Democrats are now party of the rich

Can't do it by cuts alone. Plus, cuts alone would ruin you. And it would cost me 20-30% of my social security according to USMB Republicans and Project 2025
Good thing TRUMP!'s not on board with it then, huh?

The bottom line remains, you're just not going to get enough revenue from just attacking the rich. All you can do is make yourself feel self-righteous that you're getting the rich guys.
Good thing TRUMP!'s not on board with it then, huh?

The bottom line remains, you're just not going to get enough revenue from just attacking the rich. All you can do is make yourself feel self-righteous that you're getting the rich guys.
Trump went alone with everything the right wanted last time and then some. In some ways he was worse than the worse. I can't decide who I hate more Dick Chaney or Trump. Probably a tie.

Nope, we can fix this over time by properly taxing the corporations and the rich. Not like Trump who wants to immediately impose a 200% tariff. His trade war with China cost us/me/manufacturing bigly in 2019. Things were going well and that was the first time I knew Trump sucked for manufacturing. Turns out he lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs. Not 1 mill like Bush but Bush served 8 years Trump only 4.
Trump went alone with everything the right wanted last time and then some. In some ways he was worse than the worse. I can't decide who I hate more Dick Chaney or Trump. Probably a tie.

Nope, we can fix this over time by properly taxing the corporations and the rich.

1. There isn't enough income among the rich to erase the deficit, much less fund wild new starry-eyed spending.
2. Congress has proven itself incapable of smart money management. You might as well complain that the gambling addict's problem is he just doesn't get paid enough, that if we paid him more his family wouldn't suffer.
3. The rich and those running corporations are not stupid. They stay in the US partly because they pay less taxes here than they would elsewhere. Jack their taxes too high and they vanish, then you guys whine about that.
Not like Trump who wants to immediately impose a 200% tariff. His trade war with China cost us/me/manufacturing bigly in 2019. Things were going well and that was the first time I knew Trump sucked for manufacturing. Turns out he lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs. Not 1 mill like Bush but Bush served 8 years Trump only 4.
You really need to talk to someone about all that hate you're carrying around, it's not healthy. You know, it's funny. TRUMP! wants to preserve American jobs and move manufacturing back here and you guys complain because prices go up. You can't have one without the other. With democrats you get both high prices and lost jobs.

1. There isn't enough income among the rich to erase the deficit, much less fund wild new starry-eyed spending.
2. Congress has proven itself incapable of smart money management. You might as well complain that the gambling addict's problem is he just doesn't get paid enough, that if we paid him more his family wouldn't suffer.
3. The rich and those running corporations are not stupid. They stay in the US partly because they pay less taxes here than they would elsewhere. Jack their taxes too high and they vanish, then you guys whine about that.

You really need to talk to someone about all that hate you're carrying around, it's not healthy. You know, it's funny. TRUMP! wants to preserve American jobs and move manufacturing back here and you guys complain because prices go up. You can't have one without the other. With democrats you get both high prices and lost jobs.
It would seem like I feel the exact same way about Trump that you feel about Pelosi, Kamala, Hillary, Bill, Obama, Biden but the truth is, they suck and you're jealous as hell.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

You will never find a quote from a liberal saying Reagan or Bush or Trump were great and anyone who didn't like them was just jealous as hell. Ever.
It would seem like I feel the exact same way about Trump that you feel about Pelosi, Kamala, Hillary, Bill, Obama, Biden but the truth is, they suck and you're jealous as hell.
I'm not jealous of anyone. I've been around long enough to appreciate what I have and to realize I would absolutely hate being famous in any regard. I wouldn't want to be TRUMP! with the daily deluge of vitriolic damnable detritus flung out of the mealy-mouthed maroon talking heads on TV expressing their rabid, emotion-laden, fact free hatred about me. How they survive nights without antacids to combat the stomach curdling hate they carry every day, I'll never understand.
"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
Yeah, TRUMP! used to be a democrat, then he grew up. We all knew that. And yes, Bubba had good economic times because the House restrained his worst spending inclinations, and he was willing to buck his party to save his own skin. That and the dot com boom that kicked the economy into high gear. For once we had new technology and were leading the world again.
You will never find a quote from a liberal saying Reagan or Bush or Trump were great and anyone who didn't like them was just jealous as hell. Ever.
Liberals are small-minded, angry little creatures who cannot fathom complimenting anyone except themselves.
I'm not jealous of anyone. I've been around long enough to appreciate what I have and to realize I would absolutely hate being famous in any regard. I wouldn't want to be TRUMP! with the daily deluge of vitriolic damnable detritus flung out of the mealy-mouthed maroon talking heads on TV expressing their rabid, emotion-laden, fact free hatred about me. How they survive nights without antacids to combat the stomach curdling hate they carry every day, I'll never understand.

Yeah, TRUMP! used to be a democrat, then he grew up. We all knew that. And yes, Bubba had good economic times because the House restrained his worst spending inclinations, and he was willing to buck his party to save his own skin. That and the dot com boom that kicked the economy into high gear. For once we had new technology and were leading the world again.

Liberals are small-minded, angry little creatures who cannot fathom complimenting anyone except themselves.

Trump WANTED celebrity. Just as much as money.

Trump didn't grow up. He realized his way to power was to take over the GOP. In 2008, 8 years after Clinton left, he said Bill was great and Bush sucked and lied us into the Iraq war. Then he said it again in the 2016 primaries. Then you elected him.

So when did he grow up? He became president by first calling your side out, then he beat Hillary. The only person he'll ever beat in a general election.

And, I believe Rick Snyder found Trump the votes he needed to win MI. They stopped the Jill Stein recount. Remember when you guys were against recounts? This is why Trump thought Georgia could just find him 11,000 votes. If MI could do it in 2016 why couldn't GA do it in 2020 right?
Trump WANTED celebrity. Just as much as money.
Uh, yeah. I'm not like him in that regard so I'm not jealous of famous people. You tried to say I was.
Trump didn't grow up.
Of course he did. If he didn't, he would still be a democrat. That's what happens when people grow up, they get smart.
He realized his way to power was to take over the GOP. In 2008, 8 years after Clinton left, he said Bill was great and Bush sucked and lied us into the Iraq war. Then he said it again in the 2016 primaries. Then you elected him.
Well, actually, America elected him, so there's that. It would be nice if my one vote would elect people, then I could pick all the ones I want and leave you guys in the dust, wailing about how unfair it is that I am so powerful.
So when did he grow up? He became president by first calling your side out, then he beat Hillary. The only person he'll ever beat in a general election.
Until he sends Kamala (what have I been doing for 4 years?) Harris packing.
And, I believe Rick Snyder found Trump the votes he needed to win MI. They stopped the Jill Stein recount. Remember when you guys were against recounts?
No, I do remember when we were against a candidate cherry-picking only certain areas for recounts that he, the democrat, thought would give him the win. That was Algore, BTW, and he was defeated.
This is why Trump thought Georgia could just find him 11,000 votes. If MI could do it in 2016 why couldn't GA do it in 2020 right?
Boy, you just keep using the foil helmet despite me telling you they don't work.
Uh, yeah. I'm not like him in that regard so I'm not jealous of famous people. You tried to say I was.

Of course he did. If he didn't, he would still be a democrat. That's what happens when people grow up, they get smart.

Well, actually, America elected him, so there's that. It would be nice if my one vote would elect people, then I could pick all the ones I want and leave you guys in the dust, wailing about how unfair it is that I am so powerful.

Until he sends Kamala (what have I been doing for 4 years?) Harris packing.

No, I do remember when we were against a candidate cherry-picking only certain areas for recounts that he, the democrat, thought would give him the win. That was Algore, BTW, and he was defeated.

Boy, you just keep using the foil helmet despite me telling you they don't work.
Nope. Trump is only pretending to be a Republican. Fact is he's fiscally conservative (tax breaks to the rich) and socially, he don't give a fuck. That makes him socially liberal.

So being that he don't give a fuck, if the right want to ban abortions, he'll go along. What does he care? All his mistresses will find a doctor to give them an abortion no problem.
Nope. Trump is only pretending to be a Republican.
Okay, he's one of yours, a democrat. What are you going to do with him?
Fact is he's fiscally conservative (tax breaks to the rich) and socially, he don't give a fuck. That makes him socially liberal.

So being that he don't give a fuck, if the right want to ban abortions, he'll go along. What does he care? All his mistresses will find a doctor to give them an abortion no problem.
Just like a democrat.
Your naivete is laughable, thinking that wealthy democrats care about the poor and middle class. If they really did, they wouldn't hire tax attorneys to pay as little income taxes as possible. They would overpay to make sure Big Daddy government got as much revenue as possible and they would not live lives of obscene comfort and wealth in gated communities where the unwashed masses cannot enter. They are rich and greedy and their claims of wanting higher tax rates are just rhetoric.

Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax plan​

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.


U.S.-BASED MULTINATIONALS are currently holding $2.4 trillion in profits overseas to avoid paying taxes on them. Remarkably enough, the 11 technology companies represented at Wednesday’s summit with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York account for about one-quarter of that total — a staggering $560 billion — all by themselves.

Trump has promised to deliver such a huge gift to multinationals by allowing them to bring back overseas profits at a one-time rate of 10 percent.

WE can't afford another 4 years of Trump. The rich can.
The Biden fund raiser in New York raised 25 million dollars for Joe Biden's campaign. Ther is no doubt that Biden has turned his back on middle class Americans.

Both political parties court wealthy individuals and companies.
Over the years the nation has moved so far to the left that the Democrats have been pretty much squeezed into a radical position that is too far out there.
Many Americans have also moved left.

Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax plan​

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.


U.S.-BASED MULTINATIONALS are currently holding $2.4 trillion in profits overseas to avoid paying taxes on them. Remarkably enough, the 11 technology companies represented at Wednesday’s summit with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York account for about one-quarter of that total — a staggering $560 billion — all by themselves.

Trump has promised to deliver such a huge gift to multinationals by allowing them to bring back overseas profits at a one-time rate of 10 percent.

WE can't afford another 4 years of Trump. The rich can.
When companies pay higher taxes, I pay higher prices. Let's starve the beast. Every program should have to justify its existence to not only survive another year but get an increase in funding. Democrats, however, need big money donors so will do nothing to tick them off.
When companies pay higher taxes, I pay higher prices. Let's starve the beast. Every program should have to justify its existence to not only survive another year but get an increase in funding. Democrats, however, need big money donors so will do nothing to tick them off.
So pay higher prices. I'm sick of this argument. Maybe they can't pass the costs on to you. So the CEO takes a pay cut. Or shareholders make less. You cry about wages and taxes. Sorry baby.

We didn't double the number of companies who now pay no taxes. You did.
So pay higher prices. I'm sick of this argument. Maybe they can't pass the costs on to you. So the CEO takes a pay cut. Or shareholders make less. You cry about wages and taxes. Sorry baby.
So a multi-billion dollar company cuts CEO pay by $10 million, which does zero, then turns around and cuts grandma's dividends that she's been depending on. Have you thought this through?
We didn't double the number of companies who now pay no taxes. You did.
Nah, that was you. I checked and you're all over it. Quite frankly, companies shouldn't pay taxes.
So a multi-billion dollar company cuts CEO pay by $10 million, which does zero, then turns around and cuts grandma's dividends that she's been depending on. Have you thought this through?

Nah, that was you. I checked and you're all over it. Quite frankly, companies shouldn't pay taxes.

Sorry but labor and the government need their fair share.

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