Zone1 Evolution of Rational Theism beyond Christianity gave us America

iii. Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust 240225 {post•823} Cougarbear 240225 Sahnbf: The purpose of this country was to allow for enough freedom of religion and thought for Jesus Christ to restore his Church again to the world after centuries of full apostasy. Cgrbr 240625 Sahnbf00823

Not for this Christian.
Is “original sin” foundational to catholicism.
iii. Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust 240225 {post•823} Cougarbear 240225 Sahnbf: The purpose of this country was to allow for enough freedom of religion and thought for Jesus Christ to restore his Church again to the world after centuries of full apostasy. Cgrbr 240625 Sahnbf00823

Is “original sin” foundational to catholicism.
Not for this Catholic. I think your problem is in how you are trying to use the term foundational.
iii. Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust 240225 {post•823} Cougarbear 240225 Sahnbf: The purpose of this country was to allow for enough freedom of religion and thought for Jesus Christ to restore his Church again to the world after centuries of full apostasy. Cgrbr 240625 Sahnbf00823

Is “original sin” foundational to catholicism.
Are you a Utah Mormon? Full disclosure, please.

Was your Catholic soul Ssint Ding, never dead?

Were you born of a virgin mother too, pure as the blood of Jesus Christ himself.

The Council of Trent defined original sin as “the death of the soul.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church reaffirmed this definition (403) and added a key nuance: original sin is called sin “only in an analogical sense: it is a sin ‘contracted’ and not ‘committed’—a state and not an act” (404).​
Was your Catholic soul Ssint Ding, never dead?

Were you born of a virgin mother too, pure as the blood of Jesus Christ himself.

The Council of Trent defined original sin as “the death of the soul.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church reaffirmed this definition (403) and added a key nuance: original sin is called sin “only in an analogical sense: it is a sin ‘contracted’ and not ‘committed’—a state and not an act” (404).​
This is a pretty dumb conversation. Is there some point you are trying to drive to? You know... something that relates to your OP?
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” See the word “thereof.” Freedom of religion, not from religion. The free exercise of religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

the amendment is simply saying you may exercise a religious belief (or) not.

- desert dwellers hate the 1st amendment and always have, they can not have their bibles anywhere but in their churches or claim any privileges. america is a secular nation.
This is a pretty dumb conversation. Is there some point you are trying to drive to? You know... something that relates to your OP?
It has everything to do with the OP. I understand you need to run away. But I would appreciate it if you continue answering my questions.

You claim to be a Catholic who does not believe in the only reason the Catholic Church on earth was established in the first place, by the one and only true God and Creator. That resson was in order for all mankind to receive salvation through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ for their dead souls contracted through original sin.

Was your Catholic soul Ssint Ding, never dead?
This is a pretty dumb conversation.
NotfooledbyW 241010 Veortb posted info:
•£•. Jesus: The Master of Critical Thinking
Again, Geisler and Zukeran powerfully argue, “The mission of transforming lives and bringing people to faith in Christ does not come by moving people emotionally; God does not bypass the mind to speak to the heart. Logic and well-reasoned arguments are required to refute false beliefs and turn people in the direction of truth.” (6)​

Why do the unsaved need to turn to Christianity if not for original sin and the need to save their souls?

Is original sin a Christian truth or not?
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the amendment is simply saying you may exercise a religious belief (or) not.

- desert dwellers hate the 1st amendment and always have, they can not have their bibles anywhere but in their churches or claim any privileges. america is a secular nation.
It does not say "Or Not." So, if you all of a sudden found Christ, you could exercise your religion. And, the Government has no right to change any of the doctrine or commandments of that religion. If it says do not lay down with someone of the same sex, then the Government cannot prohibit your belief in that nor change any of the writing because of free speech. What the government has been attempting to do is break this down so they can. "Hate Speech" is one attempt. Who decides if something is hate speech? The attempt to say there is more than two genders or sex is another way to attack the 1st amendment.

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