For those of us who have clung to the notion the system has held against

Remember libs, you did this. Dont be surprised if orange man wins and the wrath comes down.

The sad thing is if they had just let him rant about the 2020 election, he would probably not be the presumptive nominee. But they had to attack him with lawfare, and thus prove to his supporters that he is being attacked as a proxy for the left attacking them.

Maybe 2 years ago they really thought Biden wouldn't be so far along the sunset ride, but now they are stuck in a quagmire (giggity giggity) of their own making.
PErhaps if your Trump hating pals in the FBI and DOJ hadn't manufactured evidence and lied to her about it, things might be differnet.
the fbi has been carrying trump since comey submarined ms clinton with his bull shit.

fbi tried to clear trump after jan 6 with that bogus investigation, and seem to have screwed up the evidence of the secret documents, most treasonous act in american history.
Remember libs, you did this. Dont be surprised if orange man wins and the wrath comes down.
the "wrath" is coming whether we defend ourselves or not. use of our system for one mans paranoid vengence is not what the founders had in mind , is it?
the "wrath" is coming whether we defend ourselves or not. use of our system for one mans paranoid vengence is not what the founders had in mind , is it?
the "wrath" is coming whether we defend ourselves or not. use of our system for one mans paranoid vengence is not what the founders had in mind , is it?

Yes, dems have weaponized the doj, fbi, and have used the system to go after trump. Yeah, don't be surprised...........
the immense pressure exerted by Trumpery, it's time to acknowledge the wall has been breached. I for one as have consistently maintained Trumpery, in its fullest form, had been kept at bay. Even among Trump appointees who followed the law in rejecting his various schemes to upend the constitutional order. Especially those judges who threw out the worthless cases Team Kraken brought to their courtrooms seeking to press the case the 2020 election had been stolen. Until now, it had been tremendously encouraging to see such an essential element of the republic stand firm against the constant probing in order to exploit weaknesses. The aspects of law and rules that were not written in contemplation of a malevolent domestic threat seeking to harm the nation.

Then this happened.

Judge indefinitely delays Trump's classified documents criminal trial

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has indefinitely postponed former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial in Florida pending the resolution of multiple pretrial issues.

Her statement has a kind of Kafkaesque, circular logic vibe. The unsaid part being, "The case can't possibly proceed until various motions are decided on. The ones I have put off deciding on."

Judge in Trump Documents Case Draws Attention for Slow Pace

Aileen Cannon has yet to set a trial date in the complex case accusing Donald J. Trump of mishandling classified materials, and has stirred confusion with some decisions.
Judge in Trump Documents Case Draws Attention for Slow Pace

How we got here can not be explained by a single event but rather by a confluence of them. First, the living, breathing anachronism that is the EC allowed for the colossal misjudgment of the minority to impose on the country a self-serving POS to be prez. A man who in the last weeks of his presidency, while he wasn't on the golf course instead of dealing with the affects of COVID, nominated an inexperienced, unqualified lawyer named Aileen Cannon to sit on the federal bench.

Her nomination was taken up by the eminently corrupt Mitch McConnell who never saw someone the Federalist Society put up for a judgeship that he didn't like. Then, in an immensely unfortunate turn of events for the service of justice, Cannon drew the assignment for the docs case.

This is a classic case of one error leading to another and another. And so we find ourselves, the non-MAGAist's among us, needing to recognize the gravity of the situation. The enemy is inside the walls. After the SC astonishingly took the immunity case for which there is no merit, Cannon's delay, and the recent decision by a GA appeals court to relitigate whether Fani Willis can continue to lead Trump's prosecution, the idea that the courts have held has become a quaint relic of the past. The destructive, insidious force that is Trumpery has a foothold that can not easily be dislodged. It's going to require hard work to do so. This is the time for lovers of democracy to do what Trump told his mob to do on Jan.6, fight like hell.
That sounds like a call to arms. Better hope no one takes you seriously.
that is why most of us get up and get on with our lives when things go wrong, rather than embroiling the nation in our fantasies.
You ASSHOLES have dragged this country though HELL for the last EIGHT FUCKING YEARS.
You can SHOVE your projection UP YOUR ASS!!!
that is why most of us get up and get on with our lives when things go wrong, rather than embroiling the nation in our fantasies.

Fantasies like women being able to have penises?

Or fun things like Queers for Palestine?
Then this happened.
Remember libs, you did this. Dont be surprised if orange man wins and the wrath comes down.
Liberals did not force Trump to commit the crimes he is charged with committing. Nor will they be responsible if Trump corruptly uses the DoJ to seek vengeance on those who seek to impose the rule of law on him.

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