Zone1 Protestants often dishonest when claiming to go by Scripture--if it "sounds Catholic" OMG, forget it!


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
So we Catholics come to this Religion section of the forum and we hear all day long that such things as Purgatory and Confession and etc.. are not in the Bible

But then when we give Protestants scriptures that support these peculiarly Catholic practices/teachings

All the sudden, they don't believe in scripture (much) anymore! or they accept their interpretation of those Catholic sounding scriptures, and refuse to even question their own ability to interpret, though most have no degree in theology (Catholic clergy do).

They never seem to have a problem condemning Catholics for their interpretation. Nope... so it's every man for himself (interpreting)

Lovely... No wonder a lot of people stay out of any Church, Catholic or Protestant
So we Catholics come to this Religion section of the forum and we hear all day long that such things as Purgatory and Confession and etc.. are not in the Bible

But then when we give Protestants scriptures that support these peculiarly Catholic practices/teachings

All the sudden, they don't believe in scripture (much) anymore! or they accept their interpretation of those Catholic sounding scriptures, and refuse to even question their own ability to interpret, though most have no degree in theology (Catholic clergy do).

They never seem to have a problem condemning Catholics for their interpretation. Nope... so it's every man for himself (interpreting)

Lovely... No wonder a lot of people stay out of any Church, Catholic or Protestant
Everything in the bibles is open to interpretation, by permission of the Catholic church. That leaves the flock hanging somewhere between accepting the Genesis myths and accepting Darwinian evolution.

There can be no criticism of even the most far stretches of interpretation.

As for the Protestants? They're covered all the way from rolling around in the aisles of their churches, to ???? killing their children by refusing a lifesaving blood transfusion!
I took Donald off Ignore
at least for this moment

Again... it's no wonder people do not want to be a Christian. I mean, yeh, Jesus is more than adequate to make someone want to follow Him

but joining a particular church... NO way, say a lot of people.. and yeh, depriving a child of a necessary medical procedure because of YOUR religion..

hate to sound like a protester, but where does it say in Scripture that this is OK?

It doesn't NOT say it , either

But Catholic do not go byscrpture alone, even though Catholic clergy DO have a degree in theology
Find Mary using a rosary and praying to herself in the Bible.

As for sending those in Christ to Hell because they don't swallow Catholic dogma means you are never going to get out of Purgatory! Christ will condemn you with the same measure you condemn His own...
So we Catholics come to this Religion section of the forum and we hear all day long that such things as Purgatory and Confession and etc.. are not in the Bible

But then when we give Protestants scriptures that support these peculiarly Catholic practices/teachings

All the sudden, they don't believe in scripture (much) anymore! or they accept their interpretation of those Catholic sounding scriptures, and refuse to even question their own ability to interpret, though most have no degree in theology (Catholic clergy do).

They never seem to have a problem condemning Catholics for their interpretation. Nope... so it's every man for himself (interpreting)

Lovely... No wonder a lot of people stay out of any Church, Catholic or Protestant
One lie after another. We use scripture, you shun it.
Why did Christ omit any recognition of the Catholic church?
How come only Paul's churches are chosen to be the 7 golden lampstands of Jesus? That's pretty heavy stuff to be left out of, don't you think?

Rev.1:12 Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this. The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.
So we Catholics come to this Religion section of the forum and we hear all day long that such things as Purgatory and Confession and etc.. are not in the Bible

But then when we give Protestants scriptures that support these peculiarly Catholic practices/teachings

All the sudden, they don't believe in scripture (much) anymore! or they accept their interpretation of those Catholic sounding scriptures, and refuse to even question their own ability to interpret, though most have no degree in theology (Catholic clergy do).

They never seem to have a problem condemning Catholics for their interpretation. Nope... so it's every man for himself (interpreting)

Lovely... No wonder a lot of people stay out of any Church, Catholic or Protestant
One reason I became Catholic is non-Catholics won't admit their "Pope" told then the Catholic Pope was wrong about what books are actually in the Bible, maybe the most dishonest religious move of the last 500 years
You know there were massive wars about this right? Like 30% of the population of the German states were killed in the 30 Year's War.

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