Democrats and foreign enemies

Trump got flushed...
What does that comment tell you about the maturity and intellect of Mac? We experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump (see above) but his tweets made little Mac's butt hurt, so he wanted someone who wasn't a big "meanie" in the White House.

Geezus, it's like dealing with a pre-school when you deal with Mac and his fellow leftists.
It wasn't "unprecedented prosperity". You have been conned. By a buffoon.
Vastly improved trade agreements
Really, Poodle?
Yes, really, Joseph (Stalin). It's hilarious that you're so pissed off that President Trump created record low unemployment, record market highs, increased wages across the US (including most among the lower class), and low taxes. You were scared to death you'd have to actually work a job and not be permitted to continue mooching off of the American people.
Trump got flushed...
What does that comment tell you about the maturity and intellect of Mac? We experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump (see above) but his tweets made little Mac's butt hurt, so he wanted someone who wasn't a big "meanie" in the White House.

Geezus, it's like dealing with a pre-school when you deal with Mac and his fellow leftists.
They ruined the economy and they know they did it. All to get one man. There are no more despicable scum than those.
It wasn't "unprecedented prosperity". You have been conned. By a buffoon.
"Record" means achievement never before reached. "Unprecedented" means never done before.

Record low unemployment. Record market highs. Literally = unprecedented.

Your post is a perfect illustration as to why high school dropouts should refrain from commenting on anything. You're not even educated on basic English words.
They ruined the economy and they know they did it. All to get one man. There are no more despicable scum that those.
Oh hell yeah. They were honest about it. Didn't even try to hide it.
It's not only Democrat policies that are dangerous to America. It's also their socializing that is dangerous to America. Bottom line, almost none of them are fit to serve.
Baby sitters super-glued my eyes shut at night when I was a baby; I developed 20/60 vision; not good enough for USAF or even to be a delivery driver, crooked eye doctors always screwing up glasses prescription so bad, I see better without their solicitous help. Contact lenses? Good grief! Eye surgery? Radial keratotomy? Laser? Are you fucking kidding me? Damned doctors are butchers. Blind and scalp people, put them in prison like Samson; and Samson was a judge.

No it's not considered a disability; just another lack of qualification for employment according to Marxist doctrine of ability under our present Communist government.

Mental disability? That's not really a disability, either. More like a prison record.
Just imagine how stupid the run of the mill democrat voter is.
I imagine most of them are on some labor union with a defined-benefit pension plan and socialized medicine, which is actually fee-for-service co-pay on top of insurance on a sliding-fee scale with your tax return in the doctor's office.
Hey...look whose back! Where have you been, Joseph (Stalin)? Yeah, President Trump didn't have a "recession". What he had were Dumbocrat Governors across the nation shutting down states to halt the economy that was hitting on all cylinders. Dems knew they were going to have their ass handed to them again.

Um, I never went anywhere.... I just haven't seen you post any of your crazy threads lately.

The economy shut down because Trump fucked up the covid response, but he was losing to Biden before the first person caught cold.

The only thing Joseph (Stalin) loves as much as his propaganda is his antisemitism. He combined both in this one post! Kind of impressive really. :laugh:

But no, comrade, there was no treaty with Mongolia. He did however, broker a historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Israel and Bahrain, Israel and Sudan, and Serbia - Kosovo economic normalization.

Okay, a few problems with that. Not one of those countries has ever fought the Zionist Entity, and not a one of them has a border with the Zionist Entity. "Hey, if we pretend we like ZIonists, will you send us money" is not a basis for peace. Most of those countries are monarchies, where the people who run them aren't really supported by their people.

As for Serbia-Kosovo- The only reason why there is a "Kosovo" to make Peace is because Bill Clinton saved them from Serbian genocide.

It is fun to watch you guys all pretend you hate militarism now, like a big hippy drum circle.

Joseph (Stalin) does love his propaganda. Unfortunately, much like him, it is completely impotent in this era of instant information at your fingertips. Brace yourself Joseph (Stalin), this one is going to sting a bit:

Record production really doesn't mean anything, when it only happens when oil becomes so expensive that fracking become feasible. The reality- We are still dependent on the rest of the world for oil.
Yes, really, Joseph (Stalin). It's hilarious that you're so pissed off that President Trump created record low unemployment, record market highs, increased wages across the US (including most among the lower class), and low taxes. You were scared to death you'd have to actually work a job and not be permitted to continue mooching off of the American people.

I work full time and run a business, buddy. Both of which has lost money in Trump's recession.

Trump is going to leave the country broke, being the third Republican in a Row to leave the country in economic ruin, because that's kind of your thing.
Yes, really, Joseph (Stalin). It's hilarious that you're so pissed off that President Trump created record low unemployment, record market highs, increased wages across the US (including most among the lower class), and low taxes. You were scared to death you'd have to actually work a job and not be permitted to continue mooching off of the American people.

I work full time and run a business, buddy. Both of which has lost money in Trump's recession.

Trump is going to leave the country broke, being the third Republican in a Row to leave the country in economic ruin, because that's kind of your thing.

"I work full time and run a business, buddy. Both of which has lost money in Trump's recession."
I call bullshit....Commie Beggar Joe.
What type of business do you run?
I work full time and run a business, buddy.
Damn dude. I don't like the attitude at work or the gig on the side, or the refusal to allow others to work or go in business on terms of equal opportunity.
Both of which has lost money in Trump's recession.
Damn Democrats are really hustling, aren't they? You hustling that much and flashing money downtown, and guns are banned for all your competitors, and you'd like to keep it that way. No wonder there's so much rioting and all the big cities are on fire.
"I work full time and run a business, buddy. Both of which has lost money in Trump's recession."
I call bullshit....Commie Beggar Joe.
What type of business do you run?

I run a resume consulting business. thanks for asking.
Damn Democrats are really hustling, aren't they? You hustling that much and flashing money downtown, and guns are banned for all your competitors, and you'd like to keep it that way. No wonder there's so much rioting and all the big cities are on fire.

Okay, buddy, the cities "aren't on fire". yes, there have been demonstrations and some property damage...but you really need to turn off the Fox News, they'll have you soiling your undies.
Trump got flushed...
What does that comment tell you about the maturity and intellect of Mac? We experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump (see above) but his tweets made little Mac's butt hurt, so he wanted someone who wasn't a big "meanie" in the White House.

Geezus, it's like dealing with a pre-school when you deal with Mac and his fellow leftists.

I almost commend Mac1958 for his complete shamelessness as it relates to Trump and his meanie-speak.
Mac has all but admitted that he hated Trump, not for his policies and or lack of accomplishments but for his meanie-speak.
He, like many, is an emotional one issue voter.
If Mr Rogers or Barney the purple dinosaur would have run for POTUS Mac definitely would have cast a vote for them.
"I work full time and run a business, buddy. Both of which has lost money in Trump's recession."
I call bullshit....Commie Beggar Joe.
What type of business do you run?

I run a resume consulting business. thanks for asking.

hahaha....No wonder you suck at what you do....that's a job for a capitalist minded individual. How can a pro-socialism beggar possibly help someone polish their resume?
I almost commend @Mac1958 for his complete shamelessness as it relates to Trump and his meanie-speak.
Mac has all but admitted that he hated Trump, not for his policies and or lack of accomplishments but for his meanie-speak.
He, like many, is an emotional one issue voter.
If Mr Rogers or Barney the purple dinosaur would have run for POTUS Mac definitely would have cast a vote for them.

Actually, Trump's behavior in and of itself should be disqualifying. I don't think any of us would want a boss who acts like Trump, and if we saw our kids acting like Trump (lying, bullying, having temper tantrums), we'd seriously do something about that.

Of course, his mismanagement of Covid (296,000 dead, 3300 dead yesterday), 65 million jobs lost, 160,000 businesses failed, riots, etc.... those are also good reasons to vote him out.

I guess you can support him if you give him credit for all the good stuff he had nothing to do with, ignore all the bad stuff he fucked up, and then also ignore his boorish behavior...

I'm just not sure why you would.
hahaha....No wonder you suck at what you do....that's a job for a capitalist minded individual. How can a pro-socialism beggar possibly help someone polish their resume?

Mostly, it's just knowing how to structure it so it gets past the ATS software, and then is eye-catching enough when a human reads it.
Trump got flushed...
What does that comment tell you about the maturity and intellect of Mac? We experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump (see above) but his tweets made little Mac's butt hurt, so he wanted someone who wasn't a big "meanie" in the White House.

Geezus, it's like dealing with a pre-school when you deal with Mac and his fellow leftists.

I almost commend Mac1958 for his complete shamelessness as it relates to Trump and his meanie-speak.
Mac has all but admitted that he hated Trump, not for his policies and or lack of accomplishments but for his meanie-speak.
He, like many, is an emotional one issue voter.
If Mr Rogers or Barney the purple dinosaur would have run for POTUS Mac definitely would have cast a vote for them.
Absolutely! I love Barney!

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