Democrats are now party of the rich

Let me throw your words back at you Mr. Republican. What do you consider wealthy? Was Clinton wealthy? Was Gore? Was Obama? Is Biden? Not really.

You think Biden making $20 million over 20 years is "rich". But it's not. Jared getting 2000 million dollars 3 months after Trump left office, now that's rich. Who's got the gold toilet?
They're wealthy, but of all of them TRUMP! is the wealthiest. Good to see you admit it when so many of your ilk insist he's a pauper. In fact, that's what has the haters so incensed, they can't control him through the wallet like they can the democrats.
They're wealthy, but of all of them TRUMP! is the wealthiest. Good to see you admit it when so many of your ilk insist he's a pauper. In fact, that's what has the haters so incensed, they can't control him through the wallet like they can the democrats.
I wonder how much Rudy has. Or how much trump will actually have to pay for that 80 million decision?

I for get the numbers but trump and Rudy owe a lot. I wonder how much they’ll end up paying.

I hope those two women in Georgia are living in an old big slave masters house on their dimes. And only hire white help
I wonder how much Rudy has. Or how much trump will actually have to pay for that 80 million decision?

I for get the numbers but trump and Rudy owe a lot. I wonder how much they’ll end up paying.

I hope those two women in Georgia are living in an old big slave masters house on their dimes. And only hire white help
Your random mumblings don't do anything to erase the reality that the democrats are the party of the rich.
Who is rich in America?

Those invested in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks on 910.

These guys are rich


Trump has promised a huge tax cut that could be worth up to $140 billion to the 11 companies in attendance alone.

U.S.-BASED MULTINATIONALS are currently holding $2.4 trillion in profits overseas to avoid paying taxes on them. Remarkably enough, the 11 technology companies represented at Wednesday’s summit with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York account for about one-quarter of that total — a staggering $560 billion — all by themselves.

U.S.-based multinationals are, in theory, supposed to be taxed at a rate of 35 percent on any profits they earn anywhere on earth. But because tax law also allows multinationals to postpone paying taxes on overseas profits until the money’s brought back to America, corporations have a huge incentive to use financial shenanigans to appear to “earn” as much as possible in other countries — something which is easier for tech companies than most others because their value is largely found in their immaterial intellectual property rather than immovable factories. Companies then refuse to bring the cash back until they get a special sweetheart deal slashing their rates.

Trump has promised to deliver such a huge gift to multinationals by allowing them to bring back overseas profits at a one-time rate of 10 percent. As he put it during the campaign’s final debate, “We’re going to cut business taxes massively.”

Trump has claimed that such a gigantic tax cut will lead to increased hiring in the U.S., but there’s no reason to believe this.

And notice these tech companies are laying off THE MOST workers in America? Right before an election? That would be like if the oil companies raised gas prices to $6 a gallon on Oct 31st.
The Democrats have always been the party of the rich, media has always covered it up since time and memorial. Nothing new.

George Clooney is a rich guy who's also a Democrat. Is he lobbying Joe and Kamala for bigger tax cuts? No he is not. So there are "rich" hollywood types who are liberal. They believe in social safety nets, obamacare, unions (because they belong to one), welfare, food stamps, basically helping the poor.

Republicans are clearly the party for the rich.

And then there's this

U.S.-BASED MULTINATIONALS are currently holding $2.4 trillion in profits overseas to avoid paying taxes on them. Remarkably enough, the 11 technology companies represented at Wednesday’s summit with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York account for about one-quarter of that total — a staggering $560 billion — all by themselves.

Trump has promised to deliver such a huge gift to multinationals by allowing them to bring back overseas profits at a one-time rate of 10 percent. As he put it during the campaign’s final debate, “We’re going to cut business taxes massively.”

Wharton Business School said Trump's first big tax breaks would add $2 trillion to the debt and give a minimal impact, and cause inflation. They were right. That's the school Trump brags he went to.
The Biden fund raiser in New York raised 25 million dollars for Joe Biden's campaign. Ther is no doubt that Biden has turned his back on middle class Americans.

My impression is that the Democratic Party has become the party of the Elites ( economic, educational), DEI recipients, (some) Latins, Muslims and corrupting-enabling Foreign Actors.

Unfortunately, DJT gives the alternative Republican Party a massive, swollen black eye, and vast numbers of American voters just can't bring themselves to vote for such flim-flam and Big Lies.

The next time Republicans find someone who can advance much of the so-called Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage then they might very well have a winning combination.

My impression is that the Democratic Party has become the party of the Elites ( economic, educational), DEI recipients, (some) Latins, Muslims and corrupting-enabling Foreign Actors.

Unfortunately, DJT gives the alternative Republican Party a massive, swollen black eye, and vast numbers of American voters just can't bring themselves to vote for such flim-flam and Big Lies.

The next time Republicans find someone who can advance much of the so-called Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage then they might very well have a winning combination.


Trump could have easily won me over but he went hard right immediately with banning trannies. Then he broke laws/rules right away. Paul Ryan made excuses for him. He fired Rex Tillerson because he got sick of Rex telling him "you can't do that Mr. President it's illegal"

Trump could have cut taxes and not played with social wedge issues.

I hear companies are slowing backing away from being socially responsible. Being pro gay for example. It only alienates half their customers. Look what Republicans did to Bud Light. So companies are starting to stay out of politics and social issues. Their job is to sell a product. PERIOD.

Well the next politician needs to stay out of those issues too. Gay marriage. Trannies in bathrooms. Abortion. Racist rallies. Stay out of those things. Those are states rights issues.
My impression is that the Democratic Party has become the party of the Elites ( economic, educational), DEI recipients, (some) Latins, Muslims and corrupting-enabling Foreign Actors.

Unfortunately, DJT gives the alternative Republican Party a massive, swollen black eye, and vast numbers of American voters just can't bring themselves to vote for such flim-flam and Big Lies.

The next time Republicans find someone who can advance much of the so-called Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage then they might very well have a winning combination.



Trump: My tax plan is ‘going to cost me a fortune’​

He lied to you. Fast forward 9 years

The 2017 Trump Tax Law Was Skewed to the Rich, Expensive, and Failed to Deliver on Its Promises​

A 2025 Course Correction Is Needed


JUNE 13, 2024
We don't see them doing that, do we? That's because they are the party of the rich.
Here's a great example of why your claim is laughable. Clearly the GOP is the party of the rich. All the rich cities in the deep south vote Republican. And all the poor black counties vote Democratic.

Here's another one. Democrats want ever person to pay their school taxes. Whatever that dollar amount is. Rich people in nicer communities obviously pay more than poor blacks in Detroit. So Democrats want to take all the money collected, let's say it's $10 million dollars and there are 4000 kids total, Democrats want to take all the money and divide it evenly so the poor black kids in Detroit get just as much as the rich kids in West Bloomfield Public Schools. But Republicans don't want that. Because they are the party for the rich.
Here's a great example of why your claim is laughable. Clearly the GOP is the party of the rich. All the rich cities in the deep south vote Republican. And all the poor black counties vote Democratic.
No, it's glaringly obvious that democrats are the party of the rich. When TRUMP! was debating Hillary, he pointed out that her big donors used the same tax dodges he did. They could not do that if they were not wealthy. Democrats are for the rich.
Here's another one. Democrats want ever person to pay their school taxes. Whatever that dollar amount is. Rich people in nicer communities obviously pay more than poor blacks in Detroit. So Democrats want to take all the money collected, let's say it's $10 million dollars and there are 4000 kids total, Democrats want to take all the money and divide it evenly so the poor black kids in Detroit get just as much as the rich kids in West Bloomfield Public Schools. But Republicans don't want that. Because they are the party for the rich.
Have you even noticed the situation in every democrat run city, where the rich democrats live in the suburbs and all their tax money goes to their schools while the poor live in the city and have to be subsidized? Democrats are the party of the rich.
No, it's glaringly obvious that democrats are the party of the rich. When TRUMP! was debating Hillary, he pointed out that her big donors used the same tax dodges he did. They could not do that if they were not wealthy. Democrats are for the rich.

Have you even noticed the situation in every democrat run city, where the rich democrats live in the suburbs and all their tax money goes to their schools while the poor live in the city and have to be subsidized? Democrats are the party of the rich.

Democrats rely on liberal wealthy donors. They aren't demanding tax breaks and loopholes. The rich guys Republicans take money from want tax breaks for rich people and corporations. Different types of rich people.

Funny you didn't address my points. Republicans don't want poor kid getting just as much for public school as rich kids who go to wealthier public schools. Democrats wan that for the poor. Republicans are the party for the rich. Both on a state and federal level.

Kim Kardashian and Caityln Jenner are socially liberal but fiscally conservative. Because they are rich and greedy, they vote Republican. Because Republicans are the party of the rich.

Address my points. Don't just change the subject.

Every Democratic politician has wealthy donors. So do Republicans. So your point is bullshit. If anything that's a tie.
Democrats rely on liberal wealthy donors. They aren't demanding tax breaks and loopholes. The rich guys Republicans take money from want tax breaks for rich people and corporations. Different types of rich people.

Funny you didn't address my points. Republicans don't want poor kid getting just as much for public school as rich kids who go to wealthier public schools. Democrats wan that for the poor. Republicans are the party for the rich. Both on a state and federal level.

Kim Kardashian and Caityln Jenner are socially liberal but fiscally conservative. Because they are rich and greedy, they vote Republican. Because Republicans are the party of the rich.

Address my points. Don't just change the subject.

Every Democratic politician has wealthy donors. So do Republicans. So your point is bullshit. If anything that's a tie.
Your naivete is laughable, thinking that wealthy democrats care about the poor and middle class. If they really did, they wouldn't hire tax attorneys to pay as little income taxes as possible. They would overpay to make sure Big Daddy government got as much revenue as possible and they would not live lives of obscene comfort and wealth in gated communities where the unwashed masses cannot enter. They are rich and greedy and their claims of wanting higher tax rates are just rhetoric.
Your naivete is laughable, thinking that wealthy democrats care about the poor and middle class. If they really did, they wouldn't hire tax attorneys to pay as little income taxes as possible. They would overpay to make sure Big Daddy government got as much revenue as possible and they would not live lives of obscene comfort and wealth in gated communities where the unwashed masses cannot enter. They are rich and greedy and their claims of wanting higher tax rates are just rhetoric.
Why is George Clooney a Democrat then?

Listen stupid. Everyone is going to take advantage of the tax policies a country offers. Giving more than what you owe isn't going to fix shit. But tax policies where you and all your rich buddies all pay their fair share, now that will go a long way to helping the poor, infrastructure, social security and medicare/aid.

Republicans cut programs that help the poor to give rich people tax breaks.

Not all rich people are rich greedy dickhead Republicans.

Funny thing is my brother is rich and has voted for Obama and Biden. He's voting Trump this time. Not because of tax breaks but he's sick of WOKE. So they fooled him too. Yes he's a rich white man who doesn't like affirmative action. He has two sons who are going to have to deal with Diversity and inclusion.
The Democrats were always a rich party. They used that "common man" ploy in appealing to uneducated rubes. I would be many believed it before the internet came along.
Why is George Clooney a Democrat then?
Because he's an idiot? That was easy.
Listen stupid.
And now you try to make it about me. Not going to work, you should know that by now.
Everyone is going to take advantage of the tax policies a country offers. Giving more than what you owe isn't going to fix shit.
Neither will raising tax rates by 10% on the wealthiest. Yet you want higher taxes to pump more revenue into Big Daddy government so it can spend more. Make up your mind.
But tax policies where you and all your rich buddies all pay their fair share,
Everybody pays their fair share by the law. You just don't like what everyone else considers fair share. Basically, to you it just means "MORE", always more.
now that will go a long way to helping the poor, infrastructure, social security and medicare/aid.
Except, of course, there isn't enough income among the wealthy to make much of a difference. If you want to do all those lofty things, you're going to have to go after the middle class. That's where the money is, because there are so many more of them. That's not even politics, it's math.
Republicans cut programs that help the poor to give rich people tax breaks.
They do? Which programs did they give less money to year over year so they could give "the rich" tax breaks? Last I saw, all taxpayers got breaks, and those who didn't pay any taxes got bigger refunds.
Not all rich people are rich greedy dickhead Republicans.
No, some of them are rich greedy dickhead democrats. You saw that one coming, didn't you?
Funny thing is my brother is rich and has voted for Obama and Biden. He's voting Trump this time. Not because of tax breaks but he's sick of WOKE. So they fooled him too. Yes he's a rich white man who doesn't like affirmative action. He has two sons who are going to have to deal with Diversity and inclusion.
He should be sick of WOKE. Everyone should be.
The Democrats have been the party of the rich for quite some time now.

These are ten wealthiest Congressional districts in the country:

CA-17 - Ro Khanna - Democrat
CA-18 - Anna Eshew - Democrat
VA-10 - Jennifer Wexton - Democrat
NY-03 - Tom Suozzi - Democrat
CA-14 - Eric Swalwell - Democrat
CA-15 - Kevin Mullin - Democrat
NJ-07 - Thomas Kean Jr - Republican
NJ-11 - Mike Sherrill - Democrat
NY-04 - Anthony D'Esposito - Republican
CA-12 - Barbara Lee - Democrat

And Biden won NY-04 by double digits and it was represented by Democrats for almost 30 years until 2023.
The Party of Rob Reiner & Ed Asner & Joy Reid & …
Because he's an idiot? That was easy.

And now you try to make it about me. Not going to work, you should know that by now.

Neither will raising tax rates by 10% on the wealthiest. Yet you want higher taxes to pump more revenue into Big Daddy government so it can spend more. Make up your mind.

Everybody pays their fair share by the law. You just don't like what everyone else considers fair share. Basically, to you it just means "MORE", always more.

Except, of course, there isn't enough income among the wealthy to make much of a difference. If you want to do all those lofty things, you're going to have to go after the middle class. That's where the money is, because there are so many more of them. That's not even politics, it's math.

They do? Which programs did they give less money to year over year so they could give "the rich" tax breaks? Last I saw, all taxpayers got breaks, and those who didn't pay any taxes got bigger refunds.

No, some of them are rich greedy dickhead democrats. You saw that one coming, didn't you?

He should be sick of WOKE. Everyone should be.
Can't do it by cuts alone. Plus, cuts alone would ruin you. And it would cost me 20-30% of my social security according to USMB Republicans and Project 2025

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