Democrats agree with Trump: Time to rein in social media.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
It looks like Trumpsters might get their wish after all:

I'm sure they'll quibble over details, but Trump supporters should be happy that government is getting a "foot in the door", and will be one step closer to controlling big tech companies.
It looks like Trumpsters might get their wish after all:

I'm sure they'll quibble over details, but Trump supporters should be happy that government is getting a "foot in the door", and will be one step closer to controlling big tech companies.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

One individual is not ‘representative’ of an entire class of people.

AOC speaks for herself alone and represents only herself.

When the official, sanctioned spokesperson for ‘all Democrats’ comments on the issue, get back to us.
So AOC is doing this but you turn it around and blame Trump supporters.

Not blaming them. I'm congratulating them. With Dems on board, they'll get what they want. I bet Democrats will even be good with declaring them public utilities like martybegan wants.

So Trump supporters cheer when he says this but condemns AOC when she does?
I think AOC is looking for MORE censhorship of conservatives.
She also wants lists drawn up of people sho supported the President, , and thinks some of the cops in Washington who saved her were white supremacists.
I think she would put conservatives in camps if she could get away with it.
Thats why the big NY exodus will continue in the coming years.
No need to take control of BIG social media.

Just Bell System them into small, competitive pieces.
It's time to cancel facebook and twitter
Nah. We have to sick the government on them. It's the only way.
Nah. Just let civilians come after them and sue for civil liability for any content unless they act as a mere pass-through on content instead of a publisher.

Many Trumpsters want these companies to be regulated as public utilities. But they're not socialists, no sir-ee.
These companies seem to be promoting socialism, so why not let them have it.
Let the government own and control them.
I don't agree with that stance. I value liberty over "winning." But if Jack Dorsey wants to act like a creator of content, fuck him. Remove all liability protections.

Fair is fair.
No need to take control of BIG social media.

Just Bell System them into small, competitive pieces.
I don't like that approach either.

Just take away all the government protections and privileges that uphold the monopoly and it will correct itself.

Almost 99% of the time there's a problem, government caused it and government is going to try to fix it.

To government! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

It's time to cancel facebook and twitter
Nah. We have to sick the government on them. It's the only way.
Nah. Just let civilians come after them and sue for civil liability for any content unless they act as a mere pass-through on content instead of a publisher.
It looks like Trumpsters might get their wish after all:

I'm sure they'll quibble over details, but Trump supporters should be happy that government is getting a "foot in the door", and will be one step closer to controlling big tech companies.
'Quibble over the Details'?

:p. Socialist monopolies are silencing Conservatives and eliminating competition and Socialist Democrats are urging 'reining in' all Conservative media...

Welcome to the 'CCP Dem Socialist States Of Amerika.
It looks like Trumpsters might get their wish after all:

I'm sure they'll quibble over details, but Trump supporters should be happy that government is getting a "foot in the door", and will be one step closer to controlling big tech companies.
'Quibble over the Details'?

:p. Socialist monopolies are silencing Conservatives and eliminating competition and Socialist Democrats are urging 'reining in' all Conservative media...

Welcome to the 'CCP Dem Socialist States Of Amerika.

Yep. That's what happens when government "regulates" the media. This is what Trumpsters have been clamoring for.
Government should not regulate the media but as it is, media is regulating the government in favor of the establishment elitists. That's probably the biggest threat this country has ever faced. Alienated people who are deprived of their opinions will fight for their rights. So instead of our crooked government jumping in the middle, they should redefine (lower) the standard for discrimination and make it easier and less expensive for victims to sue these monopolies.

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