Americans are flush in liquidity - Thanks Joe!

This was a well researched OP. I did throw in the thanks Biden if that’s what you call trolling. With all the doomsday threads I thought some balance was in order. We’ll see but you guys have t been right in 3 years.
Coherency much?
Bad news, home equity is NOT liquid, retirement accounts are NOT liquid. As for personal savings, most of America doesn't agree with you...dumbass.


Hard to sell your home for enough to get that equity because Interest rates are high, and credit is tight.

Equity won't buy food, gas, presents for the kids or grandkids, -

It is simply ridiculous that these Democrat Cultists either don't know better or don't care.
This was a well researched OP. I did throw in the thanks Biden if that’s what you call trolling. With all the doomsday threads I thought some balance was in order. We’ll see but you guys have t been right in 3 years.

Researched - was not the word that you should have used.
Can you post the real income numbers to actually refute his statement.

Or not
Hard to sell your home for enough to get that equity because Interest rates are high, and credit is tight.

Equity won't buy food, gas, presents for the kids or grandkids, -

It is simply ridiculous that these Democrat Cultists either don't know better or don't care.
If someone does sell their house, if they want to use that "equity", what now, buy a tent? Rent an apartment? Chances are, an apartment will cost more per month then they were paying on the house.
People are ltao at you for being a dunce.

You don't even know what that consumer debt means.

Yep, the kind I don't have. Credit cards, store cards, auto loans, personal loans ect. Don't get me wrong, I use cash back credit cards, but I pay them in full every month. I don't pay any interest or fees, they pay me.

Yep, the kind I don't have. Credit cards, store cards, auto loans, personal loans ect. Don't get me wrong, I use cash back credit cards, but I pay them in full every month. I don't pay any interest or fees, they pay me.
I am sure someone in your family taught you that, and good for them. We have been that way since 1998. Make them pay you interest.
How about America of the 1990’s, when college was affordable and actually worth the price. When people could actually buy a house without putting themselves in debt for half a century?
You mean when Clinton was president?


(wink) :p
Americans are flush with liquidity.

Home equity is at record levels and consumers are in their least levered situation in history. According to the February 2024 ICE Mortgage Monitor report, the average homeowner currently has about $299,000 in home equity, about $193,000 of which is tappable home equity.

The American consumer is so liquid right now that we could be in an economic growth cycle for the next decade Although predicting outcomes is difficult due to external factors.

In addition to home equity, bank accounts are record highs as are retirement saving.

To Recap:
  • $32T is a record amount of home equity
  • $38T is a record for retirement accounts
  • $5.5T is a record in personal savings
  • Real (inflation adjusted) incomes are record levels excluding the Covid period.
It is a great time to be alive! Thanks Biden!

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