Democrats and Republicans find common ground...on Mars

I hope China gets there first and it's a ball of gold covered with cheese ! Something worth fighting over !
To much space radiation on the surface. Once you land on the surface of Mars, you won't be able to stay there but for so long. The solar radiation exposure would kill any astronauts in a few hours. And then once you land on the Martian surface, you will become to heavy to escape the Martian gravity. You would need to much fuel to blast off back for your return journey to Earth. And the trip to Mars will take to long. Any Mars mission will become a suicide one way death trap mission. The astronauts will be exposed to many risks. Too many risks outweigh the logic for any mission to Mars. It will cost to much money and involve to many risks. I say No Go for any Mars mission. No Mars rover has ever returned to the Earth.!

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