Democrats are now party of the rich

and paying your fucking taxes. Nothing is free you mooch.
Nobody is saying pay no taxes. It’s which ones are necessary that is the question.. and democrats tend to want bloated, excessive taxes on the populace.

Charity is a far better way to spend money than pointless taxes
First off.. I don’t demonize all rich people like you do in some childish jealous temper tantrum

Second, all of your overlords the Democrat party (the ones who tell you who you must vote for as you cower in the fetal position and obey) are pretty much all corrupt rich millionaires

Third, CEO pay is continuing to rise under Biden, and pretty much has been since 1978.

So, you seem to be unaware of what you’re talking about, and your emotional about it.

But you defend the rising CEO pay while workers wages stall.

No, wages going up under Biden. All these union strikes/wins that have happened in 2023 and 2024? Are you not paying attention?

Yes, wages have been rising faster than inflation in the United States, and real wages are now higher than they were before the pandemic:

You're actually doing better and can't admit it. You're jealous
But you defend the rising CEO pay while workers wages stall.

No, wages going up under Biden. All these union strikes/wins that have happened in 2023 and 2024? Are you not paying attention?

Yes, wages have been rising faster than inflation in the United States, and real wages are now higher than they were before the pandemic:

You're actually doing better and can't admit it. You're jealous
As long as your overlords are commanding trillions of dollars printed and sent to Ukraine and such, causing severe inflation, it doesn’t matter.

Your war-hawk installed candidate is gutting the middle class, no slight wage increase can be even close to catching up. It’s like eating a 3000 calorie pizza then saying how you drank a Diet Coke to lose weight

Trump would cut back this practice day 1, and cut the 3000 pizza (The Biden Harris policy) that’s causing the weight gain
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Republicans are for the little guy, democrats are for the rich. Democrats show up every 4 years, pandering for votes and trying to cover up their contempt for the poor, then push them to the side until the next election cycle.
Court decisions such as Wisconsin v. Right To Life in 2007, Citizens United v. FEC in 2010 and Speechnow v. FEC in 2010 spurred the proliferation of “dark money,” enabling organizations like Americans for Prosperity to legally raise and spend unlimited sums of money through 501(c)(4) nonprofits without having to disclose the original source of funding behind their donors’ network.

One out of every $5 fueling the Americans for Prosperity Action committee comes from unknown sources. Americans for Prosperity’s hybrid PAC has received large donations from Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, a dark money group that is part of the Koch network and gave the hybrid PAC $25 million.
Court decisions such as Wisconsin v. Right To Life in 2007, Citizens United v. FEC in 2010 and Speechnow v. FEC in 2010 spurred the proliferation of “dark money,” enabling organizations like Americans for Prosperity to legally raise and spend unlimited sums of money through 501(c)(4) nonprofits without having to disclose the original source of funding behind their donors’ network.

One out of every $5 fueling the Americans for Prosperity Action committee comes from unknown sources. Americans for Prosperity’s hybrid PAC has received large donations from Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, a dark money group that is part of the Koch network and gave the hybrid PAC $25 million.
The only way to get money out of politics is to remove power from the government, something democrats will never do. Democrats are for the rich.
The only way to get money out of politics is to remove power from the government, something democrats will never do. Democrats are for the rich.

Democrats are for well regulated capitalism buddy. Without a good government looking out for the middle class and poor, you'd be fucked buddy.

Democrats are for well regulated capitalism buddy. Without a good government looking out for the middle class and poor, you'd be fucked buddy.

Democrats are for the big guy. That's where they get their money.

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