel’s right to defend itself and his steadfast
opposition to any attempt to delegitimize Israel on the world stage are further evidence of our enduring
commitment to Israel’s security.
It is precisely because of this commitment that President Obama and the Democratic Party seek peace
between Israelis and Palestinians. A just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian accord, producing two states for
two peoples, would contribute to regional stability and help sustain Israel’s identity as a Jewish and
democratic state. At the same time, the President has made clear that there will be no lasting peace
unless Israel’s security concerns are met. President Obama will continue to press Arab states to reach
out to Israel. We will continue to support Israel’s peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, which have been
pillars of peace and stability in the region for many years. And even as the President and the Democratic
Party continue to encourage all parties to be resolute in the pursuit of peace, we will insist that any
Palestinian partner must recognize Israel’s right to exist, reject violence, and adhere to existing
Elsewhere in the region, President Obama is committed to maintaining robust security cooperation with
Gulf Cooperation Council states and our other partners aimed at deterring aggression, checking Iran’s
destabilizing activities, ensuring the free flow of commerce essential to the global economy, and
building a regional security architecture to counter terrorism, proliferation, ballistic missiles, piracy, and
other common threats.
I had no Idea G.T. was such an Anti-Semite. :dunno:


What's on tap for tonight at the Convention?

A couple of He-She's coming out on stage for a slow dance?
Short of shouting "FUCK YOU AND DIE!!!!" I don't know how Obama could make his position toward Israel any clearer. He has turned over control of every country he's touched to radical Islamists, he's admittedly subservient to Putin who is Iran's ally. What the fuck does it take to see the obvious?
Short of shouting "FUCK YOU AND DIE!!!!" I don't know how Obama could make his position toward Israel any clearer. He has turned over control of every country he's touched to radical Islamists, he's admittedly subservient to Putin who is Iran's ally. What the fuck does it take to see the obvious?

But he SAID his commitment to Israel was unshakable. Forget what he does, pay attention only to what he says. It's not like he would ever lie.

His commitment to Israel is unshakable is as believable as saying that we are better off today than we were four years ago. The only reason why welfare doesn't pay as much as the job you had is because the rich won't share.

He's as believable as the guy who says "I love ya baby".
Short of shouting "FUCK YOU AND DIE!!!!" I don't know how Obama could make his position toward Israel any clearer. He has turned over control of every country he's touched to radical Islamists, he's admittedly subservient to Putin who is Iran's ally. What the fuck does it take to see the obvious?

But he SAID his commitment to Israel was unshakable. Forget what he does, pay attention only to what he says. It's not like he would ever lie.

His commitment to Israel is unshakable is as believable as saying that we are better off today than we were four years ago. The only reason why welfare doesn't pay as much as the job you had is because the rich won't share.

He's as believable as the guy who says "I love ya baby".

He increased the US's funding toward Israel, it's not just talk. You tin foil hat guys really believe all of the hype in the media, yet in actual policy you don't have a leg to stand on, really.
I am going to defend the democrats here. Saying that they are abandoning God and Israel is about the same as saying they abandoned the Titanic, which they were never on in the first place. I wonder if it infuriated their base when they make reference to God to which most on the left do not believe? I doubt it, they know they are lying.
Apparently, this is supposed to be a revival, not a political convention......:lol::lol::lol:
Short of shouting "FUCK YOU AND DIE!!!!" I don't know how Obama could make his position toward Israel any clearer. He has turned over control of every country he's touched to radical Islamists, he's admittedly subservient to Putin who is Iran's ally. What the fuck does it take to see the obvious?

But he's NOT an Islamist... He's just Sympathetic to them. :thup:

By the way, where does he go to Church on Sundays again?... :dunno:


well it does no matter what church he goes to, trying to be unconstitutional, again?
Apparently, this is supposed to be a revival, not a political convention......:lol::lol::lol:

Um... God and Support for Israel WAS in the last Platform...

Not saying they should have anything in their Platform, but when they Remove Support they send a Message...

Poor Timing if they are looking to Win in November.

Motivating the Christian Right is REALLY Ignorant on their part. :thup:



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