Democrats and Liberals....explain to me please. What gives? a time when the American public holds a debt load of 14 trillion dollars and we have a governmental deficit of 5.4 trillion dollars you want to keep our borders open and continue allowing millions of extremely low quality humans in...the majority of whom we know for absolute fact will be system dependent. We also know for absolute fact that these low grade humans multiply at an alarming rate and following generations rarely break the cycle and rarely become self sustained. You want more jobs, you want better paying jobs and a higher minimum wage. You want better and more free health care.
So here's the million dollar question: In your mind do we ever reach a point where we have too many people here exceeding available economical resources?
Now, I'd like to have a logical conversation and make this as rudimentary as possible for ease of understanding...I hope those who reply will do the same.

Start over. This time pepper your challenge with more accuracy. Perhaps I will entertain the idea.
How about you go suck a dick while no one gives a shit about you?

Let me guess. Your New Year resolution is to try and be less of a loser and you are trying to get it out of our system? Right?
I hope your new years resolution is to produce better come-backs. a time when the American public holds a debt load of 14 trillion dollars and we have a governmental deficit of 5.4 trillion dollars you want to keep our borders open and continue allowing millions of extremely low quality humans in...the majority of whom we know for absolute fact will be system dependent. We also know for absolute fact that these low grade humans multiply at an alarming rate and following generations rarely break the cycle and rarely become self sustained. You want more jobs, you want better paying jobs and a higher minimum wage. You want better and more free health care.
So here's the million dollar question: In your mind do we ever reach a point where we have too many people here exceeding available economical resources?
Now, I'd like to have a logical conversation and make this as rudimentary as possible for ease of understanding...I hope those who reply will do the same.
Our borders aren't open dumbfuck, and you are the "low quality human". End of thread.

I see the OP struck a nerve, run and hide lib.

I'm really surprised, I honestly expected intelligent Liberals to engage in this thread. Looking back, I may have used too much logic in the opening post leaving then no where to go...Damn, I hate when that happens!

You won't find many "intelligent" liberals here or well on earth for that matter. Its an ideology built on lies, dishonesty, and intolerance. a time when the American public holds a debt load of 14 trillion dollars and we have a governmental deficit of 5.4 trillion dollars you want to keep our borders open and continue allowing millions of extremely low quality humans in...the majority of whom we know for absolute fact will be system dependent. We also know for absolute fact that these low grade humans multiply at an alarming rate and following generations rarely break the cycle and rarely become self sustained. You want more jobs, you want better paying jobs and a higher minimum wage. You want better and more free health care.
So here's the million dollar question: In your mind do we ever reach a point where we have too many people here exceeding available economical resources?
Now, I'd like to have a logical conversation and make this as rudimentary as possible for ease of understanding...I hope those who reply will do the same.
Democrats want those illegal votes. No matter how badly it damages our nation, nothing will outweigh the worth of those votes to them.

You and I both know that's why Democratic politicians look the other way but how do things make sense to Liberal citizens who believe in the TAKE, TAKE, TAKE and keep TAKING theory?
Don't they see that you can't just keep printing currency and throwing it over the top of some point you have to actually STOP the problem?
Isn't this simple economics? a time when the American public holds a debt load of 14 trillion dollars and we have a governmental deficit of 5.4 trillion dollars you want to keep our borders open and continue allowing millions of extremely low quality humans in...the majority of whom we know for absolute fact will be system dependent. We also know for absolute fact that these low grade humans multiply at an alarming rate and following generations rarely break the cycle and rarely become self sustained. You want more jobs, you want better paying jobs and a higher minimum wage. You want better and more free health care.
So here's the million dollar question: In your mind do we ever reach a point where we have too many people here exceeding available economical resources?
Now, I'd like to have a logical conversation and make this as rudimentary as possible for ease of understanding...I hope those who reply will do the same.

Dude, I am not surprised that you have not gotten any real leftist responses. The whole lefty shtick is that it is inhumane to send back those that are here, you know kids, children, etc.

When it comes to immigration being stopped or slowed, they have no answer. They can't use the children card, etc; and they know if Trump actually starts deporting even criminals, then their whole idea of importing Democratic voters is DOA if the border is shut down.

The left never wants to make it about the fact it is the citizens country, or how much money it costs, or how much it costs workers in pay, they want to make it about the illegals..........the children! What if we needed more workers, would we not bring them in? Of course we would, but the left doesn't want to talk about that.


Because if we only bring in needed labor, the labor bought in would more than likely be EDUCATED LABOR, and they would be more inclined to NOT vote Democrat, because the Democratic taxes would be picking their pockets too! The thing is----------> I am reasonably sure (besides a few dumb lefties on here) that most far leftists know exactly why this influx is happening, and are just using delaying tactics and semantics to keep it going long enough to tilt the country forever. We have seen exclusively how this works in California.

California was mostly a red state, although sometimes it did turn blue. With the borders open and freebies to the illegals there along with sanctuary city's, look at the electoral map and watch MANY blue states electoral count drop, but not Californias as the illegals flowed in, their electoral count ROSE. How long has it been since California voted GOP? How long since it was even close? And is it not a fact as illegals have continued to flow in, the discrepancy between GOP and Democratic votes have continued to expand exponentially! That is the Democratic plan for Texas, and without Texas, the GOP can never again win the Whitehouse.

And so finally............the Democrats thought they had it! They know roughly how many people flocked across the border, and how many they could count on to vote, even if they weren't supposed to. They were CORRECT! Yes they were, absolutely! Hillary carried way more votes, but they were all in the big lefty states. Getting 3 million more votes than your opponent is no better than winning by one vote, you still only get 55! Shocking for the libs, which is why we are hearing the popular vote narrative, lol. The libs just need to get those votes moved to other places to control the whole thing, and that is why Trump is such a threat, he wants to deport many of them, and close the border to boot!

I promise you that leftists are leftists, but they are NOT fools. Once they can get the whole enchilada consistently with their poor illegal votes, they will give them amnesty, give them citizenship, and THEY will close the border for monetary reasons. They know exactly what they are doing, and all they have to do is hold out a little while longer, and we will be a one party country as far as the Feds go.
Had the opening post been "reasonable and logical", there might have been a possibility of having a proper dialog.
Translation: If it follows the liberals lie fest it's good. a time when the American public holds a debt load of 14 trillion dollars and we have a governmental deficit of 5.4 trillion dollars you want to keep our borders open and continue allowing millions of extremely low quality humans in...the majority of whom we know for absolute fact will be system dependent. We also know for absolute fact that these low grade humans multiply at an alarming rate and following generations rarely break the cycle and rarely become self sustained. You want more jobs, you want better paying jobs and a higher minimum wage. You want better and more free health care.
So here's the million dollar question: In your mind do we ever reach a point where we have too many people here exceeding available economical resources?
Now, I'd like to have a logical conversation and make this as rudimentary as possible for ease of understanding...I hope those who reply will do the same.

Dude, I am not surprised that you have not gotten any real leftist responses. The whole lefty shtick is that it is inhumane to send back those that are here, you know kids, children, etc.

When it comes to immigration being stopped or slowed, they have no answer. They can't use the children card, etc; and they know if Trump actually starts deporting even criminals, then their whole idea of importing Democratic voters is DOA if the border is shut down.

The left never wants to make it about the fact it is the citizens country, or how much money it costs, or how much it costs workers in pay, they want to make it about the illegals..........the children! What if we needed more workers, would we not bring them in? Of course we would, but the left doesn't want to talk about that.


Because if we only bring in needed labor, the labor bought in would more than likely be EDUCATED LABOR, and they would be more inclined to NOT vote Democrat, because the Democratic taxes would be picking their pockets too! The thing is----------> I am reasonably sure (besides a few dumb lefties on here) that most far leftists know exactly why this influx is happening, and are just using delaying tactics and semantics to keep it going long enough to tilt the country forever. We have seen exclusively how this works in California.

California was mostly a red state, although sometimes it did turn blue. With the borders open and freebies to the illegals there along with sanctuary city's, look at the electoral map and watch MANY blue states electoral count drop, but not Californias as the illegals flowed in, their electoral count ROSE. How long has it been since California voted GOP? How long since it was even close? And is it not a fact as illegals have continued to flow in, the discrepancy between GOP and Democratic votes have continued to expand exponentially! That is the Democratic plan for Texas, and without Texas, the GOP can never again win the Whitehouse.

And so finally............the Democrats thought they had it! They know roughly how many people flocked across the border, and how many they could count on to vote, even if they weren't supposed to. They were CORRECT! Yes they were, absolutely! Hillary carried way more votes, but they were all in the big lefty states. Getting 3 million more votes than your opponent is no better than winning by one vote, you still only get 55! Shocking for the libs, which is why we are hearing the popular vote narrative, lol. The libs just need to get those votes moved to other places to control the whole thing, and that is why Trump is such a threat, he wants to deport many of them, and close the border to boot!

I promise you that leftists are leftists, but they are NOT fools. Once they can get the whole enchilada consistently with their poor illegal votes, they will give them amnesty, give them citizenship, and THEY will close the border for monetary reasons. They know exactly what they are doing, and all they have to do is hold out a little while longer, and we will be a one party country as far as the Feds go.

You couldn't be more accurate.
But again...we all know what motivates politicians...VOTES, POWER and CONTROL...but what about the do the people not understand even the most basic of basics...MORE PEOPLE EQUALS FEWER JOBS EQUALS LOWER WAGES!
Isn't the natural progression of the more people, more people theory.....MORE TAKERS THAN GIVERS EQUALS WHAT?
Come doesn't get simpler than this...people just can't be that stupid. a time when the American public holds a debt load of 14 trillion dollars and we have a governmental deficit of 5.4 trillion dollars you want to keep our borders open and continue allowing millions of extremely low quality humans in...the majority of whom we know for absolute fact will be system dependent. We also know for absolute fact that these low grade humans multiply at an alarming rate and following generations rarely break the cycle and rarely become self sustained. You want more jobs, you want better paying jobs and a higher minimum wage. You want better and more free health care.
So here's the million dollar question: In your mind do we ever reach a point where we have too many people here exceeding available economical resources?
Now, I'd like to have a logical conversation and make this as rudimentary as possible for ease of understanding...I hope those who reply will do the same.

Dude, I am not surprised that you have not gotten any real leftist responses. The whole lefty shtick is that it is inhumane to send back those that are here, you know kids, children, etc.

When it comes to immigration being stopped or slowed, they have no answer. They can't use the children card, etc; and they know if Trump actually starts deporting even criminals, then their whole idea of importing Democratic voters is DOA if the border is shut down.

The left never wants to make it about the fact it is the citizens country, or how much money it costs, or how much it costs workers in pay, they want to make it about the illegals..........the children! What if we needed more workers, would we not bring them in? Of course we would, but the left doesn't want to talk about that.


Because if we only bring in needed labor, the labor bought in would more than likely be EDUCATED LABOR, and they would be more inclined to NOT vote Democrat, because the Democratic taxes would be picking their pockets too! The thing is----------> I am reasonably sure (besides a few dumb lefties on here) that most far leftists know exactly why this influx is happening, and are just using delaying tactics and semantics to keep it going long enough to tilt the country forever. We have seen exclusively how this works in California.

California was mostly a red state, although sometimes it did turn blue. With the borders open and freebies to the illegals there along with sanctuary city's, look at the electoral map and watch MANY blue states electoral count drop, but not Californias as the illegals flowed in, their electoral count ROSE. How long has it been since California voted GOP? How long since it was even close? And is it not a fact as illegals have continued to flow in, the discrepancy between GOP and Democratic votes have continued to expand exponentially! That is the Democratic plan for Texas, and without Texas, the GOP can never again win the Whitehouse.

And so finally............the Democrats thought they had it! They know roughly how many people flocked across the border, and how many they could count on to vote, even if they weren't supposed to. They were CORRECT! Yes they were, absolutely! Hillary carried way more votes, but they were all in the big lefty states. Getting 3 million more votes than your opponent is no better than winning by one vote, you still only get 55! Shocking for the libs, which is why we are hearing the popular vote narrative, lol. The libs just need to get those votes moved to other places to control the whole thing, and that is why Trump is such a threat, he wants to deport many of them, and close the border to boot!

I promise you that leftists are leftists, but they are NOT fools. Once they can get the whole enchilada consistently with their poor illegal votes, they will give them amnesty, give them citizenship, and THEY will close the border for monetary reasons. They know exactly what they are doing, and all they have to do is hold out a little while longer, and we will be a one party country as far as the Feds go.

You couldn't be more accurate.
But again...we all know what motivates politicians...VOTES, POWER and CONTROL...but what about the do the people not understand even the most basic of basics...MORE PEOPLE EQUALS FEWER JOBS EQUALS LOWER WAGES!
Isn't the natural progression of the more people, more people theory.....MORE TAKERS THAN GIVERS EQUALS WHAT?
Come doesn't get simpler than this...people just can't be that stupid.

Ummm, but you forget something, in fact a few somethings----------->

1. The left is usually either reasonably wealthy, (I have already got mine, so now lets set up society like I think) or very poor. (Don't have a thing, and the Democrats are going to give me freebies) Then you add to that the youth (who only think they are smarter than their parents but really aren't) by offering free college and college loan forgiveness, and illegals who will be thrown out if a Democrat doesn't get in, and you have to wonder how someone in the GOP can win the Presidency. I mean honestly....and I mean this sincerely......weren't you surprised Hillary lost? Not unhappy she lost, but surprised! Everybody I know, including a few liberal friends, were in total SHOCK!

I stayed up to see it. My liberal friends went to bed, all of them, secure in the knowledge that they were going to wake up to a President Clinton. All but one of them was called by someone in their family in the middle of the night to break the news to them. To a person, they told me they thought they were having a nightmare. The person who wasn't called actually called off work. They were so sick, they could not go in! They are my friends, so I give them less of a hard time than I do people on here, but I am calling them all snowflakes, which irritates them to no end, so I know it also pisses off the left on here, lol!

Anyway, back on track----------> if you are as surprised as I was that Trump won, and as surprised as everyone I know, including my liberal friends.............what does that tell you about the ADVANTAGE that everyone knows the Democrats have! And, it all boils down to illegal immigration.

How do we know this?

Because if all ethnic groups had children since 1980 at the pace the census said they did, and they all voted in the % that they voted in, Romney would have beaten Obama in a bigger landslide than Reagan beat least in popular vote, but more than likely, electoral also. The throw in was the illegal immigration since 1980, and them voting, along with their progeny voting. Now, that is NOT to say that illegal immigrants all voted, but the mathematics say Romney clobbered Obama, but the votes said different.

And so, the Democrats in Washington know how close they are. So do the Republicans; which is why if you remember they had to change their tone to Hispanics if they ever wanted to win the Presidency again. Remember that one! Understand, NOBODY that I know of, including Washington insiders, thought the Donald could pull this off.

I contend that the GOP better make hay, do everything they can do, and hold both chambers in 18 giving them 4 years, cause unless Trump can do something to change one of the coalition group on the Democratic side, (most likely young working Americans) come 2020, it is over federally, unless we plot an article 5, which is what I work on now. a time when the American public holds a debt load of 14 trillion dollars and we have a governmental deficit of 5.4 trillion dollars you want to keep our borders open and continue allowing millions of extremely low quality humans in...the majority of whom we know for absolute fact will be system dependent. We also know for absolute fact that these low grade humans multiply at an alarming rate and following generations rarely break the cycle and rarely become self sustained. You want more jobs, you want better paying jobs and a higher minimum wage. You want better and more free health care.
So here's the million dollar question: In your mind do we ever reach a point where we have too many people here exceeding available economical resources?
Now, I'd like to have a logical conversation and make this as rudimentary as possible for ease of understanding...I hope those who reply will do the same.

Dude, I am not surprised that you have not gotten any real leftist responses. The whole lefty shtick is that it is inhumane to send back those that are here, you know kids, children, etc.

When it comes to immigration being stopped or slowed, they have no answer. They can't use the children card, etc; and they know if Trump actually starts deporting even criminals, then their whole idea of importing Democratic voters is DOA if the border is shut down.

The left never wants to make it about the fact it is the citizens country, or how much money it costs, or how much it costs workers in pay, they want to make it about the illegals..........the children! What if we needed more workers, would we not bring them in? Of course we would, but the left doesn't want to talk about that.


Because if we only bring in needed labor, the labor bought in would more than likely be EDUCATED LABOR, and they would be more inclined to NOT vote Democrat, because the Democratic taxes would be picking their pockets too! The thing is----------> I am reasonably sure (besides a few dumb lefties on here) that most far leftists know exactly why this influx is happening, and are just using delaying tactics and semantics to keep it going long enough to tilt the country forever. We have seen exclusively how this works in California.

California was mostly a red state, although sometimes it did turn blue. With the borders open and freebies to the illegals there along with sanctuary city's, look at the electoral map and watch MANY blue states electoral count drop, but not Californias as the illegals flowed in, their electoral count ROSE. How long has it been since California voted GOP? How long since it was even close? And is it not a fact as illegals have continued to flow in, the discrepancy between GOP and Democratic votes have continued to expand exponentially! That is the Democratic plan for Texas, and without Texas, the GOP can never again win the Whitehouse.

And so finally............the Democrats thought they had it! They know roughly how many people flocked across the border, and how many they could count on to vote, even if they weren't supposed to. They were CORRECT! Yes they were, absolutely! Hillary carried way more votes, but they were all in the big lefty states. Getting 3 million more votes than your opponent is no better than winning by one vote, you still only get 55! Shocking for the libs, which is why we are hearing the popular vote narrative, lol. The libs just need to get those votes moved to other places to control the whole thing, and that is why Trump is such a threat, he wants to deport many of them, and close the border to boot!

I promise you that leftists are leftists, but they are NOT fools. Once they can get the whole enchilada consistently with their poor illegal votes, they will give them amnesty, give them citizenship, and THEY will close the border for monetary reasons. They know exactly what they are doing, and all they have to do is hold out a little while longer, and we will be a one party country as far as the Feds go.

You couldn't be more accurate.
But again...we all know what motivates politicians...VOTES, POWER and CONTROL...but what about the do the people not understand even the most basic of basics...MORE PEOPLE EQUALS FEWER JOBS EQUALS LOWER WAGES!
Isn't the natural progression of the more people, more people theory.....MORE TAKERS THAN GIVERS EQUALS WHAT?
Come doesn't get simpler than this...people just can't be that stupid.

Ummm, but you forget something, in fact a few somethings----------->

1. The left is usually either reasonably wealthy, (I have already got mine, so now lets set up society like I think) or very poor. (Don't have a thing, and the Democrats are going to give me freebies) Then you add to that the youth (who only think they are smarter than their parents but really aren't) by offering free college and college loan forgiveness, and illegals who will be thrown out if a Democrat doesn't get in, and you have to wonder how someone in the GOP can win the Presidency. I mean honestly....and I mean this sincerely......weren't you surprised Hillary lost? Not unhappy she lost, but surprised! Everybody I know, including a few liberal friends, were in total SHOCK!

I stayed up to see it. My liberal friends went to bed, all of them, secure in the knowledge that they were going to wake up to a President Clinton. All but one of them was called by someone in their family in the middle of the night to break the news to them. To a person, they told me they thought they were having a nightmare. The person who wasn't called actually called off work. They were so sick, they could not go in! They are my friends, so I give them less of a hard time than I do people on here, but I am calling them all snowflakes, which irritates them to no end, so I know it also pisses off the left on here, lol!

Anyway, back on track----------> if you are as surprised as I was that Trump won, and as surprised as everyone I know, including my liberal friends.............what does that tell you about the ADVANTAGE that everyone knows the Democrats have! And, it all boils down to illegal immigration.

How do we know this?

Because if all ethnic groups had children since 1980 at the pace the census said they did, and they all voted in the % that they voted in, Romney would have beaten Obama in a bigger landslide than Reagan beat least in popular vote, but more than likely, electoral also. The throw in was the illegal immigration since 1980, and them voting, along with their progeny voting. Now, that is NOT to say that illegal immigrants all voted, but the mathematics say Romney clobbered Obama, but the votes said different.

And so, the Democrats in Washington know how close they are. So do the Republicans; which is why if you remember they had to change their tone to Hispanics if they ever wanted to win the Presidency again. Remember that one! Understand, NOBODY that I know of, including Washington insiders, thought the Donald could pull this off.

I contend that the GOP better make hay, do everything they can do, and hold both chambers in 18 giving them 4 years, cause unless Trump can do something to change one of the coalition group on the Democratic side, (most likely young working Americans) come 2020, it is over federally, unless we plot an article 5, which is what I work on now.

Well put and so right on all levels.
This country is definitely on a collision course...Lefty's refuse to acknowledge it as most can't see or won't look past their nose. The pressure is on the Republican party to take this country back in order to stay can bet there is probably nothing discussed more behind closed doors. They've probably lost California forever as it's definitely poised to become a third world shit-hole predominantly populated by Democrats, Liberals and immigrants...the old money and old economics of California is drying up quick and when it finally falls off the spread sheet people are gonna shit their pants and wonder; "What have we done!"

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