Zone1 Catholics (real ones) do NOT go against Scripture or add to it. It's a lie.

Forgiveness of sins has already been mediated.

The confusing part is imagining people praying to God about the sins they plan to commit the following day. It does make sense, then, why one wouldn't want anyone to join them in prayer over committing future sins.
Did I say I was planning on sinning tomorrow? No. Will I sin tomorrow? Possibly. God gave the Jews over 600 rules not to break. Do you know them all? Will we break one or two along the way? Probably.
When Satan accuses me, my mediator turns to His Father and says, "I nailed that one to the cross. Justice for that sin has been paid, you can righteously forgive her for that".

Do you know why Jesus is the only one qualified to act as my mediator? Because He is the one who paid my ransom.
You pray for your future every time you say the Lord's Prayer. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

Here's the thing, if you believe your sins are already mediated, (and they are) why are you praying to Mary? Why does she need to mediate for you too? She's not qualified and you have perfect access to the one who is. The ONLY one who is!
Here's the thing, if you believe your sins are already mediated, (and they are) why are you praying to Mary? Why does she need to mediate for you too? She's not qualified and you have perfect access to the one who is. The ONLY one who is!
Life isn't only about sin.
why are you praying to Mary?
We've gone over this time and again. Meditating on scripture and the life of Christ is not praying to Mary. Asking my grandmothers to join in my prayer is not praying to dead people, but fellows alive in the Body of Christ. Christ defeated death.
We've gone over this time and again. Meditating on scripture and the life of Christ is not praying to Mary. Asking my grandmothers to join in my prayer is not praying to dead people, but fellows alive in the Body of Christ. Christ defeated death.
Mother Mary, Pray for me, is 1. praying to Mary specifically, and 2. asking for a favor from Mary.

Asking your grandmother to join you in prayer is great as long as she isn't dead. Asking your dead grandmother to join you is communing with the dead. And there are a dozens scriptures that tell us not to do it.

Luke 9:60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

Communicating with the dead is a demonic practice that pagans used and seeing how easily the Israelites accepted pagan rituals, God declared it worthy of death to indulge in.
Call on dead grandma and there is no telling what demon will answer.

And we have gone over this. The only time we have issues with one another is when misery shows up to sow discord.
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Mother Mary, Pray for me, is 1. praying to Mary specifically, and 2. asking for a favor from Mary.

Asking your grandmother to join you in prayer is great as long as she isn't dead. Asking your dead grandmother to join you is communing with the dead. And there are a dozens scriptures that tell us not to do it.
Communicating with the dead is a demonic practice that pagans used and seeing how easily the Israelites accepted pagan rituals, God declared it worthy of death to indulge in. Call on dead grandma and there is no telling what demon will answer.

And we have gone over this. The only time we have issues with one another is when misery shows up to sow discord.
Remember Jesus saying God is the God of the living, not the dead? Remember the Transfiguration? In the Bible, witches were calling for the dead to make an appearance. I pray for those who have passed on, and I have no issues with asking any member of the Body of Christ--all of whom are living whether on earth or in the next life, to join me in prayer. And not once have there been any issues with demons as they do not seem to be fans of prayers or people in the presence of God. God is that powerful.
Remember Jesus saying God is the God of the living, not the dead? Remember the Transfiguration? In the Bible, witches were calling for the dead to make an appearance. I pray for those who have passed on, and I have no issues with asking any member of the Body of Christ--all of whom are living whether on earth or in the next life, to join me in prayer. And not once have there been any issues with demons as they do not seem to be fans of prayers or people in the presence of God. God is that powerful.
God's that powerful. Humans, not so much. Christ exorcised demons that people didn't even know they had. You ask dead people for a favor. You want the dead to pray with you. What does that accomplish as far as prayers go? Do you ask John the Baptist to pray with you too? Or Peter or Paul? What does praying with the dead achieve that praying to the Father lacks?
Then you haven't read the posts here. You have made no point. Ask the living to pray for you, not the dead.

That is called communing with the dead. Asking Mary for favors.
We have one mediator who intercedes on our behalf. And it isn't Mary. Since scripture tells us that there is only one mediator, why not ask the one mediator to pray for you?
The saints aren't dead. They are with God.

That one mediator is God. You want me to ask God to pray to God?
What does praying with the dead achieve that praying to the Father lacks?
The exact same thing praying with the living achieves. So I could flip that around and ask what does praying with the living achieve that praying to the Father lacks?
God's that powerful. Humans, not so much. Christ exorcised demons that people didn't even know they had. You ask dead people for a favor. You want the dead to pray with you. What does that accomplish as far as prayers go? Do you ask John the Baptist to pray with you too? Or Peter or Paul? What does praying with the dead achieve that praying to the Father lacks?
God's kingdom is vast. Yes, Catholics pray with Mary, Peter and Paul, John the Baptist, John the other words, all the angels and saints, just as we pray for all others. We pray for the kingdom of God, and that kingdom is not the size of a thimble, nor limited. We work together, which is one perspective. The other appears to be one of an individual and God off by themselves, all alone, undisturbed by the rest of creation who are simply useless and in the way. In fact, it appears the belief is that others might well be demon conduits....
The saints aren't dead. They are with God.

That one mediator is God. You want me to ask God to pray to God?
1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

Mediation involves the intervention of a third person, or mediator, into a dispute to assist the parties. Jesus is the go between of man and God. Christ qualifies for the position of mediator because He is the only man that ransomed us.

So, If you make God the mediator, who are the other two parties? Man and ? If you say Jesus then you have completely rewritten scripture.

Let's obliterate the whole verse.> How many saints do you think are also mediators?
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1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

Mediation involves the intervention of a third person, or mediator, into a dispute to assist the parties. Jesus is the go between of man and God. Christ qualifies for the position of mediator because He is the only one that ransomed us.

So, If you make God the mediator, who are the other two parties? Man and ? If you say Jesus then you have completely rewritten scripture.

Let's obliterate the whole verse.> How many saints do you think are also mediators?
I never said saints were mediators. You are like a pharisee.
That one mediator is God. You want me to ask God to pray to God
The Bible begs to differ. The only mediator we have is Jesus, the man, who paid our ransom and therefore qualifies for the position. He stands in the gap between God and man.
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The exact same thing praying with the living achieves. So I could flip that around and ask what does praying with the living achieve that praying to the Father lacks?
This thread has gone from, praying to, to praying for, to praying with the dead.
How does John the Baptist know when it's time to pray with you? How do you summons him?
God's kingdom is vast. Yes, Catholics pray with Mary, Peter and Paul, John the Baptist, John the other words, all the angels and saints, just as we pray for all others. We pray for the kingdom of God, and that kingdom is not the size of a thimble, nor limited. We work together, which is one perspective. The other appears to be one of an individual and God off by themselves, all alone, undisturbed by the rest of creation who are simply useless and in the way. In fact, it appears the belief is that others might well be demon conduits....
So, you work with the dead through prayer. How do you conjure up the spirit of John the Apostle? And how do you know you are working with John and not some demon?

NECROMANCY a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead

Isaiah 8:19 When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,” should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?
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So, you work with the dead through prayer. How do you conjure up the spirit of John the Apostle? And how do you know you are working with John and not some demon?

NECROMANCY a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead

Isaiah 8:19 When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,” should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?
Comparing prayer to conjuring is shameful. Next, Isaiah says not to consult mediums. No medium is ever consulted, nor are information and advice (i.e. "consulting) sought from those who have passed on.

"When two or three are gathered in my name, I am in their midst." The second shameful aspect of the above post is suggesting Jesus is in the midst of demons.

My focus is on God and his Kingdom. I have no time for Satan and any power he may have over this world. If what you see in me is necromancy, consulting with demons, divination, etc., then you shouldn't read even a single word I write, not even a "the".
Comparing prayer to conjuring is shameful. Next, Isaiah says not to consult mediums. No medium is ever consulted, nor are information and advice (i.e. "consulting) sought from those who have passed on.

"When two or three are gathered in my name, I am in their midst." The second shameful aspect of the above post is suggesting Jesus is in the midst of demons.

My focus is on God and his Kingdom. I have no time for Satan and any power he may have over this world. If what you see in me is necromancy, consulting with demons, divination, etc., then you shouldn't read even a single word I write, not even a "the".
The Bible doesn't stop with mediums. It covers the gambit of communing with the dead, then tells us to avoid it. "Mother Mary, Pray for me" is asking the dead for favors. It is communicating with the dead. When the disciples asked Christ how to pray, right off the bat He directed the prayer straight to our Father. Jesus never prayed or inquired anything from John the Baptist. Of all the Godly saints and prophets that went before Him, the only one Jesus ever communed with was His Father.

Since we know that Christ sits at the right hand of His Father, and since demons don't reside in Heaven it is safe to say that when two or three are gathered in His name, He is in the midst of the living here, on earth. Demons don't gather in the name of Jesus. No one even suggested that Christ hangs out with demons.

And since you believe in Purgatory, sure, Paul did some good stuff, but how do you know that Paul isn't still in Purgatory working off his murdering of the followers of Christ? He might not be available to join you in prayer.

What I see in you is a person that believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Whose heart is in the right place, but whose mind is swayed by religious dogma. And the truth is you are saved in spite of yourself. Because, God judges the heart...
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What I see in you is a person that believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Whose heart is in the right place, but whose mind is swayed by religious dogma. And the truth is you are saved in spite of yourself. Because, God judges the heart...
Then you see incorrectly and haven't a clue. I was not swayed not by "religious dogma" but actual experiences. The determination to see Satan ruling the earth and demons around all Catholic corners means taking one's eyes off God--and missing a lot.

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