Politics is a cult period


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Led by Professor Douglas Boin and his team from Saint Louis University, the excavations unveiled the remains of a monumental Roman temple dating back to the fourth century CE.

The ancient town of Spello, originally inhabited by the Umbri people and later becoming a Roman colony during the 1st century BCE, witnessed the emergence of a significant Imperial cult temple during the reign of Emperor Constantine.

The temple’s discovery was triggered by an 18th-century inscription detailing a fourth-century letter from Emperor Constantine to the townspeople of Spello. The inscription, displayed in the town hall, outlined that the residents could celebrate a religious festival locally if they erected a temple to Constantine’s divine ancestors, the Flavian family. This practice was part of the Roman imperial cult, where emperors and their families were worshipped as divine entities.

The notion that Constantine was a Christian is laughable, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed. He made Christiainity the official religion, but was not a real convert. Christianity to Constantine was merely used as one more political tool to obtain converts to his political cause. For you see, both religion and politics tries to address the same issue, and that is, how should one live their life and how should we treat others? However, only through politics is this ideology imposed upon us.

It is interesting that Christianity is blamed by scholars for the demise of Rome on some level. This is because Christians were seen as pagans because they did not worship the gods of Rome. Christianity is seen by academics as the start of the fragmentation of society within Rome, and a major source of disunity. More than likely, Constantine saw how Christianity was spreading like wildfire, despite the severe persecution of Christians being thrown to the lions for Roman amusement, so he simply adopted the fledgling faith to be a source of his unified power rather than an outlying opposition force as he continued to worship the pagan gods afterwards. In other words, if you can't fight them, then join them.

However, this flies in the face of the whole notion that diversity is our strength. The ones shouting this lie are the same ones who censor people online or cancel them for their offensive views. Really, the gospel of diversity is meant for one segment of society, that is, those not adhering to the views of the political elite who are in power as we all need to embrace other views. Those that don't are cancelled or ignored or worse.

As a result of this knowledge, it is then understandable why things are the way they are today. You have political leaders trying to incorporate Christianity into their political cult, but only if that belief system bows a knee to their political power. Other political cults reject this approach altogether, recognizing that any other ideology other than their own is a threat to unity within their political cult.

When joining a cult, usually the first order of business is to address the family of the cult member, because this is viewed as the main threat to any ideology within the cult, other than any outside religious beliefs they have. This is why most cults insist that their members break away from their families and adopt them as their family. We have all seen this today as we either witness members of our own family disown us for our political views, or vice versa, or watch it with other members of our family. Today, it is as bad as I have ever seen it.

But at the end of the day, the irony is that the only ones that truly care about us are 99.9% those of our family, as we throw members of our family under the bus for our political leaders. We do this despite knowing our political leaders continually lie to us and deep down don't give a damn about us and really should probably all be in jail or worse due to their corruption.

By far, the Left is the major cult of the entire globe. There are two strands within the Left, those that want to incorporate Christianity into the fold, and those who want Christianity cancelled within their cult. For Christianity to be welcomed into the fold, they must agree to worship by the Imperial cult along side of the Christian faith as in the days of Constantine. Otherwise, they must be thrown to the lions as in the days of Nero. This is the fight we see today between the Christian right and the hard Left of the two respective political parties.

In short, the more things change, the more they stay the same. There is no end to this crap as it is as old as dirt itself.
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Led by Professor Douglas Boin and his team from Saint Louis University, the excavations unveiled the remains of a monumental Roman temple dating back to the fourth century CE.

The ancient town of Spello, originally inhabited by the Umbri people and later becoming a Roman colony during the 1st century BCE, witnessed the emergence of a significant Imperial cult temple during the reign of Emperor Constantine.

The temple’s discovery was triggered by an 18th-century inscription detailing a fourth-century letter from Emperor Constantine to the townspeople of Spello. The inscription, displayed in the town hall, outlined that the residents could celebrate a religious festival locally if they erected a temple to Constantine’s divine ancestors, the Flavian family. This practice was part of the Roman imperial cult, where emperors and their families were worshipped as divine entities.

The notion that Constantine was a Christian is laughable, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed. He made Christiainity the official religion, but was not a real convert. Christianity to Constantine was merely used as one more political tool to obtain converts to his political cause. For you see, both religion and politics tries to address the same issue, and that is, how should one live their life and how should we treat others? However, only through politics is this ideology imposed upon us.

It is interesting that Christianity is blamed by scholars for the demise of Rome on some level. This is because Christians were seen as pagans because they did not worship the gods of Rome. Christianity is seen by academics as the start of the fragmentation of society within Rome, and a major source of disunity. More than likely, Constantine saw how Christianity was spreading like wildfire, despite the severe persecution of Christians being thrown to the lions for Roman amusement, so he simply adopted the fledgling faith to be a source of his unified power rather than an outlying opposition force as he continued to worship the pagan gods afterwards. In other words, if you can't fight them, then join them.

However, this flies in the face of the whole notion that diversity is our strength. The ones shouting this lie are the same ones who censor people online or cancel them for their offensive views. Really, the gospel of diversity is meant for one segment of society, that is, those not adhering to the views of the political elite who are in power as we all need to embrace other views. Those that don't are cancelled or ignored or worse.

As a result of this knowledge, it is then understandable why things are the way they are today. You have political leaders trying to incorporate Christianity into their political cult, but only if that belief system bows a knee to their political power. Other political cults reject this approach altogether, recognizing that any other ideology other than their own is a threat to unity within their political cult. When joining a cult, the first order of business is to address the family of the cult member, because this is viewed as the main threat to any ideology within the cult, other than any outside religious beliefs they have. This is why most cults insist that their members break away from their families and adopt them as their family. We have all seen this today as we either witness members of our own family disown us, or vice versa, or watch it with other members of our family. Today, it is as bad as I have ever seen it.

But at the end of the day, the irony is that the only ones that truly care about us are 99.9% those of our family, as we throw members of our family under the bus for our political leaders. We do this despite knowing they continually lie to us and deep down don't give a damn about us and really should probably all be in jail or worse.

By far, the Left is the major cult of the entire globe. There are two strands within the Left, those that want to incorporate Christianity into the fold, and those who want Christianity cancelled within their cult. For Christianity to be welcomed into the fold, they must agree to worship by the Imperial cult along side of the Christian faith as in the days of Constantine. Otherwise, they must be thrown to the lions as in the days of Nero. This is the fight we see today between the Christian right and the hard Left of the two respective political parties.

In short, the more things change, the more they stay the same. There is no end to this crap.
Well, you had a good conversation right up until the moment you went and did exactly what you are railing against in the first half of your OP. You went to your corner and joined your cult. Left this, left that, leftist, liberal....all wrapped up in the just and righteous ramblings of "Christianity" (the right wings default religion of choice and the only one that is pure in the eyes of God).

So yeah, we're gonna go there. :)

Politics has been heading downhill in this country for almost five decades now. The Nixon era was the last time I saw both Republicans and Democrats band together to do the right thing for this country and force a scumbag to resign. Ford was a feeb, and Carter while being a good man and really good human being, had the unfortunate luck to be President during a time when all of our wallowing in excess and the check for our post WW2 growth came due. He didn't help himself with some of the moves he made. But it was what allowed Ronald Wilson Reagan to be elected. HERE is where shit started going into the hopper. Partisanship and the worship of a god like figure (talk about foreshadowing). A fat, failed radio talk show host starts a ultra conservative radio show in the summer of 1988 and saves Bush Sr's candidacy and begins a cottage industry of hatred and division pimping against things and people they see as standing against God and the rightful conservative nation this should be. Proceed to impeaching a President over lying to the FBI.....about a blow job in the Oval Office...to 9/11 and an explosion of hatred of Muslims...which was largely shared for a few short years..but became the exclusive property of the right wing and their chief propaganda machine, Fox News. Proceed to a black man being elected as President and an ENTIRE sect of this country absolutely losing their minds. And so begins the rise of the Alt-Right. A slow incorporation of the views and beliefs of (at the time) largely white supremacists and neo-Nazis into mainstream conservatism and the Republican party as a whole. Voila...Trump. And the rest of the shitty show you know.

Our political scene is what it is. That's why we have grist to come here and talk about.
Here is where we are at.
Well, you had a good conversation right up until the moment you went and did exactly what you are railing against in the first half of your OP. You went to your corner and joined your cult. Left this, left that, leftist, liberal....all wrapped up in the just and righteous ramblings of "Christianity" (the right wings default religion of choice and the only one that is pure in the eyes of God).

So yeah, we're gonna go there. :)

Politics has been heading downhill in this country for almost five decades now. The Nixon era was the last time I saw both Republicans and Democrats band together to do the right thing for this country and force a scumbag to resign. Ford was a feeb, and Carter while being a good man and really good human being, had the unfortunate luck to be President during a time when all of our wallowing in excess and the check for our post WW2 growth came due. He didn't help himself with some of the moves he made. But it was what allowed Ronald Wilson Reagan to be elected. HERE is where shit started going into the hopper. Partisanship and the worship of a god like figure (talk about foreshadowing). A fat, failed radio talk show host starts a ultra conservative radio show in the summer of 1988 and saves Bush Sr's candidacy and begins a cottage industry of hatred and division pimping against things and people they see as standing against God and the rightful conservative nation this should be. Proceed to impeaching a President over lying to the FBI.....about a blow job in the Oval Office...to 9/11 and an explosion of hatred of Muslims...which was largely shared for a few short years..but became the exclusive property of the right wing and their chief propaganda machine, Fox News. Proceed to a black man being elected as President and an ENTIRE sect of this country absolutely losing their minds. And so begins the rise of the Alt-Right. A slow incorporation of the views and beliefs of (at the time) largely white supremacists and neo-Nazis into mainstream conservatism and the Republican party as a whole. Voila...Trump. And the rest of the shitty show you know.

Our political scene is what it is. That's why we have grist to come here and talk about.
Here is where we are at.
I should not have used the word "Left". I should have used the word statists. My bad. You know, I think we all have bought into these cults on some level, which is frightening. When I say "Leftists", what I am really conveying are those devoted to the cult of political power, that is, political power from their political group. Their only goal is to give those in power more power, even if there are those in power, like Trump, they do not care for. For example, imagine the stance of "Trump is Hitler" while trying to have Trump take all your guns but such insanity and lack of logic is what cults are all about.

The power of language is very important to cults. I was watching a documentary on Heaven's Gate, an obscure cult of the past, that drove home the point that cults must control the language.

3. Applewhite and Nettles gave cult members new names, all of which ended in “ODY.”

New names were part of the cult’s indoctrination, which aimed to separate followers from their previous lives.

“What cults need to do is to turn you into a conformist, to get you to hopefully become a true believer,” sociologist Lalich says in the docuseries. “They need to break down ‘you,’ and create a new you.”

Names chosen for Heaven’s Gate members had six letters: three letters plus “ODY,” all of which were capitalized. Examples included MLLODY, SRRODY, TLLODY, RTHODY, CHKODY and ALXODY.

“Ti and Do said that the Next Level was adopting us into their family,” explains Sawyer, a longtime cult member known as SWYODY(pronounced “soy-oh-dee”). “So the family name was O-D-Y.”

Applewhite and Nettles said the “ODY” names identified their followers as children of the Next Level.

“When we became adults, they would drop the Y so we would be the family of OD,” Sawyer says, “which was like a little Next Level humor, because we were kind of odd.”

We see this today as a new gender and pronoun are added every day to the language we speak.

I think it helps them identify who is in the group and who is not. Those who are not are then ignored or seen as a threat to the group.

Not only do they come up with new words, they give new meanings to words, like the word woman.
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Most religion on this rock has a history of politicizing factions bent on their own gains Votto

Yes. Political gain, or material gain is the goal of a cult.

But when you look at the life of Christ, what was his material gain? He earned a cross. What was the gain of his early followers as they were being thrown to the lions? In fact, all of his disciples were martyred for their beliefs as they were seen as a threat to the various political powers around them that were focused on material gain.

However, Constantine seems to have blurred the lines as he attempted to get followers of Christ to follow him instead and earn material gain from it.

And we see this every day around the world, like Jim Jones. Once people stop following Christ, and instead follow a personality or a group instead of Christ, it becomes a cult.

Jim Jones, a former Christian minister, went to another country to set up a utopia. He had his followers go with him to set up this utopia as they later drank the cool aid. However, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world nor can be. There is no utopia.

Again, red flag.
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Led by Professor Douglas Boin and his team from Saint Louis University, the excavations unveiled the remains of a monumental Roman temple dating back to the fourth century CE.

The ancient town of Spello, originally inhabited by the Umbri people and later becoming a Roman colony during the 1st century BCE, witnessed the emergence of a significant Imperial cult temple during the reign of Emperor Constantine.

The temple’s discovery was triggered by an 18th-century inscription detailing a fourth-century letter from Emperor Constantine to the townspeople of Spello. The inscription, displayed in the town hall, outlined that the residents could celebrate a religious festival locally if they erected a temple to Constantine’s divine ancestors, the Flavian family. This practice was part of the Roman imperial cult, where emperors and their families were worshipped as divine entities.

The notion that Constantine was a Christian is laughable, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed. He made Christiainity the official religion, but was not a real convert. Christianity to Constantine was merely used as one more political tool to obtain converts to his political cause. For you see, both religion and politics tries to address the same issue, and that is, how should one live their life and how should we treat others? However, only through politics is this ideology imposed upon us.

It is interesting that Christianity is blamed by scholars for the demise of Rome on some level. This is because Christians were seen as pagans because they did not worship the gods of Rome. Christianity is seen by academics as the start of the fragmentation of society within Rome, and a major source of disunity. More than likely, Constantine saw how Christianity was spreading like wildfire, despite the severe persecution of Christians being thrown to the lions for Roman amusement, so he simply adopted the fledgling faith to be a source of his unified power rather than an outlying opposition force as he continued to worship the pagan gods afterwards. In other words, if you can't fight them, then join them.

However, this flies in the face of the whole notion that diversity is our strength. The ones shouting this lie are the same ones who censor people online or cancel them for their offensive views. Really, the gospel of diversity is meant for one segment of society, that is, those not adhering to the views of the political elite who are in power as we all need to embrace other views. Those that don't are cancelled or ignored or worse.

As a result of this knowledge, it is then understandable why things are the way they are today. You have political leaders trying to incorporate Christianity into their political cult, but only if that belief system bows a knee to their political power. Other political cults reject this approach altogether, recognizing that any other ideology other than their own is a threat to unity within their political cult.

When joining a cult, usually the first order of business is to address the family of the cult member, because this is viewed as the main threat to any ideology within the cult, other than any outside religious beliefs they have. This is why most cults insist that their members break away from their families and adopt them as their family. We have all seen this today as we either witness members of our own family disown us for our political views, or vice versa, or watch it with other members of our family. Today, it is as bad as I have ever seen it.

But at the end of the day, the irony is that the only ones that truly care about us are 99.9% those of our family, as we throw members of our family under the bus for our political leaders. We do this despite knowing our political leaders continually lie to us and deep down don't give a damn about us and really should probably all be in jail or worse due to their corruption.

By far, the Left is the major cult of the entire globe. There are two strands within the Left, those that want to incorporate Christianity into the fold, and those who want Christianity cancelled within their cult. For Christianity to be welcomed into the fold, they must agree to worship by the Imperial cult along side of the Christian faith as in the days of Constantine. Otherwise, they must be thrown to the lions as in the days of Nero. This is the fight we see today between the Christian right and the hard Left of the two respective political parties.

In short, the more things change, the more they stay the same. There is no end to this crap as it is as old as dirt itself.
Politics is just another word for who gets what.
Politics is just another word for who gets what.
Politics is creating groups. Why? Because there is strength in numbers.

You then use that strength to impose your will on the individual, or on another group with the knowledge that you will get perks for attaining power over those individuals or outside groups.

Then you self-righteously celebrate this victory by preaching the gospel of democracy, as you pat yourself on the back.

It really is that simple.
Politics is creating groups. Why? Because there is strength in numbers.

You then use that strength to impose your will on the individual, or on another group with the knowledge that you will get perks for attaining power over those individuals or outside groups.

Then you self-righteously celebrate this victory by preaching the gospel of democracy, as you pat yourself on the back.

It really is that simple.
Corporations got a big tax cut from Trump. You get to shit on trans kids.
I would implore everyone here to try and make amends to friends and family you have lost because of political cults, whether they are wrapped in it or you have been or you both are.

This, I think, is one of the first steps towards recovery. It won't always be possible, but if you can, I think it is a good thing.
I would implore everyone here to try and make amends to friends and family you have lost because of political cults, whether they are wrapped in it or you have been or you both are.

This, I think, is one of the first steps towards recovery. It won't always be possible, but if you can, I think it is a good thing.
We already decided that years ago when...you know who got elected. We disagree but as a rule, we don't dive down into political leanings, especially when there is booze involved.
That being said, no political opinion a family member holds is enough of a threat to ostracize them or cut them from my life.
We already decided that years ago when...you know who got elected. We disagree but as a rule, we don't dive down into political leanings, especially when there is booze involved.
That being said, no political opinion a family member holds is enough of a threat to ostracize them or cut them from my life.
Well, good for you!
I don't distinguish corporations from government as corporations are a creation of government.
Why do I get a thumbs down for stating a fact?

Are corporations a creation of government?

Yes or no?

The reason there was a Boston Tea party was because of such a British corporations who tried to corner the market on tea. That corporation even had their own standing army to do the dirty work of the British crown.
Why do I get a thumbs down for stating a fact?

Are corporations a creation of government?

Yes or no?

The reason there was a Boston Tea party was because of such a British corporations who tried to corner the market on tea. That corporation even had their own standing army to do the dirty work of the British crown.
I wouldn't give you a thumbs down, I would just point out that in a largely capitalist economy, corporations are formed on their own. They are of course regulated by government. If the government created corporations, we'd be a socialist economy.
We've been a blend of capitalism and socialism for almost a century now.
The latest attempt to normalize the blind, fawning adoration for Trump by Cult 45 is........

Politics is a cult period​

I wouldn't give you a thumbs down, I would just point out that in a largely capitalist economy, corporations are formed on their own. They are of course regulated by government. If the government created corporations, we'd be a socialist economy.
We've been a blend of capitalism and socialism for almost a century now.
Government created the framework of the corporation, giving them special powers and functions that those who are not corporations do not have.

It is akin to marriage. The state declares who can marry and who cannot, and then explain to them the framework of that agreement giving married folk special privileges and powers others do not have, but they don't force people to marry.

Led by Professor Douglas Boin and his team from Saint Louis University, the excavations unveiled the remains of a monumental Roman temple dating back to the fourth century CE.

The ancient town of Spello, originally inhabited by the Umbri people and later becoming a Roman colony during the 1st century BCE, witnessed the emergence of a significant Imperial cult temple during the reign of Emperor Constantine.

The temple’s discovery was triggered by an 18th-century inscription detailing a fourth-century letter from Emperor Constantine to the townspeople of Spello. The inscription, displayed in the town hall, outlined that the residents could celebrate a religious festival locally if they erected a temple to Constantine’s divine ancestors, the Flavian family. This practice was part of the Roman imperial cult, where emperors and their families were worshipped as divine entities.

The notion that Constantine was a Christian is laughable, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed. He made Christiainity the official religion, but was not a real convert. Christianity to Constantine was merely used as one more political tool to obtain converts to his political cause. For you see, both religion and politics tries to address the same issue, and that is, how should one live their life and how should we treat others? However, only through politics is this ideology imposed upon us.

It is interesting that Christianity is blamed by scholars for the demise of Rome on some level. This is because Christians were seen as pagans because they did not worship the gods of Rome. Christianity is seen by academics as the start of the fragmentation of society within Rome, and a major source of disunity. More than likely, Constantine saw how Christianity was spreading like wildfire, despite the severe persecution of Christians being thrown to the lions for Roman amusement, so he simply adopted the fledgling faith to be a source of his unified power rather than an outlying opposition force as he continued to worship the pagan gods afterwards. In other words, if you can't fight them, then join them.

However, this flies in the face of the whole notion that diversity is our strength. The ones shouting this lie are the same ones who censor people online or cancel them for their offensive views. Really, the gospel of diversity is meant for one segment of society, that is, those not adhering to the views of the political elite who are in power as we all need to embrace other views. Those that don't are cancelled or ignored or worse.

As a result of this knowledge, it is then understandable why things are the way they are today. You have political leaders trying to incorporate Christianity into their political cult, but only if that belief system bows a knee to their political power. Other political cults reject this approach altogether, recognizing that any other ideology other than their own is a threat to unity within their political cult.

When joining a cult, usually the first order of business is to address the family of the cult member, because this is viewed as the main threat to any ideology within the cult, other than any outside religious beliefs they have. This is why most cults insist that their members break away from their families and adopt them as their family. We have all seen this today as we either witness members of our own family disown us for our political views, or vice versa, or watch it with other members of our family. Today, it is as bad as I have ever seen it.

But at the end of the day, the irony is that the only ones that truly care about us are 99.9% those of our family, as we throw members of our family under the bus for our political leaders. We do this despite knowing our political leaders continually lie to us and deep down don't give a damn about us and really should probably all be in jail or worse due to their corruption.

By far, the Left is the major cult of the entire globe. There are two strands within the Left, those that want to incorporate Christianity into the fold, and those who want Christianity cancelled within their cult. For Christianity to be welcomed into the fold, they must agree to worship by the Imperial cult along side of the Christian faith as in the days of Constantine. Otherwise, they must be thrown to the lions as in the days of Nero. This is the fight we see today between the Christian right and the hard Left of the two respective political parties.

In short, the more things change, the more they stay the same. There is no end to this crap as it is as old as dirt itself.
Sorry dude, this is not a "both sides" issue.

The tRumplings are a cult, period flipping dot.

The latest attempt to normalize the blind, fawning adoration for Trump by Cult 45 is........

Politics is a cult period​

I would not say that everyone who voted for Trump is in a cult, would you?

However, I have met many who clearly are in the Trump cult. They really believe that the only hope of America is an 80 year old man who can only serve one more term at best.

I have also talked to the "Q" gang. I remember them telling me that Biden would be arrested at his inauguration as Trump took back his office. I just smiled, let it slide, and asked them after the fact why it did not happen with a warning not to follow news sources that lied to them. Of course, they had their own talking points as to why and did not miss a beat and went on to the next "Q" talking point.

You have to realize, that when approaching someone like this, you have to do it as a psychologist approaches a person trapped in a cult.

And there are just as many, if not more, trapped in the DNC cult. They really believe the only hope for democracy is a one party system, or an opposition party that mostly agrees with them. They are the ones that insist that their political opposition is in a cult while checking all the boxes of what defines a cult in their own political party.

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