For those of us who have clung to the notion the system has held against

PErhaps if your Trump hating pals in the FBI and DOJ hadn't manufactured evidence and lied to her about it, things might be differnet.
Conspiracy theories abound on the Right.
So.......Trumpery has tainted that in your mind too? Part of Trump's goal, and Putin's, is to make Americans think our system doesn't work. That an authoritarian form of government is preferable. I disagree. I'm in the majority.

Understanding how a grand jury works has literally nothing to do with President Trump.

They coined the phase "you can indict a ham sandwich" long before Trump.

One can get an indictment with simple accusations and absolutely no proof.

Much lower standard for an indictment than a conviction and there is no defense given
Liberals did not force Trump to commit the crimes he is charged with committing. Nor will they be responsible if Trump corruptly uses the DoJ to seek vengeance on those who seek to impose the rule of law on him.

No, they made up the "crimes" as part of an overall ploy of lawfare.

They abused existing law, fitting the square pegs into the round holes to get any prosecution, no matter how twisted and perverted, they could.
Every single one of their cases is falling apart. The snowflakes seem surprised.
With one exception all the cases are being delayed by virtue of a concerted effort by loyalist Trump courts. The hush money case is going very badly for Don. How could it not given the mountainous amount of evidence against him.
With one exception all the cases are being delayed by virtue of a concerted effort by loyalist Trump courts. The hush money case is going very badly for Don. How could it not given the mountainous amount of evidence against him.
Wow. Is that what they are telling you in CNN, MSNBC ....? Too funny.
It's a call to become more politically active.
Just like TRUMP!'s on Jan 6, when he told the people to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. Like I said, better hope no one takes you seriously.
With one exception all the cases are being delayed by virtue of a concerted effort by loyalist Trump courts. The hush money case is going very badly for Don. How could it not given the mountainous amount of evidence against him.
Ya it helps when the Judge allows the prosecution to argue things not charged or any evidence presented to support the argument made. Or allows people to testify that have no bearing on any of the charges ACTUALLY brought.
No, they made up the "crimes" as part of an overall ploy of lawfare.
He has been charged by virtue of votes taken by multiple GRAND JURIES who made their determinations according the evidence of illegal activity.
He has been charged by virtue of votes taken by multiple GRAND JURIES who made their determinations according the evidence of illegal activity.

Multiple manipulated Grand Juries in jurisdictions hand picked to have said juries consist of Trump haters.
Ya it helps when the Judge allows the prosecution to argue things not charged or any evidence presented to support the argument made. Or allows people to testify that have no bearing on any of the charges ACTUALLY brought.
The delusions of Trump's defenders are of no consequence to the evidence of his guilt.

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