Democrats and Journalist's Difficulty Grasping the English Language They Dont WANT to Understand


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It is hilarious that Trump has released plans for his next four years for his administrations agenda, he has directed an incredibly successful response to the COVID19 Pandemic (PPE, travel bans, Hospital bed availability, ventilators, streamlined vaccine development and economic recovery, etc) that several Democrat governors have praised him for.

But the Democrats and journos in the media cant grasp these simple plans and deny that they are plans. They repeatedly assert that Trump has no plans, despite his statements and documents to such an effect.

They just cant grasp that what they think is so is not so.

Same thing with their belief that Trump is a racist, despite all his work with the black community in the past and several awards he has been given for those efforts.

So they ask, 'Will you denounce white supremacy?' Trump says he does, sure.

'But that isnt a denunciation', the idiot journalists respond.

Trump says 'I condemn white supremacy, and I am making the KKK and other racist hate groups that do lynchings subject to the Death penalty.'

'No, that is not a denunciation; will you give us a denunciation of white Supremacy?'

And the point is, that no matter what Trump says, the Democrats and the media will not accept it as a 'genuine' denunciation. They want to be able to put that in print, 'Donald Trump still refuses to make a clear denunciation of White Supremacy.'

The White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has repeatedly stated that Trump has denounced White Supremacy, but some idiot journo wont accept that answer and instead wants Kayleigh to speak for Trump and do it herself, which is not her place to do.

Which brings me to my main question; why are journalists such stupid fucks?

If they see what an ass these morons are making the press look like and dont like it and disagree, then they need to speak up, because there doesnt seem to be much push back for their drooling idiot fellow journalists to get smart and stop acting like fools.
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Which brings up the question...if he so strenuously denounces white supremacists and hate groups....why did he embrace the Proud Boys on the stage on Tuesday by telling them to "stand by"?

Let me're now going to pretend that the Proud Boys are not a hate group...right?

Which brings up the question...if he so strenuously denounces white supremacists and hate groups....why did he embrace the Proud Boys on the stage on Tuesday by telling them to "stand by"?

Let me're now going to pretend that the Proud Boys are not a hate group...right?

Why were Proud Boys used for an example of a white Supremisit group to begin with? It's odd that with white supremacy being such a major threat Chrissy had so much trouble coming up with a name...
Which brings up the question...if he so strenuously denounces white supremacists and hate groups....why did he embrace the Proud Boys on the stage on Tuesday by telling them to "stand by"?

Let me're now going to pretend that the Proud Boys are not a hate group...right?

Why were Proud Boys used for an example of a white Supremisit group to begin with? It's odd that with white supremacy being such a major threat Chrissy had so much trouble coming up with a name...

Trump asked for a name. Joe gave him one. Trump repeated it. Then told the hate group to "stand by". If he truly denounces WS...why didn't he do it on the stage?

Does he really need their votes that badly?

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